Fortunately though, Mozilla keeps on trucking, and Firefox OS appears to be constantly improving. The latest version available is 1.3.0, with the latest preview being 1.4. Now, sources from China have gotten their hands on a ton of screenshots and new information regarding Firefox OS 2.0, and we must say, the UI looks quite pretty.
This looks quite good indeed.
I don’t trust Mozilla, actually I uninstalled Firefox (as thousands more), if they bow down to the “gay mafia” how can I trust they won’t bow to the goverment? if they can’t respect the privacy of their own CEO how can I trust them mine? Mozilla blew it big time, they lost more than just a CEO.
As did I. I won’t support any company that capitulates the way they did simply because the CEO exercised his personal free speech.
It doesn’t even have to be for that. They capitulated because he exercised free speech. That is bad enough. I will never have this company’s browser or any other related product they produce installed on any computer I own ever again.
Amen brother!
Edited 2014-04-09 23:28 UTC
I never actually liked Firefox, but this kind of comments make me want it installed. It is amazing that after all those years of social development people still call “free speech” one’s attempts at controling others’ bedrooms.
>”It is amazing that after all those years of social development people still call “free speech” one’s attempts at controling others’ bedrooms.”
…or redefining the definition of marriage.
For the record, nobody was saying gays couldn’t do what gays do in the bedroom…. or even have the same legal rights as married people. Marriage is a religious institution. It’s redefinition is especially concerning to those of religious background. It was not about “hate” as was often implied or outright stated. It was simply an issue of definitions. Words mean things. When a group tries to change them there are ramifications for that change.
if the problem is about government’s recognition of marriage then let the government stop doing so. The whole reason why the government played any involvement in the first place was to reinforce the family unit as this helps society. That is a moot point if the redefinition of marriage includes those you can’t create a family naturally.
I don’t want to get off track so I’m hoping you will let this side-thread about gay rights relative to christian rights end with this comment.
Edited 2014-04-09 23:57 UTC
And I am exercising my right to free speech and end this particular thread right here.
Heed the warning.
Why are you ending the thread Thom?
This is pretty much everything that I hate about what’s happened to the left these days. Old skool leftist used to believe in free speech, and personal freedoms. Now it’s run by people like you, who assume people are idiots, and cannot be trusted to hear controversial views.
Your version of free speech is that you can talk about anything you like as long as you agree with it.
Threatening people to end a thread on a message board is *extremely* poor form. Especially when the thread wasn’t particularly heated or abusive. ‘themwagency’ was just expressing an opinion.
It’s pathetic.
No, it’s off topic..
First of all, I don’t think it is off-topic. The article was discussing the viability of the product. Users views about the company involved are perfectly valid.
But, for arguments sake, let’s say it is. That would be why we have the “off-topic” vote down option!? An enormous amount of the comments on OSNews are off-topic, and have never been given the “cease and desist” edict from above that this one got.
I can’t believe anyone here seriously believes this got shut down because it was off-topic. It got censored.
Discrimination, racism, antisemitism are not allowed on OSNews. I should have never let it come this far and let OSNews become a podium for hate speech vs. a specific group of people. That is entirely my own fault. The idea that homosexuals should have less rights than heterosexuals is so alien and backwards to me that I never stopped to think there’d be people in the OSNews audience who still held such medieval ideas.
That is my fault, and I feel truly ashamed and disgusted that this website is now a podium for such hatred and bigotry.
Black, Muslim, Jewish, homosexual – it’s fcuking irrelevant. If you think any of those characteristics should grant one fewer rights, then you’ve got major issues.
Yeah, its off topic… I get it. But I think this kind of back and forth is productive. Those that called for Eich’s head were wrong, and those calling to boycott Mozilla over it are wrong too.
My hope is that after it bounces around a while both sides of the issue might gain a little perspective from the flip side.
No. There are two things a marriage means: one is the religious one, and the other is the legal, government – driven one. LGBT – community is seeking equality with the latter, not the former. It’s certainly not our fault that both the government and the church use the same word for different things and thus you cannot lay the blame on us.
Also, the LGBT – community isn’t trying to “redefine” words, they are only seeking equality in the eyes of the law. It’s you who is so horribly defensive about the term “marriage” when LGBT – community at large doesn’t care what the term is as long as the rights are equal. Change the legal term to something other than “marriage” and no one cares!
All this is to say, stop being so defensive about the definition of a single god damn word.
It was called “Domestic Partnership”. It had very nearly (although not _exactly_) the same rights, privileges, and legal definition as marriage in California, with one major exception – it was not called “marriage”… It was established in 1999, but did not become “virtually equivalent” legally to marriage until about 2003 (5 years before Prop 8)
Prop 8, the bill that Eich donated money to support, did not remove any of the rights, privileges, or legal definitions. What it did was strike down marriages that occurred in 2004 in San Francisco that were not established under supporting law. These were not Domestic Partnershps, they were deemed marriages – and at the time they was no supporting law to make them legal. They were defacto established by the Mayor at the time, Gaven Newsom. The Supreme Court of California had upheld those defacto marriages as legal in 2008, Prop 8 was intended to reverse this decision though a ballot initiative by popular vote.
I am posting this mostly because I’m tired of people arguing about this issue not knowing the fundamental truths involved. I am personally ALL for gay marriage, but saying things like “the term doesn’t matter” is completely missing the point – the controversy is entirely about the term. Pro or against, whatever, that is EXACTLY what it is about. It is not a rights issue, it is about the term “marriage”.
Someone who supported prop 8, who says they did so because they believe the term “marriage” should be reserved for it religious use, may very will be honest in saying so. They do not have to hate gays, they do not have to believe in taking away someones rights. Then again maybe they do – I can’t see into Eich’s heart. Just saying I don’t personally believe that donating money to prop 8 automatically makes you a bigot.
Both sides of the issue are guilty of this – that is kinda my point… The gay community did not want domestic partnerships or civil unions – it is very much about the word marriage.
I personally think the term does matter, and should be the same either way, but my preference would be to completely divorce the concept of religious marriage with legal marriage. Make everyone get “civil union” or “domestic partnership” licenses, and let religions figure out whether or not they want to recognize same sex couples. It shouldn’t even be a political issue at all in my opinion.
As I look at it, it’s not recognized by the federal law. That means it’s not even nearly equal.
Well, I suppose we hang out in different kinds of groups. The people I associate with don’t care about the term being used and neither do I.
That would be the most sane thing to do. Religion should have no play whatsoever wrt. politics and law.
You have to keep the timeline in mind… Prior to June 2013 it din’t matter what you called it – the US federal government did not recognize same-sex marriages – period. As such, at the time, Domestic Partnership was equivalent to marriage in the state of California.
I’m not trying to condone Prop 8, fact is those who pushed for that ballot initiative tried a few others first that were extremely anti-gay rights – they didn’t make the ballot fortunately… But regardless, Prop 8 was not an anti-gar rights bill – it was purely about designation, i.e. it was about use of the word marriage. That is just fact.
Edited 2014-04-10 04:29 UTC
I don’t see how any of that is relevant to what I said. Regardless of the term being used the situation just isn’t equal in the whole country, no matter how much California does or doesn’t do about it. If they had used “marriage” as the term it still would be the same situation. The term just doesn’t matter, it’s merely a word, and there’s no reason for why “marriage” couldn’t be in use by religious institutes and some other term by federal government.
I agree completely… But my point was to shed a little light on what Prop 8 was and why (it may be) wrong to dismiss Eich as a bigot just because he supported it at the time (i.e. 2008).
Ironically the ruling in June 2008 overturning DOMA (i.e. requiring the federal government to now recognize same sex marriage) virtually guarantees that we will not have universally recognized same-sex marriage in the US for years or even decades… It leaves it entirely up to the states, and like it or not (I don’t) most of the states in our union will simply not pass such legislation without being forced by the federal government.
The US is very much a divided nation when it comes to this issue.
Edited 2014-04-10 04:54 UTC
I think you have gotten me misunderstood somewhere along the lines. I haven’t been calling him a bigot and I was actually somewhat against forcing him down from the spot of a CEO. Regardless of what his own tastes are there is a chance he could still have been able to ignore his own tastes and prejudices and steered the ship acceptably. At least he should have been given a chance to show if he can do that or not.
To be honest, that was for other’s benefit – I did not mean to say you thought he was a bigot, just the general attitude towards his support for Prop 8 seems to lean that way. I was mostly wanting to establish that Prop 8 was very much about the term marriage, as silly as that seems to both you and me.
While I’d like to agree, I think you mean “married in the eyes of God” vs. “married in the eyes of the Government”.
If the religious people weren’t just hypocritical assholes they’d also complain about a man and women who don’t believe in their God getting married by celebrants/registrars and not priests.
– Brendan
If the link was labeled “new default theme of CyanogenMod”, I wouldn’t spot the fraud. (I would notice the childish look of Calendar app though.) Apparently this copycat trend in UI design is getting too far.
Flat, bland, boring.
Probably for a geometrically perfect aluminium and glass parallelepipede.
Edited 2014-04-10 00:26 UTC
I agree, it looks flat and dull. Come on people, soviet design philosophy got humanity into space, but it was never pretty to look at. Well, i guess you can’t argue with results.
I’m interested in this, particularly to level the playing field (along with Sailfish) should it become successful in a mass market sense – competition other than that from iOS and Windows would be great.
With regard to the comments above, I am tired of reading how people justify bigotry as ok because it’s ‘free speech’, as Eich is somehow hard done by. The guy donated money to deny other people of their rights. End of. Stop defending it as somehow ok. He exercised his freedom and all freedoms have their consequence.
In line with the industry going (Next Android release) to brighter colours. Only WP is left with its terribad palette.
Still not as good as juicy as the 1st Firefox screenshots with the cards UI.
…or am I blind?
i’m putting my money down on the geeksphone revolution.
i’m bored with android and firefox actually open. (as much as a phone can possibly be.)
Bring back webOS and I’ll be happy.
How about … just leaving?
Are you retarded, or something?
It’s hilarious how the original article claim to have had the screenshots from internal sources as if Firefox OS development was following some sort of closed source development model à la Android/iOS.
All the new UI specifications and mocks are publicly available and have been from a while, you can find them filed under this bug on our tracker:
like… absolutely everything else today, riding dat “zomg t3h skeuomorphism is evil! flat is our new god!” wave of UI design.