Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger will include tighter integration with Apple’s internet services and sport a refreshed Finder interface, according to reports that cannot be positively confirmed, but are believed to reflect accurate information on the latest builds of the OS.
I better get in line right away! Sorry, but there are many more rumored features that are far more interesting…
…like bi-directional SFTP support in the Finder. Now only if they made it so you can navigate up and down directory structures without the use of simlinks… …or even have the finder create .. and / simlinks by default when connecting via FTP, SFTP or even AFP.
All I really want is an “up” button and SSL WebDav in Finder and I’ll be happy!
Didn’t we just get an Finder update? I have to agree with
xnetzero we need bi-directional SFTP support!
…like bi-directional SFTP support in the Finder
do you have a link to that? is it from a reliable source?
that would plug a huge defficiancy since the current finder can’t even do bi-direction FTP (or SFTP at all).
throw in bi-directional samba, and definitely a way to navigate up a directory and you’re one step closer to a near perfect OS.
if they do end up charging more for it (as stated in the article) i want to see file system attributes (ala BFS) with fast search ability, a new scheduler in the mach kernel, less swap use, faster overall interface (ala BeOS), and i wouldn’t mind if they threw in an office suite based on KOffice (a rumor i’ve heard floating around, but not bundled with an OS release). a tabbed and adding some features like editting profiles to iChat wouldn’t hurt either. maybe a more customizable dock (more like OpenTracker), and readding translucent unfocused title bars (ala Jaguar). oh yeah, and if the info labels on folders would update themselves more often (or even in real time) that would rock too.
that’s quite a laundry list, but if they want more money, i want more stuff!
I read “Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger to sport updated Finder”, but shouldn’t it read “Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger to support updated Finder” ?
All the major conferences going on with tons of new hardware announcements and we get osnews as another mac rumor site?
I bet there is a rumor about updated G5’s coming some day too.
Why don’t we focus on what is released, what is outlined by Apple, what Apple releases to beta, etc.
WWDC will reveal all, so until then look at what is at hand.
You’re missing the whole point of the finder’s interface if you want the up button.
The old finder was spatial, each folder had a certain size, position, and view. Each directory, when double clicked would always open in a new window that was unique to that directory. All the icons would remember their position and always be in the same spot.
The new finder is a hybrid browser (like windows ) and spatial interface. It kinda works, in the browser mode, but if you want a pure spatial view then it sucks.
Apple look at :
That’s what I want.
I am still wondering why Finder doesn’t show the file(s) size anywhere… you’ve to open the Info window 🙁
Not to flame, but…
if i start in my home directory, how do i get to the directory above? and assuming i’m a moron (not to hard of an assumption to make) how would i ever know what it’s parent directory is without doing a complicated search to find it?
now say i mount an FTP drive, which defaults to my /home/user directory. if i have access to /pub/some_dir how do i get to it without creating a symlink (alias)?
in simple spatial finder, sure no up button, in metalicized fancy finder up button (or show parent menu option at least). it can even open in a new finder window to keep it somewhat spacial.
will tiger include xfree864.4 or x.orgR6.7?
Command+Up Arrow
Option+Command+Up Arrow to close the home directory window after opening the /Users folder
I don’t know why you’d need to know (if you didn’t already) where the home folder was located. If you need to know that, then you’re probably someone who knows about the file layout (/Applications, /Users, /Users/<userhome>, etc)
But to answer: if you’re viewing the finder in metal view, you can click the path button in the toolbar and it’ll show you all the directories above your current folder all the way to root.
put the “path” button in your toolbar, or just hit command-up
I am still wondering why Finder doesn’t show the file(s) size anywhere… you’ve to open the Info window 🙁
Basically, bring up the Finder window for the folder you wish to view, and select “View | as List” from the menubar (or press Command-2). Then make sure your window is sized appropriately to view all the file information (including the file sizes).
Hope this help…
The phrasing was correct. “To sport a new X” means that someone or something has a new X on display. It’s often used in connection with women and dresses, cars and car accessories, or … well, there are other places that phrasing appears.
or if you prefer icon view just open up your view options (command-J) and click the little “show item info” box
I think you two are missing the point a little. If you mount a remote volume by AFP, FTP or SMB you generally mount your home directory. If there are any directories above that you cannot negotiate to them unless there are simlinks to take you there.
If I have access to the following directories on a fileserver:
and I mount <myhomedirectory> there is no way to negotiate to /pub, because on my localhost all I see is /Volumes/myhomedirectory. If as you both suggest I use the command+up-arrow or path button in my toolbar I will get as far as /Volumes on the local host, but I cannot move down a directory on the remote server.
MOSX already creates some hidden files when you mount remote volumes via AFP (.HSancillary and .HSResource/) perhaps its possible for them to create a mechanism to allow movement above your mounted directory.
Another file manager that doesn’t know if it’s a file manager or a browser.
Now ? how about some bar thing on the right side of the desktop with a clock or something on it ? taking up about 1/5 of the screen.
While you’re at it ? add some more bars to the finder window. Make it so that it looks like a full web page ? taking up just about the whole screen. Man will that ever look Cool!
I hope no one ever actually has to tries to do some work on their computer…
But that’s not asking for an up button is it?
If I mount a remote directory in Windows and select “up” from the perceived “root” of that volume, that doesn’t take me deeper into the volume I didn’t mount as, does it? No.
I’m not a UNIX or Linux geek, so I’m not sure if this is normal functionality to you, but it seems you are asking for functionality that defies average needs and purposes… Why aren’t you simply mounting the volume you have access to rather then a directory two levels down? Or why aren’t you mounting both directories?
“Basically, bring up the Finder window for the folder you wish to view, and select “View | as List” from the menubar (or press Command-2). Then make sure your window is sized appropriately to view all the file information (including the file sizes).”
Or keep it on column view and click on something, it brings up the icon with all the info in the next column.
On most unix time sharing hosts there are other directories you have acccess to other than your home directory such at /tmp. This is probably a bad example, I may have a 50MB quota in my home directory, and 500 MB quota in /tmp. If I mount my home directory I do not have access to any files I might have saved in /tmp. With a FTP client such as Fetch, you can still navigate to /tmp and grab your files. If you mount your home directory to your desktop via the Finder you do not. While it’s great to have FTP access built into the Finder, it’s really not fully functional and while you can create simlinks to the directories you may need to accesss, you’ll have to have either telnet or ssh access to the time sharing host as well, or an admin that is willing to make them for you.
Any news on whether this supposed new Finder will finally break free of it’s Carbon shackles? I’m sick of having OS9 code in an OS that costs this much. That, along with fixing the VM system would make for a good upgrade.
right click on the location title at the top of the finder, or CMD-Click. you get a nice list of the directory you are in, and all the parents in order all the way down.
Yay, so how about this. Apple should make the back and forward buttons be a 2 click process too! Oh wait, that would suck? Yes exactly!
Here is why you need an up button.
If I click on a link to my projects folder and click on an alias to my /someProjectFolder that is actually in my /eclipse/workspace/someProject folder not in /projects, and I want to go UP to all the other eclipse workspace project folders, how do I do that other than CMD-Click on that icon and then choose the right icon I want? Now think of having to do that every time you wanted to go BACK or FORWARD and you’ll see why this is not an acceptable way of doing things. Make the UP button and option for all I care, don’t include it by default but my god, include it please!
Also it would be nice if it showed you where you were in your system and not just the name of the folder you are in.
It’s hard to tell without doing some clicking if I am in
or in
or in
because they all contain the same files but what one am I in if all I see is someProject in the title bar of Finder? Just by looking there isn’t a way to tell. Now open all 3 windows and try to copy the most updated file over to the other ones (of course ant would be a better way of doing it but still)… the only way to know what one is newer is to do the list view and then sort by modified date.. but if it just said I was in /whateverPath/someProject then I would know just by looking at the window exactly where I was and what one was the newest (the one in /projects/someProject).
Yes, this isn’t something mom and pop do, but it is something that a lot of powerusers and uber geeks do and it would be very easy to just add this option in for those who want it.
and yes, I know about PathFinder but I’d rather have it built into Finder and not have to buy another product so that my OS works the way it should.
“better get in line right away! Sorry, but there are many more rumored features that are far more interesting…”
Like the new Powermac 8.1 or something rather I read 2 days ago on a rumor site.
Anyways X keeps getting better..
Just used Mac OS X today for the first. I have been scouring the net for keyboard shortcuts (read the article on Apple’s site). I’m looking for keyboard equivalents of these windows shortcuts if anyone knows:
* Shift+Arrow+Right (or left) Arrow
This highlights up to the end of the word to the right or left of the cursor.
* Shift+Home (or End)
This highlights from cursor position to beginning (or end) of input area.
* Ctrl+A
Selects all text. This one might be Cmd+A, i didn’t try that.
* Ctrl+L
Selects the URL bar in Mozilla, looking for the Safari equivalent.
*Windows + R
Brings up a Run box where I can type a command.
I really like OS X, but I’m much less productive without my shortcuts. Also, I noticed the official Apple documentation on keyboard shortcuts doesn’t include Expose (F9-F11 I believe), wtf?
Torrey, first off, use the Path button, then you don’t need to click twice to go up. Second, use column view to see where you are and to organize lots of files. That should fix about everything you listed.
Anonymous (IP: —…
“* Shift+Arrow+Right (or left) Arrow
This highlights up to the end of the word to the right or left of the cursor.”
Double click to highlight the word, triple for the line. Double click and drag to highlight word by word instead of letter by letter.
“* Shift+Home (or End)
This highlights from cursor position to beginning (or end) of input area.”
CMD-forward and CMD-backward to move to each end of the field.
“* Ctrl+A
Selects all text. This one might be Cmd+A, i didn’t try that.”
Yeah, it’s CMD-A. Most CNTRLs translate to CMDs. Copy, Cut, Paste, those things.
“* Ctrl+L
Selects the URL bar in Mozilla, looking for the Safari equivalent.”
The URL bar is treated as an input field, so you can tab to it. Also works to get to the Google search, and throughout fields in the page.
“*Windows + R
Brings up a Run box where I can type a command.”
If thats the equivalent of a terminal command, it’s Shift-CMD-N in the Terminal. If it’s a go-to-wherever command, it’s Shift-CMD-G in the Finder. I don’t have a Windows box on hand at the moment, so if that didn’t answer it, explain a bit more and maybe I can help.
“Also, I noticed the official Apple documentation on keyboard shortcuts doesn’t include Expose (F9-F11 I believe), wtf?”
I think it’s because those are just defaults. They are changable right in the Expose prefpane. Of course, you can change all the shortcuts in the Keyboard & Mouse prefpane.
I dislike the degree to which they are attempting to promote .Mac
within the OS. I don’t want .Mac and the more they push it the
more I get turned off. However, it could be worse, I could be
running Windows with God knows what MSN/Hotmail/WM product
they push…
command (aka apple) + L select the URL bar most Mac browsers…
command + C = copy
command + V = paste
command + X = cut
shift+left arrow or shift+right arrow highlights text just fine.
shift + down arrow highlights from insert point to end of text.
This URL will help you out immensely <>. You should learn how to use universal access for full and complete control of the GUI via keyboard.
Sean, I agree. They should allow you to turn it all off. If you take iDisk out of the Sidebar though, it stays out of the way for the most part. No popups or “buy me” crap anywhere.
What they should really do is let you change out the .Mac integration with any WebDAV server. Then it’s more like server integration and not .Mac integration, and just leave .Mac as the default.
Decent FTP within the Finder would surely be nice. A few small things aside, I haven’t really been dissapointed by an OS X update yet. Keeps getting better
Oh, here’s some more OS X keyboard shortcuts:
PantherPPC answered most of my questions. The link you guys posted was actually the one I looked at earlier (but thanks still). I missed the Cmd+A, but the rest of those weren’t in there, esp. regarding text selection. I can see this might be because they are just combinations of other features.
So is it correct that there may not be a way to do the equivalent of Shift+Ctrl+Left (or righty) which highlights up to the first space or punctuation (with the keyboard)? That’s a pretty important one, but I should be doing much better tomorrow with the other everyone gave me. Fyi xnetzero – I mean highlighting entire words at once (which is the difference on windows between shift+arrow and ctrl+shift+arrow). Also apologies for screwing up the key combinations in my original post.
PantherPPC, the Windows + R thing.. It brings up an input where I can type one command, like “wordpad”, “cmd” or something to run an application if I know the name. Do finder commands work when I’m on the desktop? If so the Shift-CMD-G you mentioned would be a fine substitute (a shell window would accomplish basically the same thing).
Thanks so much for all the information, everyone has been really helpful.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Shift+command+ left or right arrow key does what you wish it to do.
Also, the shift+command+G command is not what you are hoping it is. There are some apps out there that let you assign hotkeys but I can’t think of a way to open terminal directly from a keyboard shotcut. One thing you can do is have terminal launch at login* and then simply command+tab to it when it’s needed. Personally, that’s an app that I just keep in the dock and click when needed.
*System Preference->Accounts->(select yourselft)->Start-Up Items | hit the graphic of a plus sign and select Terminal in the dialog.
sometimes it’s fun just to start mashing keys– it’s not like you’re going to break anything!
(unless you’re using a hammer!)
>> bi-directional SFTP support in the Finder
>>do you have a link to that? is it from a reliable source?
No link, but enough people have been asking for it and with a large push by universities and schools to turn off non-secure protocols, I don’t think Apple is going to ignore it.
wth is bdsftp
W/R/T the Windows “Run” command used as a launcher, check out either Quicksilver (free) or LaunchBar (shareware). Both are excellent launcher utilities (and much more, if you want to explore).
QS (still in beta) –
LB –
“…the Windows + R thing.. It brings up an input where I can type one command, like “wordpad”, “cmd” or something to run an application if I know the name…”
Don’t mean to be rude but this sounds as if you are running PearPC and when you pressed windows + r it shows the windows run dialog. Nothing to do with mac os. That’s a windows thing. Maybe I’m wrong.
Yeah, you are.. We are talking about Mac equivalents of Windows keyboard shortcuts.
Thanks xnetzero, that’s one I use _all_ the time.
1) I want ODBC drivers to come with the OS for ALL major databases.
2) I want more powerfull disk utilities.
3) I want an eDirectory plug in
4) Better MS Exhange support
5) An SQL front end included with Xcode.
Is this the ($100+ US) patch that makes SMB file sharing work reliably and at a decent speed?
Working Kerberos finally?
Less buggy Java implementation? Up-to-date Java implementation?
Apple must be proud of how it’s basically created itself an OS update subscription model without telling anyone… uh, not that I’m a little cynical about these “massive innovations” in each point release…
– chrish
Is this the ($100+ US) patch that makes SMB file sharing work reliably and at a decent speed?
Working Kerberos finally?
Less buggy Java implementation? Up-to-date Java implementation?
Apple must be proud of how it’s basically created itself an OS update subscription model without telling anyone… uh, not that I’m a little cynical about these “massive innovations” in each point release…
– chrish
I sometimes think that Apple should stop this 10.x versioning scheme (although it plays well with the MacOS 10-idea) for something like the M$-yearscheme way (“MacOS X ’02”, “MacOS X ’04). At least this would keep (some) flamers from saying, that these are just “patches”.