Zaval‘s dual licensed LwVCL provides the same API solution for both Java (J2SE & J2ME) and .NET (.NET & Mono). This means that the same API, the same components set, the same functionality, and at last the same look and feel work on both architectures.
Dear god, is it just me or does that look like the disaster swing is all over again?
What happened to native widgets?!
Too bad it’s also goat-sex ugly. That thing had better be themeable.
Are they serious about this? The ancient Windows 95 look with a horrible tiled background? Omg, these guys need to get their heads examined
yep it’s look like that no native widget == slow gui what happend to the learn from past mistake ?
Companies don’t care about the current fashion in gui themes so that makes most of the already posted comments rather beside the point.
the above is said by the site to be C# code.
in C# one does frame.visible = true;
or else he can write JAVA/C++
those guys cut off properties<?>. if you cut off properties and some others then there you go you do write JAVA!!!
but that’s the main diff between java and C#. C# make your life easier
they state very clearly that the API is to be the same, regardless of platform/language. they could have chosen the C# or the Java way of doing things. they chose the latter. so why even bother complaining about such a thing. RTFA.
From what I’ve seen of the demo and the documentation, it looks like a nice system. Plus, since its GPL, it shouldn’t be too hard to get it running on GCJ. Which would be sweet! It also runs on more platforms than Swing and that’s a nice bonus.
This is just what we need: another API framework and GUI toolkit to allow developers to write software that doesn’t look or feel like it belongs on the platform it is being run on. Should the widgets be skinable? Who really cares, I don’t. Windows user interfaces are designed completely different than those on the Mac, and the same can be said for the different DEs on Linux/UNIX. So your write once, run anywhere piece of crap can either follow the HIG for one of these platforms or it will conform to non of them. Write once, run anywhere is the biggest load of crap ever dreamt up… thank you Sun Microsystems for your breakthrough ideas.
Everyone of you who took the time to piss and moan about this put up a link to your fabulous GUI app or shut up.
It may not be perfect, but at least they’ve actually acomplished something. What do you have to show?
here here!
> put up a link to your fabulous GUI (app, I assume you mean Toolkit)
Why, When better exist? wxWindows for a start.
The only advange I can see to this over (insert fav API here) is its ability to run on J2ME (and prob. .NET compact too), which is daft. Who would want a full blown GUI in a screen which is 200x200px or smaller?
> What do you have to show?
Quite a bit really. But OSNews is not the place for it. It is for this lib, but then if it is posted on a fairly high profile site, then some people will point out its week points. It is ugly, background images have been dropped by GUI developers for a reasion.
Now the developers have two choices, ignore the compaints, or attempt to fix them.
I love it when web ‘developers’ make those screenshot windows popping up all in a fixed size (at a whopping size of at least 100×100 while showing a screenshot that’s much larger).
I think it looks nice.
Ok, it seems, that they are not using native-widgets. But – and thats important – it is not Swing. ๐
They are using their own Lightwight-Widgets. And thats ok.
The only problem I see are this widgets with .net/C#.
The Windows-people more like native-widgets. And it seems, that this are something, what Windows-people don’t want to use.
But lwvcl looks nice.
(btw.: the “lw” of “lwvcl” _means_ lightwight) ๐
Wow. I have now looked at the anounced thinlet.
It looks very cool. ๐
And it don’t need Swing too – like lwvcl.
I hope, that the development of lwvcl and thinlet makes more progess. I don’t understand why still non-free Swing is the most used toolkit.
(btw: And I hope, that kaffe and gcj makes much progress, too)
Thank you very much for the stormy and emotional reaction
concerning this framework.
I agree this is not a place where the announce should be posted (but it is not me who did it). All aguments, proofs can be found on the product site, you can read it more carefully. Frankly speaking I cannot find any well-grounded concerns in the thread.
Windows-like views – it is customizable.
Native-Widgets – nothing to comment.
Another SWING – try to pack all swing components in
150-190Kb Jar file, try to start SWING application on the PDAs …
The Thinlet framework is our main competitor. I like it too
But the framework is not extendable, its performance is not good. If you are going to develop simple application – thinlet is the best choice, otherwise your are welcome to utilize the LwVCL !
First, I do not mean to come overly negative, and do wish you luck, but it does have a number of issues.
> 150-190Kb Jar file,
For a start my compaint was not about the memory size, but now you have brough it up, for J2ME devices (that is phones with < 1Meg for both storage and runtime memory) 150Kb is a great chuck of space. Hell, many devices you are looking at 50K max for the MIDlet.
My compaint is about the screen real estate. 200x200px is way to small for any full windowing toolkit. Plus most J2ME devices have a very none-standard input method. Again not suited to a full blown GUI.
> try to start SWING application on the PDAs …
I can, and have on my 8Meg Psion Revo.
You also have not address the background image, I hope that is not on by default.
Well, I think LwVCL is both graphically pleasing and responsive. I personally won’t have any problems with using LwVCL in my next GPL’ed Java application (which I’m working on right now).
My only question is: Does LwVCL support the mouse scroll wheel? I ask this because I could not get the examples to scroll with the mouse wheel.
The current version doesn’t support mouse wheel since this is Java2 feature. Most likely we will support it in the future, since we have a lot of requets concerning the issue.
LwVCL works fine for the J2ME Personal Profile (Personal Java or Java 1.1), but J2ME MIDP version has draft status.
Taking in account the PDA hardware developing I am afraid the J2ME MIDP is not going to be a popular platform.
Please if you have any concerns, questions, issues don’t use the thread. Use [email protected] or my [email protected]
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