The IA32 boot loader bindings are now mature enough to boot OpenBeOS from a hard drive if the BIOS supports LBA access (which should be supported by every modern BIOS). The kernel itself doesn’t have hard drive access yet, so it will panic soon after (which is the intended behaviour at this point).
Good job OpenBeOS.
Does anyone know if the OpenBeOS folks have plans for if major parts reach maturity before others? Eg., let’s say the media kits and network kits reach maturity and feature-completness, while the kernel is still alpha/pre-alpha quality. I wonder how long until we start seeing Max-ish distros of Personal Edition that have been upgraded with OpenBeOS components as well.
Congrats OpenBeOS!!!
When did they say the new name and new website will be revealed? I remember they said something about this in the past.
How can they work on an operating system if it doesn’t boot? Or do I have tunnel vision on this whole thing? What platform are they developing on?
I always thought they used BeOS PE. They remove certain kits,
eg. Remove original BeOS network kit, and test with a OpenBeOS development version of the network kit.
On waltercon I believe
It will be announced at WalterCon, and from what I understand when the new name is unveiled the new website will be as well.
Congrats OBOS and everyone who contributed to this milestone. If you would, a newsletter article about what milestones are ahead before we can, say, boot OBFS from a BFS partition and download a text file from an FTP and edit it with vim, would be greatly appreciated by me if nobody else.
From what I’ve seen, OBOS looks like it has a great chance at becoming a reality. I think “self-hosting” would really inspire current developers (and attract new ones), so news about a step towards that goal is always good news. Keep up the good work guys.
good job, i can wait to see more
I can’t wait woooooooo
I think they are quite a bit further in their development then it first appears. Once the kernel has IDE drivers, I bet things will really move.
The way OpenBeOS is progressing it wouldn’t supprise me if they have a functioning release of theor OS out before YellowTab does.
Yeah OpenBeOS
Boo YellowTab. What are the YT people doing, they should have had their system out half a year ago. Now I feel they’ve missed the boat.
It’s like seeing Engineers cheer after a rocket blows up shortly after lift off. Who cares if it blew up, it got off the ground.
This sounds like a good start. I would love to see an off shoot project to creat Bootman as a stand alone deal. Installing beos is worth it just for bootman.
whats it the license of OpenBeOS?
heh… depends on what was attached to the rocket ๐
“heh… depends on what was attached to the rocket :-)”
A peice of gum, a rock, a duck, and a cheeto.
As far as I know it’s under the BSD licence, or similar.
They use R5 as a model, they can drop in the new code to test, so it’s easier… or something.
The new name (and new web site) will be announced (and released) at WalterCon.
It wasn’t hard to find in their FAQs.
OpenBeOS (which will be renamed at WalterCon) will be released under the MIT license:
I knew that, must be past my bed time.
The mind starts to go.
One has to wonder, which will be the best “hobby-like”
SkyOS(not hobby?), Walter, or Syllable.
BTW, there is newer Syllable news.
With all this OBOS progress, we’ll soon have a self-hosted OS!
OBOS is in no way a “hobby OS”. The way they are approaching the whole thing is much more professional and consistent than a lot of what goes on with linux.
Look at all the hassle with paperwork that Michael has gone through to get official non-profit organisation status. So when you want to see Walter (that’s not the new name, btw) improve, make a tax-deductable doantion to the Walter NPO. You want to see linux improve? Where should you send your money?
There is no need for the “distribution” mentality of linux, that involves people like the CEO of Red Hat getting rich of what other people have written and released for free; OBOS will release a complete operating system for free download. There’s also talk of the project themselves producing an official CD in order to raise funds for paying developers, obtaining specs from h/w manufacturers, etc.
OBOS isn’t a hobby; it’s one of the brightest prospects in the alternative OS market IMHO.
I can’t agree more with you mate. OBOS will be the desktop player the public has been waiting for.
I can’t wait for that first GUI boot…
I also believe there is a donation somewhere that goes to whomever makes that first boot…
OpenBeOS uses NewOS kernel, right? I could have sworn there have been IDE drivers for NewOS for ages, but perhaps they weren’t functional?
“There is no need for the “distribution” mentality of linux, that involves people like the CEO of Red Hat getting rich of what other people have written and released for free; OBOS will release a complete operating system for free download.”
Eh? First, there’s nothing wrong with what Red Hat has done; they contribute an enormous amount back to the community, including work on the kernel, XFree86, glibc, GCC, GNOME, and others — all for everyone to use. They’ve done far more than any other distro vendor. If you don’t want people making money of your software, don’t release it under the GPL in the first place. 99.999% of GPLed software developers don’t have a problems with this…
Secondly, considering the license OpenBeOS is under, you may well see some severe forking as it takes off. It could make the distribution situation in Linux look like a happy singalong party. So don’t start running at the mouth until you understand the issues at hand, and particularly before OBOS has taken off – then you’ll see fragmentation.
Secondly, considering the license OpenBeOS is under, you may well see some severe forking as it takes off.
Geee I bet that’s why BSDs aren’t forked like hell while Linux keeps living it’s anarchylife?
Really it doesn’t matter if you read what OBOS intends to do with their code and what they hope happens.
Besides, OBOS is free as in Free without restrictions other “claim to be free” licenses have and have a foundation behind it (Kudos Michael Phipps). Why would anyone wanna go against them rather then join them? Let people earn money doing applications such as Refraction, TuneTracker or Gobe Productive and together work on the system.
I think OBOS will do just fine, and will do fine after some years vs the other 2 desktop players (OSX/Windows)
“…vs the other 2 desktop players (OSX/Windows)”
Hey, what about SkyOS?
I agree though, OpenBeOS is gonna rock
–Dutch translator for SkyOS, v5.0–
It’s more like those same engineers cheering after an early test of the rocket that will one day power the rocketship that will hopefully not blow up when it’s finished ๐
OpenBeOS uses an MIT or BSD style license I believe.
what do you mean they are not forked, Free, Net, open, dragonfly, should i keep going.
and osX is not a player on the desktop.
OBOS is under the MIT-license, which is REALLY great for the futre as I see it.
The License:
How nice of myself to not notice that the comments continued on another page. O_o
I know Walter is not the new name. I like saying that so people get upset ๐
I said hobby-like OS. OpenBeOS is not being worked on by payed people now, unless YT is helping out.
BSD is forked more than linux, but linux has thousand of distros.
How can they work on an operating system if it doesn’t boot? […] What platform are they developing on?
The kernel can already boot from a floppy, IIRC.
They’re developing mainly on BeOS R5 and its variations. Perhaps some even work on it using Yellowtab’s Zeta. Some have tried using GNU/Linux and Microsoft’s Windows.
Even if compiling doesn’t work on those OS’s (I’m not certain), it’s always possible to use whatever text editor or IDE you want and simply reboot to BeOS to compile and test.
I know Walter is not the new name. I like saying that so people get upset ๐
I said hobby-like OS. OpenBeOS is not being worked on by payed people now, unless YT is doing something.
BSD is forked more than linux, but linux has hundreds of distros.
Which is better?
You and me both.
“I coulda swore I posted something…”
why did someone said MacOS X is not a desktop player. It is THE DESKTOP PLAYER among other things, it can serve as a nice unix server and it can play right on the desktop with all that intuitive UI, Office tools, quicktime and the like…
if anyone here thinks Linux is more suited to the desktop than the mac, gosh… enough fanatism. Mac is more user friendly, thats all…