Are external GPUs for Macs viable in macOS 10.13.4?

It’s perplexing that this flagship feature of macOS 10.13.4 feels so incomplete. Sure, we’ve come a long way since enthusiasts were hacking it together with help from online forums, but more work needs to be done to ensure a consistent experience. We wouldn’t advise going out and buying an enclosure just yet, but we nevertheless see reasons in the performance gains to be hopeful that we could recommend it at some point in the future.

It seems strange to me that switching GPUs – even external ones – is such an arduous process. It seems this process is more seemless on Windows. On macOS it seems each and every applications needs to be modified to add support for it, whereas on Windows, the operating system itself takes care of it.


  1. 2018-04-16 5:55 am
    • 2018-04-17 7:40 am
  2. 2018-04-16 4:31 pm
  3. 2018-04-16 10:09 pm
    • 2018-04-18 3:35 pm