We have positive progress and major future business potential with Sailfish openings e.g. in China and Russia. While these projects are big and take time, they’re developing steadily and we expect them to grow into sizable businesses for us overtime. These two are now our key customers but the projects are in early phase and our revenues are tight. At the same time realizing this opportunity requires significant R&D investments from our licensing customers and Jolla.
Meanwhile, as Russia and China are progressing, we also have good traction with other new potential licensing customers in different regions. Good discussions are ongoing, and we’re waiting eagerly to get to share those with you.
And yes, they’re still going to at some point maybe possibly start the refunding process for the tablet. My Jolla Tablet spent about 5 minutes outside of the box, since there’s not much you can actually do with it.
A common trait to most failed GNU/Linux and QNX attempts into the mobile market.
Worse is that none of them have contributed their SDK changes back to the Qt guys, otherwise Qt’s support for mobile OS development would be much better than it is.
At least Jolla and SailfishOS is still around in contrast to WebOS, FirefoxOS or Ubuntu TouchOS
Are they, where?
Edited 2017-06-26 12:46 UTC
The Inoi R7 available for buying since a few days: https://buyon.ru/1311520/inoi-r7/
The community is very active on http://talk.maemo.org/ and together.jolla.com
New thirdparty apps and updated apps on https://openrepos.net
WebOS is now called LuneOS.
Yes you are right.
Though LuneOS is a completely refresh/renewal on a completely other base UI wise trying to mimic the WebOS stuff.
And just for completion Ubuntu TouchOS is somehow kept alive by UBPorts aswell.
Edited 2017-06-27 08:41 UTC
.NET based SDK
A common trait to most failed Windows Phone into the mobile market.
This despite the efforts of very large companies like Microsft, Nokia and many of their buddies.
I don’t know what you want to imply or if there is a kind of hidden subliminal message attached to your post but, clearly, we all know that there is much more than just the qualities and deficiencies of SDK’s to be attributed to success, or lack of it, of OS, be them mobile or not.
Edited 2017-06-26 14:35 UTC
I will explain you in simple steps, so that you can understand it.
1 – Company forks Qt SDK
2 – Company extends Qt SDK to support mobile development on their OS
3 – Company goes under
4 – The Qt Company sees zero changes coming from those mobile APIs
I also expect zero contributions coming to .NET Core from Samsung, regarding Tizen.
Can you reread your original post? I will explain it to you in simple steps, so that you can understand it.
1 – You imply that every time Qt was used to develop a mobile OS it failed and you stopped there, no explanations at all why, I used your same logic on another solution that you and I, may you believe or not, like (yes I still use a Windows Phone and it is fine). And granted, Nokia DID contributed back to MS efforts as also some other partners. Despite all efforts, most will say that it failed (I would not use this kind of simplification, though);
2 – You add, in a secondary assertive that, not only that, but whoever tried to use it did not contribute back which is not entirely true because some projects were open source and it is up to Qt dev team to incorporate what it see as useful.
Did I miss something else?
Edited 2017-06-26 17:45 UTC
Another proof that good engineers are catastrophically bad managers.
* We are trying to make the Russian+China opportunity work and that is basically all we can handle and our only option for the future but this isn’t making us many yet
* About that tablet refund…We changed our minds about this again. As soon as we start making money we will send some of that to some of you guys…in a random way because reasons
* About that Sony phone ROM…more about that next week, on the last day that we promised previously (translation, we don’t want to give you the bad news about a delay yet because we have infinite optimism in getting everything done this week)
Summary of the summary:
We didn’t get anything improved, but the future looks bright!
Edited 2017-06-26 11:15 UTC
> My Jolla Tablet spent about 5 minutes outside of the box, since there’s not much you can actually do with it.
Why ?
I have it running here as a kitchen multimedia/webbrowsing thingy.
Works pretty fine as a browsing and media consumption device.
And this is what a tablet is for or isn’t it ?
For a multimedia/web browsing appliance, you really, really don’t need such an “exotic” device/OS as Sailfish. Absolutely any other tablet from any other maker would do just as well (given specs are decent). People who pre-ordered Jolla tablet (well, majority of them, I assume) were obviously interested in more than just multimedia and web browsing.
I didn´t preorder it but what I expected from it is to be able to run Linux apps (even if they weren´t optimiezed for mobile. In the N900 I used Midnight Commander and it is a terminal application), things like Python, Perl, Bash (and to be able to run the same scripts that in a desktop/server), etc.
Do you really need all that for a kitchen multimedia appliance?..
Yeah possible on the tablet of course.
When it comes to GUI Desktop apps not so much.
It is possible with the right desktop libs installed (like qtwidgets stuff) but not very good as most of those applications don’t run under wayland.
Though someone compiled XWayland on it and was able to run Chromium and other Linux Desktop apps on it.
> People who pre-ordered Jolla tablet (well, majority of them, I assume) were obviously interested in more than just multimedia and web browsing.
You mean the availability of the terminal, ssh, screen, tmux, vim, emacs, mutt and such ?
Thats of course available aswell.
And the majority of Jolla tablet users wanted a tablet for browsing and multimedia just without android and this is what they got (if they got the tablet
Otherwise I don’t know what your expectations were for this tablet.
Its not a Unicorn farting rainbows device.
I did not have any expectations, I wasn’t even interested in it.
And I have no idea what is Thom talking about (honestly, I have no idea what he means by his remarks like 80% of the time, but that’s another issue).
It’s just that your “I bought Jolla tablet solely to serve as a kitchen multimedia appliance” sounded just as weird, if not weirder than Thom’s comment.