A basic understanding of Stop errors and their underlying causes improves your ability to locate and understand technical information or perform diagnostic procedures on Windows Server 2003.
A basic understanding of Stop errors and their underlying causes improves your ability to locate and understand technical information or perform diagnostic procedures on Windows Server 2003.
… but what I really want to know is why my desktop goes on vacation after about an hour worth of use. The destop just refuses to repaint correctly and I can’t see what I’m doing.
I’m not knocking 2003 server, I’m just curious since I don’t have this problem with any other version of Windows running on the same machine.
Have you tried upgrading/downgrading your display drivers? Sounds like a driver issue.
windows 2003 is a great operating system but it does have some funny quirks, for example while installing the portuguese version of 2003 on a server, during the install process after pressing ‘F6’ to install the raid/scsi drivers it tells you to press ‘S’ to load the drivers from floppy, the only thing being that pressing ‘S’ doesn’t do anything, i later found out (while pressing all keys in fury
that it’s actually ‘E’ that works LOL
It may be that the portuguese has a different keyboard layout but at that satge so early in the installation it hasn’t had a chance to ask you which keyboard layout you want to use so it is assuming you have a US layout keyboard. Pressing the button in the same position as “S” is on a US keyboard will send the keyboard scancode that the install routine is expecting.
Does anyone know how to get around Windows 2003 locking after about 20 minutes and then haing to password back in?
I’m using it as a workstation and its really starting to bother me. I can’t seem to get around it no matter what I do.
I think the best solution to windows server 2003 problems is to not run anything on it except ISS-PHP-ASP.. thats it.. various apps for windows 2003 can easily bring the load way down, and windows is already bad regarding load. I suspect that it will improve with the next server release.
Goto administrative tools – computers – users and check your session settings
Stop errors are so nice – like the one at startup that it can’t find the *boot* drive after deleting a partition (using Partition Magic) that was created *after* installing Windows, containing only documents…
Maybe after all the problem isn’t the customer not understanding the STOP message, but Microsoft making them appear for various stupid reasons.
Stop errors are so nice – like the one at startup that it can’t find the *boot* drive after deleting a partition (using Partition Magic) that was created *after* installing Windows, containing only documents…
<p>In all likelihood that deleted partition resided “in front of” the Windows partition, and removing it effectively made Windows move to another partition from the perspective of the bootloader. Most OSes would have the same problem if the partition they expected to boot from suddenly “disappeared”.
Alternatively Partition Magic might have done some weird reordering/renumbering of the partitions when it deleted one. It’s a handy program, but it can do some weird things sometimes.
The real culprit here is the limited, arcane and brain-dead PC partitioning scheme, so blame IBM
Goto administrative tools – computers – users and check your session settings
Thanks for the help….but everything is set to never, so i dont think thats it. ๐
Does anyone know how to get around Windows 2003 locking after about 20 minutes and then haing to password back in?
Are you just talking about the password protected screensaver ?
nope…thats disabled too. Thanks though….its weird….out of the 10 indentical windows servers we have only one of them does this. I may just reinstall and this box is really just being used as a workstation/test server….oh well. ๐
Does it just logoff or does it lock completely? i once had a pc that locked after a few minutes, when i opened it i found some capacitors on the motherboard were leaking and most of the others were swollen.
hi every1
i was just wondering if any1 could help me with my problem,
ive just installed windows server 2003 , i havnt loaded any programmes accept for my modem drivers and wen i boot-up and finally get to the desktop i get an error “ATLEAST 1 SERVICE OR DRIVER FAILED DURING SYSTEM STARTUP” i didnt get this error untill i installed the modem, then about 10 minuites of being connected to the internet i get another error message “WINDOWS MUST NOW RESTART BECAUSE THE REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC) SERVICE TERMINATED UNEXPECTEDLY” ive updated the modem drivers and everything is still the same, couled it be the modem or couled it some settings in windows that i couled sort out
i wouled appreciate the help
many thanks….