LitePC, the creators of a commercial utility that makes standard windows components optional, allowing for the creation of a stripped down (and even embedded) version of Windows98, is working on a version for Windows 2000 and XP. See more information on the Beta test.
Anybody know _why_ they can do this in the first place? Are they an OEM or something? How’s it legal? Wouldn’t MS be upset?
Not a microsoft shill. Just curious.
I’ve been waiting for something like this to remove most of the bloatware that I don’t need in W2k.
Well, with win98lite, it was simply an app that let you remove aspects of windows (Major ones, like IE and such). With XP/2Klite I think they’re doing the same thing.
I think that they’re just automating the process that the homegrown Lite Windows tutorials are doing. I think they’re simply removing files. There’s no violation of the license to take “xyzpdq.dll” and delete it. I looked on the web site to see if they talk about how it works, but I couldn’t find much, so that’s my assumption.
there is a FREE tool for Win98 & Win98se named “Revenge of Mozilla” ROM2 & ROM2se that does about the same thing as Win98lite by removing the bloatware from Win98 & Win98se…
…how, in a commercial world, you even have the freedom to pay to make things optional. So this is how we planned to make enough jobs for everyone, eh? Make work day. I love it!
I’ve used 98lite and it is great. It will remove the bloat from 98 98Se and ME. When removing just be sure that none of your apps *need* the files you remove. I am waiting for the xplite version to be made available.
This was announced soon after XP came out. Nothing big other than “We’ll be releasing a ‘Lite’ version of XP similar to what we’ve done w/Win98Lite”, but nothing’s appeared until now.
I run a PVR system w/XP as it’s OS, and while XP’s doing a fine job of holding everything together, I’ve been looking for & waiting for a stripped version of XP to come out for my purposes (although to be truthful, XP’s been like a rock. No crashes and it’s been running almost continually for over a year now, recording things on time, and time-shifting video flawlessly!).
The only problem XP in its current form has, as far as my needs are concerned, is that it’s fairly bloated for the purpose I’m using it for. Also, due to the fact that I’m continually moving data at the rate of several gigs per file (video takes up a lotta space, particularly when you’re recording at DVD resolution!), my hard drive’s fairly fragmented all the time.
The latter problem’s been solved with the latest version of Diskkeeper (Defrags automatically on a scheduled basis -Like every night at 2am or whatever), and the former problem (the bloat) will be solved with the long-awaited XP Lite. Ah… Now I have something to play with next week on my vacation! I’m sure the girlfriend will be pleased.
Revenge of Mozilla is somewhat less sophisticated than 98lite and. I believe, it has not been updated or maintained for some time.
As a license holder, I used 98lite as a way to more quickly learn what is removable rather than continuing the trial-and-error process I was going through when I found out about 98lite. I now do it all manually and reduce the installation further than the process of using 98lite.
I wish the beta of XPlite had more functionality since it currently does nothing more than that which is fairly easy to do manually. I am in fact waiting for the XPlite full version before installing XP on a particular machine.
AFAIK the OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) tools from MS can convert a regular WinXP (also Win2k?) CD into Windows PE. OK, they’re officially not available to the public.
I’m not sure, but I think Bart’s PE Builder used them.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for a sub-100MB XP install as that is never going to happen.…
I’m a happy customer of 98Lite and it definitely takes out the WinBloat (including Internet Exploder) and dramatically increases speed. Some applications require IE, but with a little fiddling you can even get them to work without it.
I’ve also used the XP/W2K Lite Beta and, despite being barebones at this point, shows a lot of promise and it easy to use.
Too bad this thingie is only able to remove stuff *after* the OS is installed with all its bloatware…what I need is a way to fake XP into thinking syssetup.inf is not a protected system file, so I can make a clean unattended setup…*sigh*
XP Lite = Win2000 Lite = NT4
All the “features” from NT4 to the subsequent versions were cosmetic…
Win2000 = NT 4 + Win98 interface + recent Internet Explorer
XP = NT 4 + WinME interface + recent Internet Explorer + recent DirectX
>>All the “features” from NT4 to the subsequent versions were cosmetic…
This statement is somewhat misleading, you’re leaving out
one of the main things that many users find themselves
moving over to the Windows 2000XP kernels–Drivers! I have
a copy of WiNNT 4.0 workstation I picked up at a computer
show and I love it, unfortunately a stock NT4 system doesn’t
love my USB hgamepads, nor does it seem to like my WinTV
card, or…I could go on and on…
Sure I could go out and blow cash on specialty drivers for
NT4, they do exist but its often cheaper to just ‘upgrade’
to Windows 2000 or if all else is lacking make do with XP
and majorly edit the services and do all that you can to
wipe out the M$-spyware, not to mention the thrill of
calling M$ to announce once again that you’d like to
reactivate the OS you already paid for! Oh wait.. you
don’t hjave a phone nearby and only use the internet at
Cyber Cafes (for the DSL speeds!!) and on top of everything
are Deaf and need to go and bug a hearing friend of yours
to use the phone for you as they all seem to hate relay
Need I really go on? All that said I think all this work
being done now with minimizing the Win9x systems not only
prove the lie that was Internet Explorer intergration in
Win98A, SE, and ME but also serve as a ray of hope; once
people work out how to set up their Win9x systems to run
their apps and work out the details they’re usually left
with a stable system. Shane Brooks even makes the
observation somewhere that the more you minimize the Win9x
system the more stable it gets…hmmm..
–iWindoze (who loves his 98Lite to death)
>>All the “features” from NT4 to the subsequent versions were cosmetic…
What about active directory, plug and play and more, that I can’t think of at the moment, since it has been so long since I have actively used NT 4 ?
Since frmo what I’m told.. .2k3 is stripped from start and you build it on? Correct?
well for starters … the network sending packet sizes are 12K instead of 8K. its completely different.
2k shits itself if you change hardware, NT use to not be so bad.
DirectX was largely cosmetic? You sir are a troll.
In the past I bought the 98lite program. It worked great and man was 98 sleek fast and stable. It would swap everything out no problem and get rid of the bloat. Now i gave up on windows and switched to Linux but if i were to use windows again. I would use it with the new program for 2k that they are working on. Believe me if you are going to use windows this program is well worth the money. But you really should try Linux though
I certainly do not condone the use of Microsoft Windows and regard XP as a tie with ME as the most brain damaged version, but, activation is a hassle for you? Please let me know if the links below do not take care of this incovenience in XP Pro (untested in other versions).
For who have problems with fragmentation/speed… awesome !