Intel-powered Geeksphone Revolution runs Firefox OS, Android

The Revolution is not only more powerful than most, but also a first-of-its-kind. Geeksphone MultiOS technology allows you to choose your operating system. Starting with Google Android operating system, you can seamlessly switch to Boot2Gecko by Mozilla, or any other community-supported flavor of an OS. You choose, and we will keep you updated thanks to our 1-click OTA system.

There are three reasons why this phone fascinates me. One, it is the first non-crappy device for Firefox OS, which I’m interested in, but never got into because I didn’t want to waste money on underpowered hardware. This phone seems to solve that. Two, it’s designed to provide dual-boot from the get-go, so you can truly run multiple ROMs. Three, it’s an x86 phone, which fascinates me simply because it isn’t ARM – and opens up possibilities of craziness like desktop operating systems on your phone.

It’s also relatively cheap at EUR 222, which is almost doable as an impulse buy. I’m keeping my eye on this one.


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