yellowTab announced the “Complete Zeta Solution”: Both in laptop (Centrino) and desktop form (P4 and AthlonXP), yellowTab will sell, to Europe only, complete and compatible hardware systems. All systems come with a 2 year warranty and estimated delivery is 10-14 days. The systems will ship with YellowTAB Zeta 1.0-RC1, and buyers will be able to upgrade to 1.0-Final for free (only shipping will be paid extra). Also, as a launching promotion, and for a limited time only, you can order the Deluxe Edition Special Bundle, where along with Zeta Deluxe Edition 1.0-RC1, you also receive a free Zeta t-shirt. UPDATE: YellowTAB sent us a screenshot of Zeta. Font rendering is much improved since the betas.
Deluxe Edition has it in list:
“Servertools (Apache, Samba, RobinHood…)”
Is it real? Did they port at last Samba for BONE?
Which version?
No zeta for me until they have ATi Radeon 9800 support.
I do not want a system… I just want the software!
when is that coming out?!
Look at the shop, you can order RC1 for a limited time…
The software is coing out. For God’s sake, read the article and go to the Zeta order site.
people get a bit touchy too easily so i better explain my self a little better?
i wasnt advocating Linux or any other OS ?? i was just asking whats the BIG diffence from BEOS to BSD Linux Windows etc….???
i mean yeah it could be consider good to have all these OS out there competing against each other ??
but i want to know what is ZETA offereing that others dont ?
Choice is good more OS more choice, but whats the offering why would i CHOOSE BEOS ovre linux, BSD windows ? apart from the fact its latest and greatest right now ?
just a simple question.
im not trying make linux sound great but there is alot of support out there for it and alot of hardware vendors are beginning to make drivers for it ? will this be the same for BEOS ??
can i CHOOSE the hardware ?? or do i by a prebuilt pc?
It is hard to tell. I personally think Linux/BSD is too hard for most users. This is where Zeta fits in as an alternative operating system.
Besides that, it has many cool features. The filesystem BeFS is actually a kind of data base, which allows you to use extended attributes. For example, one can search a complete filesystem for a file that starts with “a”, is larger than 300 KB and is created after januari 2002 in about 2 seconds. Try that with NTFS, Ext3, …
. Besides that BeOS is threaded to the bones and provides good SMP support. It is very responsive, has a good networking stack (with Bone) and a very well implemented microkernel. Besides that the API is great, which makes programming for BeOS a joy
With a bit more hardware support and more applications, it could be the ideal consumer OS. Also, the more technical users will probably feel at home to.
A feature with Zeta on the desktop and Linux/BSD on servers would be very bright
I was just wanting to make certain before I buy it. I am using a Sis315 video chipset, is that supported? Also I have a 160gig drive. If that is a go then I am off to by Zeta!!
I did look at the shop!
Home, Dev, and deluxe have a little “(Not yet available)” tag on them
Look over here:… and go to the bottom of the page. Over there you can find “Zeta :: Deluxe Edition Special Bundle”.
David, for Zeta hardware compatibility look at
The Sis Graphic Chipsets listed as compatible are: SiS 5598, SiS 620, SiS 6326. However you can always use (without graphics acceleration) the generic VESA driver.
A 160gig drive is no problem as far as I know. The limitation Zeta (all BeOS releases) has is addressing no more than 768 Megabytes of memory (RAM).
Does this mean the centrino wireless chipset (Intel PRO/Wireless 2100) is supported?
The 160G & bigger HDs do work with BeOS but I only used it with multiple NTFS/Fat32/BFS partitions all <=30G (Win2K limit). Not sure if BeOS could format it as 1 giant partition or whether one should, though BFS claims to be able to work with TB size files.
thats what i was looking for
reasons to move maybe even try it out before i move over?
what about application support games ??
is there a version i can try now ~?
There used to be a BeOS preview CD of R4.5. BeOS actually works quite easily from CD-ROM, so yT might release a Zeta demo CD. If you don’t like to wait you can try BeOS MAX 5, it probably hasn’t got as many features and software Zeta will have, and has support for less hardware (e.g. Zeta will support USB 2.0), but it is a good way to see the power of BeOS.
More information can be found on this site:
Do consider buying Zeta if you like it, it is an investment in the future of BeOS
>>>Besides that BeOS is threaded to the bones and provides good SMP support. It is very responsive, has a good networking stack (with Bone) and a very well implemented microkernel.
BeOS has 4095 threads maximum — it was cool in 1995. But others have done better now — QNX has a maximum 4095 processes and 32767 threads per process.
BeOS is a MACRO-kernel.
>>>Besides that BeOS is threaded to the bones and provides good SMP support. It is very responsive, has a good networking stack (with Bone) and a very well implemented microkernel.
>BeOS has 4095 threads maximum — it was cool in 1995.
>But others have done better now — QNX has a maximum
>4095 processes and 32767 threads per process.
There is a guy in work doing a specialist Security / Embedded OS, he decided to add a limit at *one million* threads!
>BeOS is a MACRO-kernel.
It’s not a macro kernel like say linux but it’s not a pure micro kernel either, probably something in between. Maybe pseudo micro kernel is a better description.
>>>There is a guy in work doing a specialist Security / Embedded OS, he decided to add a limit at *one million* threads!
You can also do 32K threads in Linux now. As I said before, it was way cool for BeOS to have 4096 threads in 1995 — but others have surpassed it.
I’ve tried two browsers (Mozilla 1.4 and IE 5) and neither one works. They both stop on the shopping address page.
Grrr… I really want to order this. I hope I’m not the only one with these problems or they’re going to turn off a lot of customers.
I want to do midi on zeta. Beos failed just before convincing emagic to port logic. Will zeta please talk with steinberg or cakewalk to port their sequencers to zeta? (I’m assuming emagic/logic is out cos apple owns it)
And the related piece is pro audio hardware support (like the midiman/m-audio delta series). Any plans for zeta drivers?
Overall, I’m THRILLED to see the next generation of beos in zeta. I’ll buy it anyway, but MIDI is what I’m dying for cos it would enable me to once and for all DUMP WINDOWS FOREVER!!!
To NEVER use a microsoft product again would be a dream come true.
I think the thread count discussion is missing the real question. The question is this: Is there some unique feature or attribute that yellowtab/obos brings to the market that is not other wise present. The answer is yes it does. Below is what it brings
1) high performance on underpowered hardware
2) User experience second to none
3) Ease of use
4) solid for audio performance
Linux does not bring these to the table, at least not the mainstream distros. Apple can not brings all of these to the table and neither can windows.
The user experience (speed response) of my old fujitsu 233 Mhz laptop running beos is comparable to that of my P4 1.8 dell running redhat 9.0 or windows XP home. That is impressive.
There are unique attributes available to only beos. remember that in a market the consumers award the vendor based on the features that they (the consumers) see as important not the ones that computer engineers see important. Point of fact, consumers don’t care about the thread count. they keep buying windows for its ease of use and perception as a defacto standard not for its thread count.
How many RCs are anticipated before the final release?
Do purchasers of RC1 installed computers get RC2 and RC3 before 1.0? How would they be distribtued? If you order when RC2 is available do you still get RC1 or RC2?
Anyhow, this is good news and I cannot wait to purchase my deluxe edition (solo kit, already have a PC).
But I’d love to try Zeta under VPC on my Mac
I still need to get a new Mac tho…
Anyone know if it will work? Bernd? I know my R5 Pro CD wont install on VPC.
I used Camino successfuly on my Mac to order Zeta. I was afraid to try Safari as it often chokes on things like that (although it has been updated since I last tried),
Do purchasers of RC1 installed computers get RC2 and RC3 before 1.0? How would they be distribtued? If you order when RC2 is available do you still get RC1 or RC2?
I don’t know how many Zeta RCs will be released, commercial programs rarely go beyond RC#5 when they are already being sold. The most usual schedule are three official Release Candidates before going final.
Read what Bernd Korz posted before:
“Yes you get Updates for free like R1.01-03, R1.1, R1.2 you have to pay for R1.5 and also for R2 but not for steps between it”
According to, “buyers will be able to upgrade to 1.0-Final for about 10 Euros. (only manufacturing + shipping).”
So all that means you get free any upgrade from Release Candidate#2 up to the last upgrade before Zeta 1.5. “Free” does not mean you won’t have to pay for the CDs or DVDs (the manufacturing) + shipping, as you can read above that will be charged for around 10 Euros.
Finally I can reformat my dano partition when the DVD gets here. I don’t like having stuff that I didn’t pay for. Super glad that Zeta is out and the openbeos people keep at it with java. The team at yellowtab and well known beos users seem to have put together a good software package.
For those that wish answers to question I suggest that you post them in the forums at osnews or yellowtab. You might get exact replies.
I am ordering the RC1 deal, if I ever get the cookies issue on there site worked out, but I think it would be nice to pay like 5 bucks to be able to download RC2, RC3 etc. Then pay for the shipping of the final.
As with a few others here, I can’t get past the shipping information page. It just keeps asking me over and over. Windows 2000 Pro, using IE 6.
Great to hear of the progress, and the release! However, I have noticed as I’ve been keeping up with the goings on on the Zeta site, that there are many language “irregularities” and not-quite-right phrasing (the type of slight errors made by non-native English speakers, I’m guessing). If you want some help proof reading and polishing the verbage on the site, let me know… ([email protected])
I don’t fully agree about the non-microkernel comments. BeOS has much kernel functionality as servers. Yes, the networking stack has now been moved to the kernel (for performance issues), but besides that it really looks much like a microkernel (if such thing can be defined
About threads: I think there are two important things: the number of threads, but also how the OS handles them. AFAIR BeOS handles them very well. The 4096 limit isn’t a problem for normal daily use. So the threading performance is imho a bit more important in this case. But I am wondering how hard/easy it would be to make the maximum number of treads higher (it seams to be tied to memory constraints).
>>>I think the thread count discussion is missing the real question.
The real discussion behind the thread count discussion should be the make-up of the beos user/developer population. The beos gurus are always computer enthusiasts or musicians or artists or technical writers who are “self-taught” programmers (i.e. doesn’t have a college degree in computer engineering) — and so are the BeOS fan base.
How do these beos fans feel when they learnt that they weren’t betrayed by JLG for the focus shift — but they were betrayed by JLG for selling them a 32 bit OS (many fans swear that it’s a 64 bit OS), a MACRO-kernel written in C (and not a microkernel written in C++), multi-treading means nothing if BeOS app developers don’t actually knows how to use them, and a working API written in C is much better than a broken API written in C++.
How do these beos fans feel when almost every former Be engineer basically telling you that BeOS was never a gem that you think and that the whole thing is held together by scotch tape. It’s one thing to be faster than windows 95. But to be doped (Be Dope) into believing that BeOS is the best thing since sliced bread is another. There had always been better OS’es in both performance and in OS design than BeOS.
Once people learn that “the emporer has no clothes”, you will lose much of the BeOS fan base.
>>>I don’t fully agree about the non-microkernel comments. BeOS has much kernel functionality as servers. Yes, the networking stack has now been moved to the kernel (for performance issues), but besides that it really looks much like a microkernel (if such thing can be defined
Most people are too hanged up with the Linus vs. Tanenbaum discussions that happened in 1992. The definition is a moving target. Advances in OS theoretical designs (like exokernels) and in real life implementations during the last 10 years have changed the definitions. The newer QNX6 kernel is physically bigger than the older QNX4 kernel. The thing is that BeOS didn’t meet Tanenbaum 92 definition and who knows what the 2003 definition is (for that you have to ask the people at MIT).
Currently, there is a 137 GB limit in BeOS for HDDs, as teh IDE standard has this same limit. Above you need to use a different addressing scheme, and so does the IDE driver.
I’m not sure if the replacement ide driver supports it either.
The issue is being looked over at yT. But for now I’d advise you don’t use 160 GB + HDDs in BeOS or Zeta, i fyou don’t want to loose your data.
BeOS does NOT use a microkernel (as per Tanenbaum), despite what has been written even in books. It’s a “monolithic” but modular kernel, that is fully preemptible.
indeed, maximum threads, teams, semaphores and ports are bound by the available RAM, with a maximum value I suppose.
but they were betrayed by JLG for selling them a 32 bit OS
I think you are wrong, and most users know that it is a 32 bit OS.
and a working API written in C is much better than a broken API written in C++
Please tell us why it is broken, show some examples. You are making unsupported claims.
Just support them if you like BeOS. Buying Zeta means inversting in YellowTab, investing in yT means new employees, new employees means new technology. They seem to have done some great work, like porting KHTML and providing USB 2.0 support. With more manpower YT can possibly revive BeOS.
Ehrrr… what possible good could that do? OBOS and BeUnited are the two groups actually providing something futurewise. yT just taking the cash for other peoples efforts. They don’t even develop their own drivers, they’ve stalled the GF4 driver and now they stall the release until Rudolf fixes his open source driver. And JAva is pretty much the same, so why not send cash to beunited???
I Love BeOS, but frankly I can’t see how sending money to a yT will revive it? Their “license” they have with Palm is up next year anyway, meaning their is no future for Zeta except for the future in OBOS. Why you think no time has been put in serious OS development rather than porting GPL apps?
The disappointment people might get from buying Zeta will lead to the end of BeOS and not to the new beginning!
I was wondering why the thread limit is 4096 and not lower. It is mentioned in the comments that BeOS/Zeta can use 768MB of memory. Somewhere else I read each thread has a 256KB stack. 4096 * 256 KB = 1GB. Or am I making a mistake?
their “license” they have with Palm is up next year anyway,
Is this true? Can somebody confirm this?
I wish people would sight their sources.
“The filesystem BeFS is actually a kind of data base, which allows you to use extended attributes. For example, one can search a complete filesystem for a file that starts with “a”, is larger than 300 KB and is created after januari 2002 in about 2 seconds. Try that with NTFS, Ext3, …
. ”
You can do this in Windows 2000 and later with the Indexing Service and Query Language.
You can do this in Windows 2000 and later with the Indexing Service and Query Language.
I haven’t used Windows for years, but as far as I know the Indexing Service generates indexes in the background, which differs from BeFS, because BeFS is a real database.
BeFS is not a real database. It once was during early development, but was replaced due to performance reasons IIRC.
Is the Be Filesystem a “True” Database?
“…BFS isn’t built to operate like a high-end relational database, and there is (currently) no way to extract and view the collection of all attributes of all files in tabular format, as you would in a relational database management system. Neither does BFS incorporate any kind of high-end query language like SQL (though Find by Formula is capable of accomplishing most of what SQL’s SELECT statement does). There are several reasons for this.
For one thing, the attributes given to your thousands of files are dissimilar from one filetype to the next (Person file attributes share only a single common field with StyledEdit’s file attributes, for instance). Therefore, keeping everything “connected” would require the maintenance of an insanely complex relational system, incurring overhead that’s better kept out of the operating system itself (this is part of the reason why the true database foundation of the early Be filesystem was abandoned in favor of the current “database-like” filesystem). Second, Be’s usual M.O. is to provide an elegant infrastructure in which third parties can develop high-end applications, rather than to provide so much native functionality that some third-party tools are simply unnecessary…
The Same, Only Different
Like a database, the Be filesystem includes collections of named fields containing discrete values. And as with a database, you can mine the system by running powerful queries against attribute fields to extract meaningful information from your file collection. However, BeOS returns its query results in the form of file collections in Tracker windows, rather than as data collections in tables (although with the Tracker’s customizability, it comes pretty darn close). Unlike a database, BFS won’t let you establish lookup systems or other complex relations between tables. Finally, BFS doesn’t do SQL.”
p. 293: Original database in filesystem
Some engineers contend that the pre-DR9 filesystem was not in fact a true database, though it certainly was closer to one than is the current implementation. A better description of the reason the database filesystem was dropped as of DR9 might be: “The database could easily be lost after a crash”. It wasn’t lost after each crash of the system, but it had to be reindexed. That operation could take long minutes (if you had many many files), and possibly fail. This reindexation could fail, but that wasn’t the rule. In that case, you had to erase the database and rebuild one, and then, you’d lose the information in the database with no chance of recovery.” Thanks to Georges-Edouard Berenger for the suggested text here.
Can usa residents purchase this promotional offer? And if so what does 99 euro amount to in US Dollars?
Expect to pay almost $140.00 USD shipped.
“The disappointment people might get from buying Zeta will lead to the end of BeOS and not to the new beginning!”
Anonymous, your comments sound like dogma. Zeta is *something*. If anything, it will continue interest in BeOS until, if and when, OBOS comes out. Nothing could be worse than there being a gap of years and years until OBOS is released with nothing but R5 to continue playing with. Why are you so dead set against Zeta? Aren’t you even the slightest bit interested in what they’ve done? If nothing else, we will at last have Dano and BONE. Even if you are interested in OBOS only, this will continue interest in BeOS, not diminish it. Why not wait until the Home Edition comes out and give it a whirl? You never know, you might be surprised.
I will certainly buy Zeta as soon as the home edition is out.
Honestly though, I think my investments in Refraction and SoundPlay means more for the community. And for me.
Has anyone found info on how long the shipping will take? Are the RC1 CDs finished and ready to ship?
Anyony who placed an order – what response did you get?
>>>Please tell us why it is broken, show some examples. You are making unsupported claims.
The most famous one would be Adamation’s open letter.
But that’s not my point at all. My point is that BeOS fans are all like musicians and artists and technical writers who are “self-taught” programmers —- and they get all caught up with buzzwords because they don’t actually have computer engineering degrees.
There is nothing wrong with a good old monolithic kernel (look at Linux for example). There is nothing wrong with a kernel written in good old C. There is nothing wrong with API’s written in good old C (even the inventor of C++ have said that C++ is just a tool, nothing magical about it). There is nothing wrong to have a file system with database-like qualities, but not really an actual database.
The effect is three-fold. One is that when the ordinary BeOS fans learned that the emporer has no clothes, you lose your fan base. The second effect is that if the BeOS developers are just as clueless as the fans, then the apps aren’t going to any good. The third effect is that the gurus in the current OBOS development are also the “self-taught” programmers.
If you want to know why JBQ and the rest of the ex-Be engineers laugh at OBOS, go and take a look at obos mailing lists in the first few months in 2001 and 2002. You should read this WHOLE thread (about why there is a 1 gig ram limit).
The so-called “gurus” have no formal kernel training or experience, some without even formal college computer engineering educations. The real kernel gurus were trying to be helpful, but always get trashed because the “unwashed” are stuck with their “emporer has new clothes” buzzword thing.
Now, you get the idea why OBOS went with the NewOS kernel — because the OBOS developers didn’t even have a rudimentary understanding in kernel development. NewOS’ inventor, Travis, is an ex-Be engineer but he doesn’t want to directly get involved with OBOS because of legal reasons (i.e. he actually seen and touch the real BeOS kernel source code).
It’s a cascading effect, the remaining BeOS/OBOS fans are like the blind following the blind (the so-called BeOS gurus).
Amen Jay. I’m giving a fair chance, that means I will look closely to the Zeta 1.0 final reviews and If some of the drawbacks, backward decisions and plain amateurisms seen in the Zeta beta are fixed (crappy font rendering, buggy browsing, linux-like bloatware, amateurish graphics design here and there; tell the guy who put that blurry logo of Zeta in the beta deskbar to take a hike) I’ll be more than happy to buy me an updated BeOS, Zeta. If not…, “CAAAASSIOPEEEAAAA!!!”
I was quoted “7-14 days”. But, as I’m in the USA, I assume that means the time to get it to their distrubutors and extra time to get to me.
>>>Please tell us why it is broken, show some examples. You are making unsupported claims. ”
answer the question. The man didn’t ask for a term paper on the deficiencies of JLG or OBOS. He asked the question above. try answering that.
>>>Please tell us why it is broken, show some examples. You are making unsupported claims.
>>>answer the question. The man didn’t ask for a term paper on the deficiencies of JLG or OBOS. He asked the question above. try answering that.
I didn’t make any claims at all. If you look at my original comments — all I said was that a working API written in C is better than a broken API written in C++.
BeOS fans got doped into thinking that anything written in C++ is going to be much better than something written in C. Even Bjarne Stroustrup (the inventor of C++) doesn’t claim that. Somehow BeOS fans think that if it’s written in C++, it can cure even cancer.
>>>Even Bjarne Stroustrup (the inventor of C++) doesn’t claim that.
Quote from Bjarne Stroustrup’s official website at AT&T bell labs:
Does it matter which programming language I use?
Yes, but don’t expect miracles. Some people seem to believe that a programming language can or at least should solve most of their problems with system building. They are condemned to search forever for the perfect programming language and become repeatedly disappointed. Others dismiss programming languages as unimportant “implementation details” and put their money into development processes and design methods. They are condemned to program in COBOL, C, and proprietary design languages forever. A good language – such as C++ – can do a lot for a designer and a programmer, as long as its strengths and limitations are clearly understood and respected.
That is the very point of my original comment. You people expected miracles just because BeOS’ API is written in C++.
No one other than apparently you, has ever expected any “miracle” nor any “cancer-curing” from BeOS. BeOS just works as a Desktop-Multimedia orientated OS, and for many it just works better than the few available alternatives. Who gives a damn rat about Stroustrup’s official website in this thread. Be so kind to read the topic again and take your you-poor-blind-people/not-miracles/C/C++ stuff somewhere else.
See if Stroustrup’s official website has anything about Zeta’s Release Candidate1 of an updated BeOS, higly doubt so, but again: DO NOT EXPECT MIRACLES.
You’re attacking a strawman. Believe it or not, there are actually BeOS users who are well aware of the OSes deficiencies. I know it’s not a 64bit OS, and that it’s not a true microkernel, and that BFS is a database-like FS, etc etc etc. And hey – guess what? I still use it.
Not all BeOS users are buzzword-spouting fanbois, you know. I’d tell you the reasons I use BeOS, warts and all, but I have a feeling it will be much more entertaining to see you turn your pop-psych powers of intuition to the task. Here, I’ll give you a head start: you could say I must only use BeOS because I’m an anything-but-Microsoft nut. Have at it. Be creative.
sam: I didn’t make any claims at all. If you look at my original comments — all I said was that a working API written in C is better than a broken API written in C++.
You made the claim that all BeOS fans are “idiots” (admittedly this is a summary of what you said, but I feel it’s accurate) with no education and that they all believe/believed alot of dumb things.
Get this, not everyone is the same. Some people simply liked working with BeOS. Some never expected miracles or anything else. And a lot of people make dumb comments about a lot of different OSs. Does that mean that all the fans of “whichever-OS” is to blame? If so… Then I guess all the fans of any and every OS need to be condemned, because I’ve seen ALOT of dumb comments out there. Too bad I don’t keep a list of ’em all.
Also, I’ve met plenty of lame “computer people” with college degrees and plenty of great “computer people” without them and vice versa. You also state that people who are “self-taught” get all caught up in buzz-words and what not. Guess what? I’ve seen the reverse happen probably just as often.
Honestly, I don’t have much to do with the BeOS community and I didn’t get to use BeOS much, and as a result, I don’t know what the dominant beliefs and what-not are for the community. However… I have this to say about your posts… You started out well… With… What your first two posts? But after that… It seems to me that your posts had very little point to them except to display your own prejudices towards people.
Will you please stop replying to Sam?
Get over it and don’t reply to flamebaiters.
I can only congratulate this company for doing what it does.
I just hope they are successful.
And good choice for the laptop as it is a Compal, right ?
I¡ve only heard good things about this laptop.
But my question is if they’re selling for all Europe,
1) is the software available in all the languages
2) is the laptop keyboard available in AZERTY and Spanish QWERTY ?
Berndt if you’re still reading this thread, I was curious if you guys looked at possibly using SciTech’s snap drivers to possibly use in Zeta. They claim its os independent and I just think it would be a smart move especially once SciTech starts putting out 3D hardware support in the drivers.
General concensus is that BeOS was always fast. Does anyoen know what compiler they used to compile the system? Was it GCC, ICC, or some in house compiler?
BeOS (Intel) used the GCC compiler, 2.9x I believe. Reportedly yellowTab has support for using either the stock BeOS compiler or GCC 3.x. I hope someone who knows can confirm this…
After using MacOS X 10.2.6 on my “new” G3 B&W/350, I honestly have to say I don’t have much enthusiasm for anything BeOS these days anymore. Of course, if BeOS (er, Zeta) were to take off and regain the foothold it once had and grows from there, I *might* just find time to build an old PC back up to install it on.
Afterall, BeOS is… ]< E VV L 🙂
I can understand that perspective. If apple increases the processor speed of those $1299 G4’s then i will no doubt buy one.
regardless, Beos is just fun to work on. It has a pleasant personality of sorts to accompany its under the hood functionality. Thus, i will purchase yellow tab and install it on my x86 PC which i must have since i work from home. I intend to use the PC mainly for work (under Xp) and OS experimentation (linux and beos) and the apple for multi-track audio recording.
I’d keep an eye on palm and OBOS as well. Palm talk about palm laptops suggests that be technology will live under the palmsource banner.
BeOS (Intel) used the GCC compiler, 2.9x I believe. Reportedly yellowTab has support for using either the stock BeOS compiler or GCC 3.x. I hope someone who knows can confirm this…
Cool. Thanks for the info big al. They must have really written some nice code, considering they didn’t use ICC which is better than GCC (margnially) on intel architecures, although GCC is superior considering it’s portability.
>>>You made the claim that all BeOS fans are “idiots” (admittedly this is a summary of what you said, but I feel it’s accurate) with no education and that they all believe/believed alot of dumb things.
Did I say that these fans are “idiots”? If you get that impression, I apologized to everyone of you. All of you could be musical geniuses with an IQ of 200 and have graduate degrees at the Juilliard School. I have been very careful in my wording that many fans don’t have formal education in computer engineering. Perhaps I should do a Jerry Seinfeld, every time I used the phrase “no formal education in computer engineering”, I would add the phrase “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”.
Eugenia, et tu, Brutus. My interpretation of your husband’s past comments seems that they are very similar to my views (and he got attacked as well).
My views on buzzwords and JBQ’s comments “BeOS “pervasive multithreading” is just smoke and mirrors” and “the BeOS way is a fairly lazy way to write an OS”. (JBQ did tried to reduce the incendiary comments a bit later.)
For those of you that likes BeOS because it provides you a great environment to program on, that your apps are fast and never crash because of the design of BeOS, please read what JBQ said 2 years ago in the above link. I’ll try to give you a summary (I apologized in advance for any mis-interpretation).
JBQ: Lazy designed OS made BeOS unnecessary tricky platform to develop for.
BeOS Fan: For professional sized development maybe, but for me I find it clean.
BeOS Fan: Not beiing sure that a BMessage will be delivered is something that keeps me up at night. (Well almost — I don’t even take that into account when writing code or it would be unnecessary complicated/bloated).
JBQ: You are the living proof that devs are lazy. This is why you find it clean — those problems affect small projects as well, but you just didn’t look hard enough.
BeOS Fan: Non of the apps that I written crashed.
JBQ: You never tested your apps enough.
So how DO you order it? Have tried with Opera 6.05 set to accept ALL cookies from ALL servers, several times & still can’t create an account. Then I tried with IE 6, also set to accept all cookies, & I still can’t create an account. Can someone tell me the secret, I very much wish to make this purchase.
I’ve given up trying for tonight – having failed with Win98/Opera 6.05 & IE6 then with BeOS 5.03 & Mozilla 1.3 – all cookies enabled.
The “support” email function doesn’t work either – it keeps saying Oops, you must complete all fields – over & over. Don’t make it impossible for would-be purchaserd.
Have tried again today – & now success!