With the first Tizen device, the Samsung Z1, shipping and reaching the hands of customers, it might be a good time to take a look at what kind of development options you have if you want to build a Tizen application. While you can code in HTML5, the real deal is, as always, native development.
Native applications can utilize a greater range of device features and can provide better performance than other applications. This is because native applications use a wide range of device APIs and are particularly lightweight. However, creating native applications can initially be complex if you are not familiar with the native API layout, application architecture, and life-cycle. In addition, you must become familiar with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) that are required to make scalable and fast graphics.
You can also delve deeper into Tizen development.
Meanwhile, AndroidCentral has taken a look at the Z1 as well, concluding:
If we’re ever to see Tizen on a high-end phone, with a proper global marketing push behind it, chances are it’ll look drastically different to what we see on the Samsung Z1 today. For now, what Samsung has is a lower-cost, slightly more modern replacement for its older Bada devices, not a potential successor to its vast Android lineup.
Tizen will be compatible with C, C++, Lua, Python, Ruby, Rust, OCaml, Vala, etc
The language support is nice, but there isn’t much of a market for apps right now, and it doesn’t look like there will be. Always fun to scratch itches where you find them, but not worth spending professional time on.
Looks like tizen continues in the tradition of symbian, maemo, meego and sailfish to allow true multitasking. I don’t really get why ubuntu touch ‘needs’ to only pretend to multitask because it is mobile. I have never seen any discussion of the pros and cons of the true multitasking of meego/sailfish by ubuntu developers, and why they chose to do the iphone’s ‘looks like multitasking when it works’ instead.
Battery life they say, but no mention of why n9/jolla still have good battery life with true multitasking.
I guess the best explanation is that they expect to have lot’s of crappy applications that won’t bother do the right thing as described eg. in the tizen document linked above “For example, for power management reasons, well-designed applications reduce resource usage when they detect that their display window is covered by another application window. State change events make the detection possible”
Edited 2015-02-09 08:46 UTC
Yes, that has always been my understanding as well.
My suggestion for OS makers would be record energy- and network bandwidth usage per application so users can see what app is causing problems.
Edited 2015-02-09 16:25 UTC