“Today we are announcing the project release of MeeGo 1.2. This release provides a solid baseline for device vendors and developers to start creating software for various device categories on Intel Atom and ARMv7 architectures. The MeeGo 1.2 Core OS provides a complete set of enabling technologies for mobile computing.” Highlights include significantly enhanced connectivity, a switch to QML, and the release of a development preview dedicated to tablet devices.
Sweeeet! Now please make it possible to put Meego on my N8!
The CPU of the N8 is too slow for a full linux stack such as MeeGo. You’ll have to buy a N9, which may come with an OMAP4 or equivalent (soon to be confirmed/infirmed at the MeeGo Conf next week).
Edited 2011-05-20 10:11 UTC
hmm N8 too slow but i think in power is like the n900 and the n900 can run meego
For reference, the N900 has* an OMAP3430 (ARMv7).
The N8 uses** a downclocked ARMv6 CPU, a samsung K5W4G2GACA.
(*wikipedia page on OMAP)
(**www.ifixit.com N8 teardown, step 15)
Ironically, only Symbian can run on these devices properly. Too bad Symbian isn’t cleaned up, like it should have been. That much code is a liability, not an asset(Symbian code).
I think someone else should be coming up with quality devices for MeeGo.
Is it possible to run MeeGo inside VirtualBox? I do have a Nokia N900, but I really like my Maemo there. 🙂
Edited 2011-05-20 10:13 UTC
Buy an 8 gig micro sd card and install meego there. Then, you can dual boot maemo and meego.
To boot to maemo (without removing the sd card), interrupt boot sequence by pressing a key and write “run noloboot” on the command prompt.
That’s the one technology I really really really want to try right now.
Wayland is speculated for 1.4:
Me and my netbook are unimpressed for the third time in a row, except when it comes to making my netbook feel fast and snappy.
Now just for the Developer Edition to grace my Nokia N900…
netbook and fast and snappy do not belong in the same sentence.
Sure they do, if you use a light WM or DE.
Edited 2011-05-20 23:36 UTC
Wasn’t this originally planned for release in April?
And now there is no decent word processor. (No, Calligra Words doesn’t count, it’s buggy to the point of unusability.)
Also, there’s no obvious way to quit Banshee. (Which BTW takes 30+ seconds to start, why on Earth do they even use it?)
In general the whole thing creates the impression of buggy, beta-quality software.
I mean I’m getting used to unity, but I like the speed of this . On my EEEPC 1001P, it feels damn fast, compared to unity. 2 gigs of ram, 7200 rpm 320gb hard drive, and Unity is still slow. But this snorts from the usb. Me thinks an install is on the way.
Have your tried unity-2d (qt) its much faster than GTK and take about 10% of the ressources