Frank alerted us to the new cartoons IBM presents on their website. Though generally out of character for, here’s a little weekend humor. Linux Animations (requires Flash or Realplayer).
Frank alerted us to the new cartoons IBM presents on their website. Though generally out of character for, here’s a little weekend humor. Linux Animations (requires Flash or Realplayer).
ISM? should it not be IBM?
I love it!
funny thing – that was the title the submitter gave it, and he works for ISM^H^H^H IBM.
Frank alerted us to the new cartoons IBM presents on their website.
It’s not new at all. It’s available for months, maybe a year.
Most of them were new for me. I love them. They’re really funny.
well they are old …
but funny too
we need more hehehe
What were they smoking?
I got a real kick out of what they did with the Free Software Song, and I enjoyed the temple where they worship RMS and Linus.
Seriously, these videos watch like they’re straight out of Linux Zealot:
Hm, they’re fun. Good. IBM has a future on this biz
the coolest one was definately the meditation one… although an iBook would have done better in place of the thinkpad. but it is IBM
if only macromedia would make a flash player plugin for linux/ppc so i dont have to run mac-on-linux every time i want to watch flash stuff…
Am I missing something? There’s been a Flash player for Linux for ages. Same for Realplayer. But why the f**k is there a Quicktime animation there? No Quicktime plugin for Linux as far as I know.
… for the day we could actually do animations like these on a linux machine
There’s no Flash authoring tool for Linux or any similar software for web animation/web games.
Flash MX under wine sucks and require a windows partition, I don’t know how it is under crossover office. Please Macromedia, port this software to us!!
were the meditation and evolution…….the ones that realy sucked were the the dancing and the passion ones, the others fell in the middle somewhere.
//Flash MX under wine sucks and require a windows partition, I don’t know how it is under crossover office. Please Macromedia, port this software to us!!//
Why, so you can download it for free?
Great business model, that.
Dream on.
“Am I missing something? There’s been a Flash player for Linux for ages.”
Yes, you are missing something…
“if only macromedia would make a flash player plugin for linux/ppc“
“But why the f**k is there a Quicktime animation there? No Quicktime plugin for Linux as far as I know.”
There are several programs in Linux for playing Quicktime (provided MPEG-4 is used instead of Sorensen), the most notable being the gstreamer architecture, see
… I wish they would have done the same for OS/2 in the past. I guess somebody at IBM recently is finally trying to go against micro#*%@, and this is why they have spent “billions of dollars…” Spank bill for us, IBM!
>>were the meditation and evolution…….the ones that realy sucked were the the dancing and the passion ones, the others fell in the middle somewhere.<<
agreed i think “free the code” one was pretty bad. The dancing one was bad and creepy. Please stop with 3d animation outside of feature films.
IBM that is a waste of time and money. And they were crap too.
Excuse me … but should this site now be called ? Seems to be all that is reported on …
Skiosis? What can you possibly be talking about? Linux News? Let’s scan the 10 most recent headlines, at the time you posted your comment.
1. IBM’s Wacky Linux cartoons
2. ReactOS Makes Strides In Development
3. FreeBSD 5 RC3 Available
4. Former Red Hat Employee “Bero” Starts New Distro
5. Cosmoe 0.6 Released
6. Judge Gives Mixed Ruling in Be/Burst/Sun-Microsoft Cases
7. Red Hat Linux 8.1 To Ship in April, Corporate Desktop Due In Late 2003
8. Handspring Courts RIM
9. killerAudio is Coming with QNX 6.2.1
10. How Windows Server 2003 Stacks Up
Doesn’t look especially Linux-y to me. 2 Linux items, possibly 3. Do I smell a troll?
Excuse me … but should this site now be called ? Seems to be all that is reported on …
Hah, try asking the Linux zealots around here that… they’re all convinced that Eugenia is a Microsoft employee.
I went onto OSNews the other day and the whole page was full of Linux articles …
it was a general comment about the site these days rather than a comment about it right now …
Actually, there is four Linux items in that list, this one, the one about RH 8.1, Cosmoe and ArkLinux. that’s 40% :-). But that isn’t the average here, sometimes it is 90%, sometimes it is less than 10%. 🙂
Ir’s really nice that the open source guy ends in a really giant crash.
And the fact that after the crash, some of the chained penguins may have gotten hurts, maybe died….