Apple has one hardware-specific feature planned that wasn’t announced at Monday’s WWDC keynote. In iOS 12, users will be able to use Live Listen, a special feature previously reserved for hearing aids certified through Apple’s Made for iPhone hearing aid program, with their AirPods.
After enabling the feature in the iPhone’s settings, users will be able to use their phones effectively as a directional mic. This means you can have AirPods in at a noisy restaurant with your iPhone on the table, for example, and the voice of whomever is speaking will be routed to your AirPods.
What a great accessibility feature for people with hearing problems.
Thom, you are giving so much free publicity to apple. Apple deserves some coverage but I feel the number of articles dedicated to them is totally excessive. Can’t these WWDC announcements be consolidated? All of the news sites I read are hyper amplifying the exact same generic “news” creating a huge echo chamber of unoriginal and uninspired corporate content.
Obviously it’s your site and all, but I hereby petition that osnews put a little extra effort to finding diamonds in the rough in order to promote smaller indy projects and to bring balance to the long tail
Edit: I don’t mean to sound unappreciative through my feedback. I know it’s not easy to keep articles fresh, I just wish we weren’t covering the same companies every week, is that what high tech news has boiled down to?
Edited 2018-06-06 17:03 UTC
Do you know that you can submit pieces of news and articles to OSnews? There is a link in the top right corner that says “Submit News” ( ) .
Feel free to use it!
Edited 2018-06-07 08:33 UTC
Regarding my original comment, sure we can discuss ways to make it better, in fact I’ve offered several ideas to improve osnews over the years, but it’s going to implicitly require the involvement of osnews itself. In the past there hasn’t been enough interest from the osnews side to make changes happen. Though nobody talks about it, I suspect the impediment comes down to money. Not to pick on osnews, it’s becoming the same everywhere with media outlets cutting out expensive original content and merely rehashing/commenting on news in the echo chamber.
Most of the technology magazines and websites I was a fan of one to two decades ago are significantly diminished and even gone. I won’t pretend to know how to fix the industry, but I do know that the echo chamber is antithetical to independent thought and has killed creativity, which is the reason I petition to limit the amount of news emanating from the same handful of companies over and over again.
I wasn’t judging. Until not so long, I hadn’t noticed that link. I just read the posts and don’t take notice what it’s in the rest of the window.
Oh, I guess I couldn’t tell if it was sarcasm, haha. Thank you for being helpful.
Funnily enough the last time this came up, Alfman gave me the same suggestion
> What a great accessibility feature for people with hearing problems.
Or even NOT hearing problems (or maybe I’m just getting old..) Restaurants these days (Midwest, U.S.A at least) are SO noisy, either because of lack of adequate dampening materials on the walls, too much alcohol and/or people talking too loudly (for other reasons), and background music.