As the PostgreSQL developers continue to move forward on the upcoming v7.4 release, several bug fixes have been tag’d as being safe to back-patch into the v7.3.x branch, so there is 7.3.3. Click here for a recent interview with the PostgreSQL team.Elsewhere, business application powerhouse SAP is tapping MySQL’s open-source database software in a deal that should let the smaller company accelerate its development plans.
It’s real nice there is an open source db server with real nice features(as opposed to mysql which is utterly minimal).
Stored procesdures, views,triggers,unions and many other features making you _not_ write a whole bunch of code at the client side.
When shall the Linux community have a functional GUI comparable to what one finds integrated with MS-Access? The task of convincing a skeptical crowd about the merits of PostgreSQL and mySQL would be significantly reduced if these DBs had such a GUI. I know there are efforts in this direction but it’s clear their abilities are very very minimal. BTW I participate in making them better.
Not quite Access yet, but you might want to check out kexi from . It is planned to be part of the new KOffice, which is currently in Beta. It looks good, though.
I never understand why MySQL gets so much attention. It’s frustrating. PostgreSQL is such a wonderful database.
>> When shall the Linux community have a functional GUI comparable to what one finds integrated with MS-Access?
For mySQL, try mysqlFront. Personally, the only way I find Access useful is if I am on the “SQL View”. The Access GUI is pretty unintuitive and completely time-wasting anyway. If you need an Access-type GUI view, mySQL is probably an overkill product for your needs.
>> never understand why MySQL gets so much attention. It’s frustrating. PostgreSQL is such a wonderful database.
Here’s why: mysql rocks! it is easy to use, very widely supported, integrates well with most applications, and runs just well for most purposes. It does lack some features, but for the things that it is used for, those features are not always very important. In any case, one can expect mysql to acquire most of those feature in 1-2 years time.
Here’s why: mysql rocks! it is easy to use, very widely supported, integrates well with most applications, and runs just well for most purposes. It does lack some features, but for the things that it is used for, those features are not always very important. In any case, one can expect mysql to acquire most of those feature in 1-2 years time.
Totally. I’ve used mysql, and it’s a fine database (though I prefer postgresql). But postgresql has all that too! My take? Marketing.
The simple truth is that PostgreSQL is overkill for many projects. I use both MySQL and PostgreSQL on different servers and find each has its place. PostgreSQL typically requires more of my time in maintenance though, whilst MySQL just runs forever and a day without me touching it.
Have you tried Rekall,
I don’t know if anybody else would agree, but mySQL, I think, has one of greatest documentation projects available. When it comes to finding information, mysql wins over all its competitors hands-down. That alone can be very important, especially when you are in a hurry. It would really be nice if other OSS projects followed the mySQL documentation model.
<It’s real nice there is an open source db server with real nice features(as opposed to mysql which is utterly minimal).
Stored procesdures, views,triggers,unions and many other features making you _not_ write a whole bunch of code at the client side.>
Come on, Firebird has all this as well with a native win32 port.
check it out at they have links and lots of info on the Firebird RDBMS.
I’ve been a postgres fan for a long time. I’ve used it and mySQL, as well as Oracle and MSSQL. The only thing that keeps it from the enterprise is replication and that stupid vacumn. Oh, and probably a complete refresh of the code tree. As for mom and pop applications it’s just fine. I happen to build applications that perform hundreds of millions of transactions.
As for the interview. I’m sure their nice people but I’m not convinced that their the ones that are going to get postgres into my enterprise. In fact, I might be abandoning all SQL for BerkeleyDB and their XML followup.
The only thing that keeps it from the enterprise is … that stupid vacumn.
Just a little feature tease, we’re testing an auto-vacuum feature in the 7.4 tree as we speak, so that hurdle may soon be history.
MySQL also has the MySQL Control Center.
It’s a rather nice little tool. Some things are a little bizarre, but it’s still in Beta.
MySQL uses the GPL.
PostgreSQL uses the BSD license.
I wonder how Firebird or the BerkleyDB stuff compare. I used to work with databases, Oracle and MSSQL and stuff back in the day.
And I will use PostgreSQL.
>MySQL uses the GPL.
>PostgreSQL uses the BSD license.
YALT (Yet another license troll)
go away and scream about it somewhere else, please.
Postgres: I love it.
Mysql: I love it, too.
Oracle: I love it, but then again, I haven’t had to pay for it out of my pocket or budget.
Access: I’m sure it’s fine for some people.
>As for the interview. I’m sure their nice people but I’m not convinced that their the ones that are going to get postgres into my enterprise. In fact, I might be abandoning all SQL for BerkeleyDB and their XML followup.
I would just _love_ to see how you will guarantee data integrity and business logic with Berkeley DB and … XML.
Not that I’m saying that’s impossible. But you will have to write a complete application layer to manage constraints, business logic, etc… In other words, you will have to essentially write a DBMS (unless your data model is quite simple). But, I’m sure you can do that, since you are such a capable C programmer that you can ascertain that PostgreSQL needs “a complete refresh of the code tree”.
On a somewhat less trollish note, I’m not downplaying bdb. Berekeley DB has been used as the back-end store for other DBMSs regularly. In fact, there is even an attempt to implement C.J. Date’s relational sublanguage “D” using Berkeley DB as the storage mechanism:
Looks interesting for the future; a robust implementation of relational D would be the only approach that would make me consider abandoning SQL.
in regards to XML and Berkely and possible non-ability to follow data integrity and business logic, I wonder what do ppl think of associative databases as Sentences ( ) …
just curious …
Ah yes, the “associative model” of data. Fabian Pascal has had a couple flamewars with that guy already ;-).
F. Pascal’s flameage notwithstanding, personally, I think the associative model is at least 99% B.S. I can’t say this strongly enough. After reading through the white paper, I have to laugh at some of the supposed shortcomings of the relational model, which good old Simon is here to save us from:
“The most visible limitation of the relational model has
been its inability to handle complex data” (he mentions multimedia, for example)
“Every new relational application needs a new set of
programs developed from scratch”
“Information about identical things in the real world is
structured differently in every relational database”
This is exactly the kind of nonsense spouted by someone who has no clue what the relational model is, or perhaps, has a clue as to what people’s misconceptions are, and wants to capitalize on that.
Of all the quotes, this one is the one that provokes a good ol’ deep belly laugh:
“Codd’s aim was to free programmers from having to know the physical structure of data.
Our aim is to free them in addition from having to know its logical structure.”
Then what are you left with?
I never understand why MySQL gets so much attention. It’s frustrating. PostgreSQL is such a wonderful database.
MySQL has a commercial company behind it, with a paid marketing department.
Hi folks,
Feeling like an idiot here. I looked on Usenet, sourceforge, and the postgresql website for a list of the bugs that were fixed, and couldn’t find it anywhere. Has the doc just not been officially released yet?
Yours truly,
Jeffrey Boulier
Saying MySQL is more popular because it’s backed by a company is a cop-out by Postgres. Postgres is good, but the lack of a windows port is a gaping technical flaw of Postgres that has limited the pickup of newbies who are trialing databases. Less developers, less documentation, less community.
mysql is the linux equivelant of MS access. It’s quick & simple but messy for big stuff. Mostly, It’s cross platforma and free! I’d venture Linux gains lots of followers from the apache/php/mysql crowd. After all, when you find out you can’t run a cheap server on any MS OS after winME without CALS, linux gets really cheap for those in-house projects. Best part is that your PHP & DB transfer to the new box fairly easily.
The other reason Postgre takes a back seat is that many of the features are nice, but if your in a situation that really needs the high-end stuff, it’s important enough to your company to go out and pay good money for! A good chunck of those people [small, medium businesses] are the HP 3000 and AS400 people who love their hardware.
When shall the Linux community have a functional GUI comparable to what one finds integrated with MS-Access? The task of convincing a skeptical crowd about the merits of PostgreSQL and mySQL would be significantly reduced if these DBs had such a GUI. I know there are efforts in this direction but it’s clear their abilities are very very minimal.
It’s 100 times better than MySQL Front, available for Linux and Windows and more. I use it 99 % of the time on both Windows and Linux.
Thanks to PostgreSQL team for another (I’m sure) nice version.
You have “pgaccess” to Postgres too (in Python, if I recall well), not so complete but it works for trivial operation.
I had forgotten about this one. Still, 90% of OSnews readers know it.
Less developers, less documentation, less community.
Yes; but the documentation is much more clear and less bloated than MySQL docs, in my opinion.
When shall the Linux community have a functional GUI comparable to what one finds integrated with MS-Access?
Well, I don’t know about the Linux community, but the Open Source community (they support things like BSD and Windows and even Solaris) and PostgreSQL has HAD a ‘GUI like MS-Access.’ It was called pgaccess, and it visually looked like Access 1.0.
Instead of being ‘narrow’ and thinking in terms of ‘Linux’, why not be a bit more ‘wide’ and inclusive, instead of exclusive.
I like postgres simply for the inheritance of tables. You can replace
When you would be in a choice between learning one DBS, which one would you choose, mySQL or postgreSQL? I’ve read somewhere that postgreSQL is more SQL compliant(but then on other place that SQL isn’t standard anymore
Also speed benefit of mySQL isn’t exactly what is beeing searched for(with dual Xeons 2.8Ghz pretty cheap). Because I can see it I would go for postgreSQL, learn it well and I can use it from simple system to complicated ones.
Any advices appreciated.
P.S. what are estimates on time for greenhorn in DBworld on aquiring moderately good SQL knowledge in postgreSQL+DBS administration when he really _wants_ to and isn’t maked into it in any way. Excellent C++ background is present but not sure if it helps in any way. Thx for the answer.
forgot to say, BSD or linux is the platform, I don’t care much for Windows when talking about DBS.
I think its really a matter of what features you need. MySQL still doesn’t have lots of features that PostgreSQL has had for years or just got them recently. If you want to learn SQL postgres would be the best shot of the two. Everything that you need to learn is there including being able to write stored procedures, triggers, etc in a language of your choice (pgpl/sql, perl, python, tcl I think are the choices).
Picking up SQL is pretty easy IMHO if you’re already a programmer. Just takes a lot of practice like anything else but there are almost always multiple ways of getting the same data.
also consider checking out Firebird ( I think).