“Here’s a business riddle: divine Google’s intentions for its largest-ever acquisition, the $12.5 billion purchase of the once-great, now-faltering Motorola Mobility. Motorola represents one of the thorniest strategic and operational challenges in Google’s 14-year history. Oddly, few seem to be paying attention.”
“divine Google’s intentions”
Did you mean define?
It is a valid if relatively uncommon use of divine.
Thanks, I had never heard divine used as a verb before and some quick checking only showed the usage I knew (godly). Of course a more thorough check by me would have been better.
I was also surprised to see that this article actually requires registration to read (not sure if that is possible from everywhere around the world or if it would be free). Is it normal to link to such “hidden” articles on OSNews?
Huh. I can read it and I have no subscription :/.
At least here in the US, WSJ has a paywall up, requiring a subscription to read beyond the first couple of paragraphs. I can usually read full articles when on my Android device though.
It points me to this link: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304587704577335990254…
and on that link I can read until “What of the factories churning out low-margin cellphones …”
Above the text it says “Exclusive subscriber content, for full site access login or subscribe now and get 4 weeks free”
Below the text it says “to continue reading subscribe now”
I am accessing this article from The Netherlands
Seconded. I created a free account (from US) and I still can only read the excerpt.
I do know WSJ is testing their planned subscription based business model, but I don’t know who’s included in the test.
The fragmentation of the web has begun, it’s a preview of things to come.
How deliciously unusual, for the US browsers to be the ones unable to access websites due to regional issues, for a change.
This works for me: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ILIfv-Rsm1UJ:o…
Thanks Google!
I’m blocked from the original article by a paywall (in Texas), but your link is open with “Article Free Pass – Enjoy your preview of subscriber content” at the top.
(It’s WSJ’s right to charge for their content if they like and how they like, and they definitely have good stuff. I’ll get around to subscribing as soon as I’ve read the rest of the Internet… 😉
No, he means ‘divine’. Such as, using a divining rod to search for water. Which is why he said “riddle”. He means for you to search for Google’s intentions.
He used the correct word to imply the correct meaning.
It’s patent wars, baby. Expect lots of litigation soon. See this http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/11/11120173-microsoft… on Microsoft’s moves in this arena.
The operational side of Motorola won’t be a challenge, because Google acquired Motorola with all it’s operations managers and experienced employees.
It is allaying the fears of other Android handset manufacturers that poses the biggest challenge.
A probable solution is to give HTC, Samsung, LG, Sony either a place on the Motorolla board, crosslicense patents and/or even possibly (exteme solution nonetheless) an option to buy a stake in Motorolla if they want to or easier an shareswop.
They could even share manufacturing facilities.
Another thing is the Google mindset. Selling advertising when the infrastructure is in place is relatively easy money compared to selling hardware in a cutthroat enviroment with low margins and all the other headaches that comes with selling hardware like honouring warranties ect.
Edited 2012-04-11 23:18 UTC
Selling advertising when the infrastructure is in place
Well, after all, Google is advertising company
Edited 2012-04-12 00:33 UTC
Call me crazy but I think they needed access to Motorola’s patents, and perhaps even their future designs, in part to make it easy to bring Project Glass to fruition. It’s purely conjecture on my part, but it makes sense to me.
I’m sure someone out there will eventually find the golden egg by digging through Motorola’s patent portfolio, and I’m curious to see exactly which patents and ideas Google could use going forward.
Others have noted what Google wanted: Patents. But it doesn’t look like the patents were worth $12B, since many/most of them are covered by FRAND agreements requiring Motorola to non-discriminately license them to other orgs. My bet is that Google keeps the hardware design side of the Motorola house, and sells off the manufacturing side; which doesn’t (and never will) have the capacity of a HTC or Samsung.
Google can offset motorola’s previous two year’s losses against its own profits. This means it can earn more tax free in the US this year rather than pretending these earnings are made overseas in a tax-haven. Effectively it allows them to bring back money in to the US while avoiding capital gains tax.
…nevermind.. I think it was the patents.
Edited 2012-04-12 13:28 UTC