Devicelogics, a company founded by former executives of Caldera and Lineo in Utah, says it has begun shipping version 8.0 of DR-DOS today. The company says the most significant enhancement in the latest version of this long-lived operating system is support for FAT32 large partitions, enabling DR-DOS “to keep up with market demand for DOS-based embedded solutions built on FAT32 platforms.”
People still use DOS? Pardon my ignorance, but why?
yay for DOS!
If you are a admin you can have a small 100-200 meg installation of Dos and use it to create boot-disks, trouble-shoot a Windows partition, our run legacy apps. There are a lot of legacy apps out there that people depend on that only run on DOS.
DR-DOS provides a full multitasking environment on Pentium, 486, or 386-based hardware. This is built into the memory management extensions provided in the operating system, and is accessible for standard un-aware applications when using the Task manager (Taskmgr) utility. Programs however can have direct access to create separate threads etc, via the extended Application Programming Interface
Will it play all my oldMS DOS games is what i want to know!
Will it play all my oldMS DOS games is what i want to know!
and will it automatically allocate memory required? Now that would be cool.
I didn’t know such products existed.
heh, maybe:
…allowing device drivers to reside outside of the regular DOS application area. Drivers or Terminate stay-resident applications can thereby avoid using valuable application memory.
I always had problems running games that use 560K+.
In India we have several financial softwares and billing systems built on top of dbase and dos. its very effective and simple. they only need a 486. dont have any problems and run forever. there is no need for any other operating system in that areas.
Linux is used for web and file servers while windows is more common on the desktops
They most be crazy asking this price.
I can have a full multitasking DOS envoirment for Free.
We run several multiuser application in freedos under LInux/BSD in our company. There run fine and there is no need
for Dr. DOs or one of its cousins. Spread the word!
links: ( good for games )
Can’t believe a floppy-sized DOS download costs twice as much as WindowsXP!! I guess they plan on making their profit on both customers…
Actually, I’ve seen DR-DOS on something lately, but can’t recall what. Some hard drive diagnostic floppy perhaps…
I got a few copy of DR Dos 7 somewhere I might look for it later.
I got a few copy of DR Dos 7 somewhere I might look for it later.
few should be free in my post.
DR-DOS 8.0 isn’t the only DOS that is still availiable. FreeDOS Beta 9 is available from DOS is probably mostly just used for embedded aplications these days. But, my old Pentium II computer is able to boot up into either FreeDOS Beta 9, Red Hat 8 Linux or Windows ME. I have partitions for each OS. I occasionally boot it up in FreeDOS Beta 9 when I want to play some old DOS games or run the Morse code practice program.
On my newer Athlon XP 2600+ computer I can choose between PC-DOS 2000, Red Hat 9 Linux, or Slackware 9.1 Linux. I also sometimes run the Linux version of VMWare from within Linux. With VMWare I can run PC-DOS 2000 in a Window while running Linux at the same time. I also occasionally use VMWare to run Windows XP in a window from within Linux. I wonder how many other people out there use an Athlon XP 2600+ processor to run DOS?
I recently installed the Linux version of the DOSBox 0.61 emulator. With DOSBox 0.61 I can use old DOS games in Linux. Both the soundcard and my USB joystick can be used with the old DOS games when run from within DOSBox under Linux. They are both emulated into something that the DOS programs can use. There are versions of DOSBox for Windows, BeOS, Linux, and MacOS X. I do not play games very often though.
The DR-DOS 8.0 link up above did not work when I tried it so I do not know how it compares to the other alternatives.
“Devicelogics says DR-DOS 8.0 is immediately available as a web download and costs $200 for a “5-user” license pack, and non-royalty volume licensing options are available.”
I renember when Caldera had the copywrite to DR-DOS, they made it freely available for anyone who wanted it. It was free to any user who wanted it for non-commercial use. If they would have stuck to thier old model of sales, I think it would have been much better.
It saddens me to see that this has changed, but fortunatly, if you go to the installation set for DR-DOS 7.03 is freely available. Here is the file needed for FAT32 support on DR-DOS 7.03: . Here is the file needed to support LFN in DR-DOS 7.03: . Here is a EMM386.SYS replacement, allowing for better memory management above 640KB: . Here is an addition that will allow you to terminate any hung DOS program with the F12 key: . Here is a add-on that will allow you to scoll the screen in DOS by pressing the scroll lock key functions similar to the DOS box in Windows: . Here is a replacement for Xcopy, that will copy files with long file names: . Here is a file that will allow you to powerdown your ATX computer, but reqires APM 1.2 to function.
There you go. A completly free updated version of DR-DOS 7.03. Using these tools, you should have most of the advantages of DR-DOS 8.0. Note that I got these links from the website, as well as If these are warez, feel free to mod down, or whatever.
The Maxblast software for Maxtor drives uses a verion of DRDOS. That might be where you saw it.
I think Drive Image uses it too.
On 2004-03-30 Anonymous wrote:
> People still use DOS? Pardon my ignorance, but why?
If you’re a sysadmin it’s a good thing. Most people today don’t know DOS anymore. You can setup dumb terminals in a production environment running a thin client on top of DOS and there isn’t anything underneath that people can play with.
I still have dedicated production calibration stands doing data acquisition and control in a production environment. They have been running daily for ** 12 years ** on DOS.
The investment to rewrite the software, buy new hardware, etc. just hasn’t been worth it to date. We have newer systems that run windows, but guess what… we have more trouble with them.
Photoplay-Arcades use DOS
The bootable 2-diskette version of Partition Magic that you can optionally make runs on DR-DOS.
No way am I going to pay that for dos. $50 – $90 maybe but $200?
Well, you can still purchase a single user lisence for DR-DOS 7.03 from them for $29.00, or download it for free.
I remember that one of the consequences of Windows98 was that I could not boot to genuine DOS anymore, if you enabled FAT32 support for the C: drive.
Now, with DR DOS 8.0, would Win98 be able to boot to the originally installed DOS (that would be DR DOS 8.0) instead of that Win98 “DOS” thingy? In other words, will Win98 + DR DOS 8 = Win95 + any DOS ?
Why not using FreeDOS?
Watch these people go after freeDOS the way that SCO went after Linux soon!!! I do not trust ANYTHING that comes out of the Canopy group anymore.
I am speak spanish
Yo pienso comprar DRDOS 8 with FAT32
but version 8 support huge Memory?
Create please very popular RealMediaFormat for DRDOS.
Support RealAudio(RealPlayer8,RealPlayer8plus or higher).