Microsoft Corp. is driving toward its goal of shipping the next client and server versions of Windows in tandem. But the effort will come at the expense of a few wish-list server features, according to high-ranking company officials.
Microsoft Corp. is driving toward its goal of shipping the next client and server versions of Windows in tandem. But the effort will come at the expense of a few wish-list server features, according to high-ranking company officials.
The actual story is here:,1759,1589204,00.asp
“It will take [competitors] a long time to clone the core technologies we have in Longhorn” Well he should know all about that.
Seriously, all the sign are telling me that MS is in such a hurry because the huge timeframe is such an opportunity for Red Hat en the others to do some big catching up. He’s talking about cutting edge technology, but how cutting edge will it be in 2, maybe even 3 years?
It’ll be pretty easy to come up with an alternative XAML parser, hey its already been done. But the lower levels of Avalon have some very tight integration between the Avalon api, direct3D pipeline and the Longhorn driver model that it will be very difficult to replicate on Linux without a massive consortium of the various teams working together.
Personally I like the way the Y windowing system is going. That seems closest to what Avalon proposes, but it has a long way to go.
“It will take [competitors] a long time to clone the core technologies we have in Longhorn”. Still the same (in)compatibility play. Nothing changed.