When I think about whether the Pixelbook could reasonably replace a MacBook or a Windows laptop, my gut says that, for most people, the answer is “no.” To solve the “last 10 percent” on a Pixelbook, you really have to be very savvy about how to navigate the different computing paradigms of Chrome and Android to make the whole thing work – and even then, it’s not easy. Unless you’re an expert in the ways of both the web and Android, it shouldn’t be your only computer.
If I were Apple or Microsoft, I would be thinking a lot about the generation of students who are savvy with Chromebooks and Android apps, and who might just want the same thing they’re used to from their classroom, just in a much nicer package. I don’t know that it’ll happen this year, though.
Honestly, I think the iPad Pro is a better comparison. On both devices, you can get quite a lot more done than you’d expect, but you have to deeply understand how the platform works to get there. And if you’re debating between them, here’s the TL;DR: the iPad Pro has better apps, is a tablet-first device, and has a worse web browser. The Pixelbook has worse apps, is a laptop-first device, and has a better web browser.
Dieter Bohn hits the nail on the head here – devices like the iPad Pro or the Pixelbook aren’t so much about converting traditional longtime desktop/laptop users – they’re about making sure that kids currently growing up with iOS and Android/Chrome OS devices in their pocket or at school have a powerful, all-purpose computing device they already know how to work with and that they already like for the future. It’s similar to how people wanted to have the same computer at home as they were using at work – IBM-compatible PCs with DOS and later Windows.
The fact that the iPad Pro and Pixelbook are already as good as they are should really worry Microsoft, most of all.
It’s hard, but possible to make a Chromebook work as your only computer, depending on what your needs are. My son had a Chromebook as is main computer for several years, and only because I was particularly savvy and willing to google things and try some kludgey stuff that we were able to make it work for things like watching videos on an airplane. Ultimately, we threw in the towel when we were trying to get a wacom tablet to work.
Now he uses a Macbook Air. Interestingly enough, though, he still spends most of his time within the Google ecosystem on his Mac. But he’s really happy to have Photoshop and Premiere and his Wacom when he needs it.
Actually it isn’t. You have to get used to ANY computer that you use. All you need is a computer that is powerful enough to do what you want to do. And that computer does NOT have to be the device you have with you. By that I mean, if the device you have with you isn’t powerful enough, remote into your computer that is that through that code and compile or do whatever it is that you want to do. It works better than you think most of the time.
THE limitation is the limitations of the user interface that you have on your local device. If you need a keyboard, most mobile devices have Bluetooth so you can use an external Bluetooth keyboard.
As for coding. Most coders don’t —need— a keyboard. Most things can be done at the command line or in an IDE with shortcuts/scripts to quickly do things.
Programmers not needing keyboards? You’re a special kind of stupid.
It’s just a guess but I reckon he meant a mouse 😛
But this being the internet and all, don’t hold back.
The command line is not what you think it is, if you think you don’t need a keyboard for it.
Don’t mind him, he’s just a traveler from the future, where mind-PC links exist and you can type by thought alone. 😛
Once Chromebooks gets used beyond the education space, it is likely that some of the current specialized applications available only for the OS X and/or Windows platform will be “ported” to Chrome OS. Also, Chrome OS specific replications of these applications are improving.
Until then, living within the Chrome ecosystem via the browser on a OS X or Windows systems may be the most practical approach for most users. Going the Chrome Remote Desktop approach to remotely use these specialized applications is another approach.
What could make a huge difference is that the manufacturers of the various devices (multi-function printers, printers, scanners, etc.) start releasing Chrome OS “device drivers”. I don’t think anybody has followed the footsteps of HP with an utility enabling printing from a Chromebook via USB.
If this was a 400-500$ laptop you could make a strong argument – nobody needs a powerhouse and access to tons of storage and apps an so on on and so forth.
but for 1000$ you can go and buy a surface laptop with proper windows OS on it and have all the apps on this planet you want. on and off the cloud.
so why buy this thing except for looks – it does looks really sleek, but so does a surface as does the macbook.
so where is the advantage of pixelbok – kids that are growing up with phone apps will by the time they hit puberty realize that those are not even close to being enough and will need access to more than just basic apps. and for that price, why buy pixelbook instead of surface or macbook which offer more?
Windows a proper OS??? ROFL
Once upon a time it was but now it is a tool for MS to control your life.
Their attitude seems to be
“You will have this update and we don’t care if it bricks your computer. Just go buy another one.”
Harsh? Yes but now that I’m Window’s free I realise just how restricting W10 is especially when compared to Windows 7.
As for Chrome/Chromebooks? No way am I using anything that leads back to Google unless I really have to. That’s just my Grumpy Old Man self speaking. YMMV
The fear of constant tracking by Google has led some to develop NayuOS https://nayuos.nexedi.com/ which is a “drop-in” Chromium OS based replacement especially for Chromebooks.
Would it be great if there was the equivalent open-source/tracking free operating system in the OS X/Windows world?
Edited 2017-10-29 14:17 UTC
Well there’s always (don’t laugh
) ReactOS for Windows “equivalent” …as for OS X, I guess the closest would be GNUstep live CD 
The majority of the Chromebooks on the market are cheap/low power devices. They have been successful in displacing the Windows-based Netbooks in many cases. – notably in the K-12 education space.
Some manufacturers released more powerful Chromebooks for business/work after Google brought forth the i5/i7 based Pixel 2015.
With the PixelBook, Google has again released a what-it-can-be premium device. Will other manufacturers follow suite, at a lower price point?
This would be good to mix with Crouton to have a full linux distro and the benefits of chromeOS. My Acer c910 works great doing this, and would only improve with hardware this fast.