“Etoile intends to be an innovative, GNUstep-based, user environment built from the ground up on highly modular and light components. It is created with project and document orientation in mind, in order to allow users to create their own workflow by reshaping or recombining provided Services (a.k.a. Applications) and Components. Flexibility and modularity on both User Interface and code level should allow us to scale from handheld to desktop environments.” A new release. An actual one. Awesome. And yes, OSNews has issues with diacritic marks, so don’t ask.
…am I the only one who never fails to read it as eToilet?
Pretty much. The actual pronunciation is far from what you’re saying.
Of course. Spelling and pronunciation are two different things, especially with weird words like this one… (it’s French or something, ain’t it?). I sort of have an idea of how it’s supposed to be pronounced, but still, I *always* end up reading it that way at first. Even with the diacritic marks. Honestly, it’s got to the point where in my head I just semi-jokingly pronounce it that way. Of course, I know of no one who even knows what the hell it is, let alone heard of it, so I never actually use the word. If I did, I’m sure there’s be a bit of joking here and there.
“Étoilé” is “starred” in French.
Let’s try to get a pronunciation understandable for english-speaking people… “ehtwaleh”.
Edited 2012-06-13 13:23 UTC
Wasn’t that the big ol’ tree in Avatar?
Or “starry”? http://translate.google.com/#fr|en|étoilé and then I checked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Étoilé which also says so.
Anyway, the real reason for me pasting “étoilé” into GTranslate: its Listen function – does the machine pronounce it close enough?
Yes, it does.
I’ve been following this off and on for a while now. I really like that it is GNUstep based, MIT/BSD licensed, and that its goals are right in line with mine: Document/workflow centric, open, simple and elegant interface.
I foresee staying up for a build session tonight…
I’ve always had WindowMaker+GWorkspace as a backup whenever Gnome2 got under my skin. The combination of a gentoo installation on a semi-dying harddisk and the horror known as Gnome3, I ditched my gentoo system and went for an LFS-based GNUstep-centric desktop. It works rather well. I haven’t gotten around to install the new GWorkspace 0.9.1, but I hope it fixes those small bugs there are here and there.
SimpleWebKit is no match for WebKit yet, but Vespucci.app is good enough for browsing documentation.
There’s patches for older version of GWorkspace to use PopplerKit instead of PDFKit to render PDF-files, but they need to be updated to work with newer versions of GWorkspace.
Enable the desktop function in GWorkspace, and try this in a console: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSMenuInterfaceStyle NSMacintoshInterfaceStyle
It’s a bit perverted, obscene even, but rather nice despite that, or because of that… (red, paint, girlscout, handcuffs, unicorns and flying pigs etc.)
Apart from that there is only to enjoy the wonderful terseness of the applications available, and the no-nonsense look.
EDIT: Don’t forget to use LLVM+Clang-3.x and libobjc2-1.6 (get from SVN).
Edited 2012-06-13 22:21 UTC
Is it actually usable in the state it is in at the moment? It seems to me they only released one module (EtoileFoundation) out of several… Can one actually build a working desktop from this?
Your desktop will have to be GNUstep for now if you want to try out Étoilé, it is definitely a work in progress.
I’m just glad someone with actual coding skill is pushing for the same workflow-centric paradigm I’ve always wanted. This project is a huge step in the right direction.
Okay so I won’t ask. I’ll just try…
Experiment over…
Diacritics work fine in the comments, just not on the news items themselves.
Actually, I’d guess the problem is as simple as diacritics not working in the *title*. Because while everything else is just text, the title gets used for stuff like permalinks and things, and I can quite easily imagine that some of that code might choke on non-ASCII characters…
To me it looks PRETTY DARN GOOD!
I tried to use it in the past without any luck. The reason for this was inmaturity of the project as well as installation problems.