PCBurn.com has a review up on Vector Linux’s latest release, 4.0. Find out what this slimmed-down Linux distribution has to offer.
PCBurn.com has a review up on Vector Linux’s latest release, 4.0. Find out what this slimmed-down Linux distribution has to offer.
it appears pcburn.com is down as of 7:40pm EST.
Works for me, 0100 GMT.
I thought the review was thorough and helpful, although I almost wish a number scale rating method was used or some sort of comparison chart to notify readers of the benefits and downfalls more clearly. When compared to other distributions though I agree that it is, for it’s size, one of the cleanest and fullest.
The people who have been using linux for a long time know which applications they often use. They can install most distros (including the bloated ones : Red Hat, Mandrake, …) in a clean way.
I’m sorry I didn’t peruse the review. I scanned through looking for the package managment system and immediately lost interest when I didn’t see anything about it, forgive me if I’m wrong. So what package manager does vector linux use?
It uses standard slackware packages. It also uses standard slackware tools. Pkgtool, and a couple frontends to it are included. Checkinstall is set up to integrate source installs.
If you want, you can either integrate swaret, or even full blown emerge from gentoo if you really want.
Simple but effective.
Never fear folks, my review of vector 4.0 specifically for osnews.com is gonna be submitted in the next couple of days
Never fear folks, my review of vector 4.0 specifically for osnews.com is gonna be submitted in the next couple of days
Good luck with it Matt. Are you using the VL 4 download edition or the deluxe version? Are you going to add benchmarking for readers? Have you installed this on several types of hardware? Have you actually used it to find any underlying issues? How is your review going to be different from the ones on MadPenguin and PCBurn?
I’m running the download version but unfortunately it’s not going to be installed on several types of hardware as the only other machine I have available is my router which I don’t particularly want to to take off line (plus it’s only a P166)
However, I have found one or two issues with my own hardware (namely the mouse) and although I haven’t actually benchmarked anything as such I have got some example times for boot up and installation.
My review is longer than the PCBurn review and similar in fasion to the MadPenguin one. Although I have not opted to install KDE or Gnome, preferring to focus on what you get with it – not what you might want to download afterwards – it is afterall a ‘lite’ distro.
Apart from MPlayer – i downloaded that but that was different to KDE and Gnome as it uses a Vector tool to install it.
>>Are you using the VL 4 download edition or the deluxe version? Are you going to add benchmarking for readers? Have you installed this on several types of hardware? Have you actually used it to find any underlying issues? How is your review going to be different from the ones on MadPenguin and PCBurn?
that’s a lot of questions! no need for any replies. i know why they were asked. when i read it it just seemed like a sudden bombardment, so it was kinda funny.
Matt, don’t forget to include some screen shots
I’m trying not to… anyone know how to make em without using Gimp? I was trying to get XV to do it but it would only do windows.
I’ve spent the rest of today reinstalling Windows cos it had been on my machine for over 6 months and was dying a rapid windows death
the installing went pretty well, sound works and screen without much trouble (adjusting the refreshrates a bit) it comes with xfree 4.3.0, don’t know why debian still dicks around with 4.2.
pkg seems a bit broken, I’m getting errors when installing something, apt-get seems easier (when it not brakes)
this it comes wth a couple of leightweight wm’s
since I like the gnome weather applet (and the look of it)
I tried to install that so far no joy…
Matt, you can do screenshots with the “ksnapshot” utility considering you have install it as part of KDE
Make sure the “grab active windows only” (or something within those lines) option is deselected.
I downloaded the iso, burnt it, installed it and it worked.
The hardware was from Walmart, the cheapest one they sell.