After two release candidates it is released the final version of Vector Linux-4.0. This release is based on Slackware 9.0 and the 2.4.22 kernel. It comes with auto hardware configuration and enough desktop software. The Deluxe version includes more software, KDE and Gnome.
It’s main strenght is that with it you have a slim but complete system in a few minutes not requiring too much resources.
From there, you can build the system to suit your taste.
While it does not aim to be anything like gentoo, It is one of the best distros for those noobies giving their firsts steps in learning how linux works behind friendly window managers.
It is very well tought out, it runs on my P1 233 well enough, has great support forums where even the most newbie questions are answered politely.
This is good news. Besides Libranet Vector i by far the best Linuxdist today. Congrats Vector /
Does Vector Linux 4 DELUXE CD comes with a video player or players that can play real media, wmv, quicktime and divx files “out of the box”?
I know that VL4 DELUXE comes with Mplayer, but it does not say, on their website, if it is a cripple version or not.
Yes the extras folder on the deluxe CD has both Mplayer and Xine with all the codecs to play those formats……..:)
What’s its packaging format? Does it use tar.gz files, like Slackware? Does it take care of deps for you?
Yes, it uses tar.gz like Slackware, a lot of (if not most) Slackware packages can be directly installed if they are from the proper version (i.e. VL 3.2 corresponds to Slack 8.1 and VL 4 corresoponds to Slack 9.x IIRC)
It does not take care of deps for you
but the developers release pre-packaged versions of some very comon apps, let’s say, they release a pack of firebird wich is different from the one you download for Slack or from the project site, but wich is designed and tested to install and work with VL.
There are bigger VL versions (soho) wich include Gnome or KDE and I gues that would make it easier avoid some deps problems.
But VL was born as a small distro aimed at the desktop, with small hardware requirements, and at least for now, that is still it’s primary objective.