Samsung Accuses Apple of Photoshopping Evidence

Okay, the court case between Apple and Samsung started in The Netherlands today, over Samsung’s various Android devices. The day has been pretty uneventful – up until just now. Andreas Udo de Haes, editor at, present in the court room, just tweeted that Samsung is accusing Apple of ‘tampering’ with the evidence – they claim it has been Photoshopped. The story is ongoing, more sure to follow. Update: The tampering of photos will be fully covered tomorrow. Update II: The general gist is that Apple supposedly manipulated photos of the iPad and Galaxy Tab to make the similarities stand out. This is a pretty harsh claim, I’m dying to see the evidence Samsung has for this one.


  1. 2011-08-10 1:51 pm
    • 2011-08-10 4:03 pm
  2. 2011-08-11 9:05 pm