The second test version of Fedora/Severn, 0.94, is out for your bug busting pleasure. Get the three ISO files and read the release notes. Use a mirror if the new files have being uploaded to a mirror near you.
The second test version of Fedora/Severn, 0.94, is out for your bug busting pleasure. Get the three ISO files and read the release notes. Use a mirror if the new files have being uploaded to a mirror near you.
Please email me on my osnews email account with 2-3 screenshots [.png or .jpeg, depending what produces better combinatio of smaller filesize and quality] if you get to install the new version, so I can upload and publish them on the site.
All the FTP mirrors are locked. How long does it take to sync?
maybe ill be able to get the first cd on my dialup before time for test 3 to come out lol
interestingly there seems to be a good bit of negative reaction to their new direction on the mailing lists…. but personally i think this is a great plan… its up to the people to decide what we’re gonna make of this…
i for one, sum it up as “possibilities”
Eugenia, it might be another couple hours
I have times left of about 2½ hours left to go on all three. That is barring major slowdowns in downloading. Hopefully I’ll have them burned before I leave work. Anyone know if there is a bittorrent link? I can’t seem to find any right now. has the iso’s.
I can’t find it at surfnet… Do you have direct link to the severn directory please?
but i dont seem to be having much luck… keep getting “error connecting to server… connection timed out” or some such
is this just me or is anyone else having that problem?
As soon as a bittorrent link comes up, please post here. Thx.
There it is:…
I think new is getting out.
So far I have
disk 1: 7% @ ~70kB/S
disk 2: 12% @ ~ 20kB/S
disk 3: 9% @ ~ 70kB/S
It’s slowed down, and will probably crawl to a halt when it goes on slashdot.
I hope I can get them downloaded by next week
I too would be interested in seeing some screenshots…if anyone finds one, please post.
I’m getting about 500K/s via bittorrent. Not bad.
bittorrent link is now up
I am downloading the distro now too, I should be having some shots in 3-4 hours from now (4 PM Pacific time).
It seems that they do not update OpenOffice. Anyone knows something about?
torrents working for me now too :oD
that OSnews doesn’t already have a copy, or had one for 1~3 days already. 😉
We do not ask for press copies for betas, only for finals.
Openoffice is not (yet?) updated because there were some build problems with gcc/openoffice/redhat patches.
Has anyone tried this with less than 128MB memory? I wanted to toss it on my test laptop, but it only has 96MB…
The minimum recommended is 128 MB. We had a review a few months ago with a guy who had less than that, and it wasn’t pretty.
If you are going to try try Blackbox or icewm or windowmaker instead of Gnome/KDE environments/apps, then 96 MB should do the trick as the minimum.
Text operations (no X) requires 64 MB.
I’m on three different mirro’s,
disc 1 2Mbps
disc 2 5Mbps
disc 3 800Kbps
Who’s going to finish first? Just hope not to many people get on th 5Mbps and I’ll start pulling the rest off of that one! 😉
So, what exaclty is this project, a distro of Linux? Something completely different than Linux? What?
A distro of Linux of course, what else? Read the Fedora link for more info.
I grabed all three from
@ 5Mbps
Will burn and test!
i skimmed over the introduction, the About, Objectives, and the FAQs, generally all i could find out was what the introduction already says, namely:
The goal of The Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to build a complete, general purpose operating system exclusively from free software.
well, isn’t that ‘red hat linux’s’ goal already?
so i don’t understand the reason for this seperate project..
>so i don’t understand the reason for this seperate project..
Resources. They can shift resources to the Enterprise/WS version of Red Hat, while the community produces and fixes the desktop version. And then, they backport these fixes back to their commercial versions.
It is not as simple as that, I should write an editorial about it, but anyway…
“well, isn’t that ‘red hat linux’s’ goal already?”
No, the “community” part is completly new.
“well, isn’t that ‘red hat linux’s’ goal already?
so i don’t understand the reason for this seperate project..”
“Red Hat Linux” is no longer going to be offered, as it will now be Fedora Core. Red Hat is going to concentrate on “Red Hat Enterprise Linux” which is a different product then “Red Hat Linux”. Basically Red Hat rolled the “Red Hat Linux” product over to the Fedora project, and will be backing it, however will not be doing any more “Red Hat Linux” distributions. I hope this makes sense…
As long as produces rpms for fedora life will be good.
I run RedHat 8 on a P166MMX with 96mb of RAM. Eugenia was right on with the window manager thing – you can get usable performance if you use something light (I actually prefer TWM, truthfully). Don’t expect to run OpenOffice or Evolution on it, but for browsing the web (Epiphany/Galeon) and light mail client usage (Balsa), as well as text-editing (vim, emacs), it does fine. Be sure to disable all services you don’t need, and give yourself a decent-sized swap partition, since you’ll be hitting it a lot. SciTech SNAP drivers provide a touch of speed improvement, but not enough to make them worth $20.
I would assume this is also the case with Fedora .94.
8 god damn hours to download! i hope this release is more stable than the last (yes i know its a beta but i can still hope
Matthias is an active poster on the Fedora mailing list – I think it’s a good bet that he’s going to be continuing his tradition of excellent RPM making. If we’re lucky, maybe he’ll even be funded for this purpose!
I’m getting _very_ excited about RedHat’s new direction – RedHat user friendliness plus the upgrade friendliness of Debian. I really wonder how you could do much better than that.
thank you eugenia, anon and drill sgt, that does indeed make sense.
so the days where red hat was primarily a linux distributer are now also officially over.
i hope fedora manages to substitute what was “red hat linux” well and goes on well…
have redhat changed the kernel to 2.6 ?? what about gnome is it also the latest version ??
“so the days where red hat was primarily a linux distributer are now also officially over.”
RedHat’s days of maintaining an enterprise-level _free_ distribution (in the form of RedHat Linux) are over – you’re now going to use Fedora or RedHat Enterprise Linux. Fedora is now RedHat’s new development playground (they’re still actively developing it), while they sell RHEL to the corporations who need support.
Basically, Fedora is like a faster moving of RedHat Linux. RedHat is still the developer. You just get new stuff faster.
RedHat is MOST CERTAINLY, first and foremost, a Linux distributor.
Agree 100% Drill. And I think this is the right move for RH.
Server market is more than ready for Linux but ’till we don’t have a more intuitive/easy-to-use desktop to work (no warflame on this please:) there is no reason for RH as a Company to fight among the other distros; desktop market oportunities will came in the future.
RH is now working seriously on services, support and server management tools (as Novell is doing now) and that’s the right way IMHO.
(excuse me for my English)
RedHat 9 (and some older versions, I presume) allowed administrators to install RHL from ISOs exported using NFS. This is nice since I have a small network and I wouldn’t need to burn the ISOs to a CD to install on a machine on the network.
Hope Fedora still supports this.
I don’t understand how RedHat can justify charging as much or more than Microsoft for their software when their only major contribution is to collect and put together free software. Yes, they also develop, but their contribution is minimal. Microsoft actually goes through the trouble of coding most everything. I believe the people developing the kernel, desktop environments, x servers, daemons, userland tools, etc. deserve much more than RedHat. If I don’t give to those, I definately won’t give money, especially a ridiculously large amount of money, to the people who just shrink wrap it.…………………
all on
I still think there is now a huge gap between Red Hat Enterprise Products and this Fedora Project.
I thought these betas had Bluecurve 2, which improves on version 1, using smaller button widgets in the top right corner and having smaller windows decoration.
I started installing it. The installation procedure has a few differences:
1. There is no LILO anymore
2. The firewall screen is different
3. You need to confirm that you want to proceed with the package installation
4. The red hat logos have being replaced with the Fedora logos
5. There are new packages there, like SubVersion and the Bluetooth gnome utility. Epiphany is not selected by default.
Fedora?? I thought he played tennis!?? (Didn’t he win Wimbledon??)
I just installed RedHat 9.0 (not Fedora) yesterday hehe
Very impressed with it but I chose KDE as the default desktop as I prefer KDE instead of GNOME. My desktop looks awsome, I did some tweaking and the fonts are very sharp. I changed the default fonts to Nimbus Sans L, for some reason, Very sharp looking and clean.
Fedora, well, I am looking forward of installing this and see what’s new but three ISOs
I am on dial up
My impression of Red Hat 9 is very good so Fedora would be even better
” Copyright © 2003 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fedora is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
The Fedora Project is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.
Red Hat, Inc. is not responsible for the content of other sites.”
I’ve already preordered slackware 9.1…
Darn, the first CD has errors.. I can’t completely install it. I need to re-download the first ISO.
md5sum’s…. that’s all i’m saying
Did you have the option for Reiserfs?
I’m on CD2 of the install, but on boot, I used
boot> linux enable reiserfs
Like in RH9, the first Severn Beta didn’t allow reiserfs. This one does, but I was curious if it was already an option or if you had to do the boot> option?
>Did you have the option for Reiserfs?
No, there was no reiserfs.
>md5sum’s…. that’s all i’m saying
I don’t have such a facility/program on my Windows box [where the burner is]
No LILO?! C’mon Redhat, why do that? I dont mind it not being the default, but its not like grub is THAT much better than LILO.
Oh well, I guess I can always install it myself (If I ever run Redhat).
PS. Could you describe the firewall setup more? I still have yet to see a good GUI for iptables (here comes the flames).
PPS: Big thing: If a package fails to install (cant be found) can you skip it? I havent been able to install RH9 because it cant find packages, and then the installation can’t continue, even if its something unecessary. And YES, the disc was burnt and downloaded fine.
>I still have yet to see a good GUI for iptables
Use FireStarter for an easy setup and that KDE project on sourceforge for a more involved setup.
>If a package fails to install (cant be found) can you skip it? I
Unfortunately, not in a way I could see.
And the very ironic thing was that the package that was complaining was just the redhat-logos.rpm

Does LILO have any advantages over grub in any department at all. Interested to hear.
Had to use it because I’m at work, currently installing packages from cd 3 a Windows md5sum program, but sheesh eugenia, they’re everywhere, they’re small, they’ll save you hours in the long run.
saw the kernel package install
It actually seems the download to be ok, just the burning procedure came out bad (bad cd probably). I always download stuff on windows with GetRight, so I really don’t have bad downloads. This time it seems that the burner program did it bad (Cheetah Data Burner).
I like it. Its does everything I need, and its simple to use.
I mean, for 90% of the users, a boot loader loads 1, maybe 2 OSs, you should have a choice.
Maybe I’ll switch though, ive had a couple issues with LILO lately (mostly me forgetting to reload it).
OT: NO REISERFS!! Thats uncalled for. ReiserFS is every bit as good as ext3 (I think its better). I mean, these arent extravagent choices. 99% of distros give you a bootloader and FS choice.
if you noticed in my post, I said I had the choice when I used.
boot> linux enable reiserfs
I was asking Eugina if that was even needed, if she had the option. I guess you don’t have the option and you have to do what I said to get it.
Booting into it right now, cross your fingers because release one hated my laptop. 😉
I’ve just tried out the latest slack-build. Slack 9.1 is out in a couple of days, maybe even tonight. No mather how polished RHL may look, or Fedora Linux or whatever, its still gonna be buggy. The stupidest thing I saw was when I’ve installed screem on RHL 9 and crashed all the time for an unknown reason. Oh, well, Slackware is l33t…
Do you still want them Eugenia?
Yeah. Put the new apps on the desktop and send 2-3 on my osnews account (make their filesize small by deciding if png or jpeg is better in each case).
For checking md5 sums in Windows I always use this great utility.
there off to you!
Thanks, I will put them up in a sec.
BTW, I just md5sumed my downloads and they are fine. It was the burning program that screwed up, or the burner itself… Hmm.. I hope that this 24x BTC cd-rw is not already dead…
If I were to install this test release, would I be able to upgrade to final release by using YUM? Does YUM work similar to apt-get in Debian?
Yes, you can. It can update a whole distro.
I’ve been holding off installing any distro, ’cause I need to get off my glutes and do my annnual machine overhaul/swap.
They’re under no obligation to do anything that doesn’t work in a business sense, but Red Hat has brand recognition. Basically, to the unintiated, it boils down to Red Hat has abandoned the desktop market. They have an enterprise workstation install, fine, but Linux needs to get into the hands of the masses. If you ask the person on the street about Lycoris or Red Hat, they’ve heard of Red Hat.
will u be able upate this version through the rhn webapge ?? and even suscribe to support ??
rather then get the enterprise workstation version u get this instead ?
also if u do get the enterprise an dlike u buy 100 will u be able to get the enterprise sing windows update ?
and about this beta why havent they put kernel 2.6 rather then 2.4 ?? coz when they release mostly likely it will be when kernel 2.6 and gnome 2.4 are ready ?
“Fedora”! Do they know that in Portuguese “fedor” means stink? LOL!
If Redhat is such a rip-off, start your own. That’s the beauty of open-source. Provide a better distribution than Red Hat at a better price point. Can you do that with Microsoft?
And Red Hat employees plenty of key developers that contribute to the kernel, gnome, XFree, etc.
If you don’t like Red Hat, use Mandrake, Ark Linux or Debian, or whatever tickles your pickle.
“If you ask the person on the street about Lycoris or Red Hat, they’ve heard of Red Hat.”
Quite true. However if you change that Lycoris to Lindows then the answer is not as clear cut.
And anyway, I think good luck to RedHat going aggressively where the money is. Remember they are still going to fund the development work to a large extent on Fedora and are being a lot more open about it now so there should be increased benefit flowthrough to the entire linux community from this effort.
> and about this beta why havent they put kernel 2.6
> rather then 2.4 ?”
2.6 is not yet released, it’s not known when it will be released exactly, the current 2.6-test versions are too buggy, incooperation of the 2.6 kernel into the distribution would be a too big change during a feature freeze, there would be not enough time to debug everything it would break.
And seeing that the common pattern is that Linux kernels get released about 6 month too early, this is a good thing. Important scheduling stuff have been backportet from 2.6 into the 2.4 fedora kernel anyways. And with NPTL and the very cool exec shild in fedora’s kernel who wants a 2.6-test kernel at all? Yeah … you. But you know you could just download any kernel you like from or whereever and just install it.
> > md5sum’s…. that’s all i’m saying
> I don’t have such a facility/program on my Windows box [where the burner is]
Cygwin has this (and lots of other familiar and useful stuff)