Apple, Microsoft Stock Does Stuff

Yesterday, the technology world was full of this whole “market capitalisation” thing where Apple overtook Microsoft and became the biggest technology company in the world. Illustrating the futility of this stuff, the situation has already been reversed today, but before the end of the day, Apple may overtake Microsoft again. Or not. Or it may start raining unicorns. No, we’re not going to keep track of this stuff. I’m just mentioning it here so nobody can accuse us of being anti-Apple. So, here it goes: for one night, Apple was the biggest technology company in the world by market capitalisation. I hugged my Macs and iPhone.


  1. 2010-05-27 4:23 pm
    • 2010-05-27 5:50 pm
  2. 2010-05-27 6:15 pm
    • 2010-05-27 9:31 pm
  3. 2010-05-27 10:40 pm
  4. 2010-05-28 8:48 am