Apple released a security patch that fixes what the company called the first “critical” Mac OS X flaw. Apple today also introduced AirPort Express, “the world’s first 802.11g mobile base station that can be plugged directly into the wall for wireless Internet connections and USB printing, or thrown into a laptop bag to bring wireless freedom to hotel rooms with broadband connections.” More here and here.
As a relatively new customer of Apples (1 month & counting), I find them to be pretty “on the ball”, as far as patches & upgrades go. This one became a really hot issue shortly after I got my new Mac, and here aprox. 30 days later, we now have a fix. Not bad for a “big” company.
MS has it’s ups and downs, but their “Don’t tell anyone it’s broke until we’ve got it fixed” approach leaves me cold.
(MS in general leaves me cold, but especially their frequent mishandling of security-related issues)
O/T a little but has anybody else had problems after installing 10.3.4 on a Powerbook? Specifically the track pad?
none whatsoever. Try repairing permissions or if that fails, reset the PRAM.
I wonder if this is the “gift” Apple will give us at WWDC this year at the end of June in SF, CA, USA. Last year they gave everyone iSights (they had about 3,000 iSights to give away). Airport Express seems to be of similar value and box-size so it’s my guess that it is a good candidate for this year’s gift.
ooooh, I want the wireless audio-capability of that Airport Express for my iBook! That is what I have been wanting for so long.
Eugenia, if you do get one at WWDC, do please write a review about it. I’m really thinking of getting an ibook/powerbook this fall for college and I might get the Airport Express depending on how well it is
It does look/sound very nice.
One has to wonder why this new does not get even a fraction of the respose compared to the one that highlighted Apple’s Safari URI vulnerabilities. It really show that readers are just after sensational/negative news.
I am surprised that they did not have an rca and/or s-video out so slideshows from iPhoto can be viewed on a TV. Hopefully gen 2 will have this feature.
Cool Idea! You should work in the gadget department at Apple.
I’m guessing that it would take too much bandwidth of 802.11g to stream video. (iphoto/keynote slideshows should be possible offcourse).
Elgato eyehome claims to stream video over 802.11g haven’t tried it though
and even funnier is that there is no reported use of these “exploits”.
so all these windows use sending all the spam (… ). it looks like they only have 80% of the marketshare in that department. don’t worry windows users, i’m sure you’ll be up to 95% pretty soon
i’m excited about AirportExpress/AirTunes as well, but wish they would have added video capability to it. I can only imagine it will be added in subsequent releases. i think its time for jobs to start looking at movies. i don’t care if they don’t make an iPod with video playback on the go (i don’t really need a small screen playback device), but one that you could plug into a tv would be awesome. now the MPAA just needs to get off their high horses and condone dvd ripping for personal use.
hopefully this is just the start of the awesome apple announcements in store for june…
Yaada Yaada Yaada… I’ve been able to do a lot more with my Linksys Accesspoint connected to my Pioneer 810 DVR and its Linux based Tivo2 OS for over 6 months now. Also, my JVC Reciever connects via a wireless USB to my MP3 server mounted under my house as well. So once again, Jobs marketing wackos make it sound as if Apple has created something new… Why people continue to believe Apple marketing is beyond me! Must be religion! /.
Why people continue to believe Apple marketing is beyond me! Must be religion! /.
It’s because Mac stuff works at first and always works. Windows stuff doesn’t and require a lot of work to get up and running.
That and Mac always have the nice cool stuff first.
The quotation marks around “critical” imply that the writer does not endorse characterizing the flaw as critical. This is extremely biased. I can’t believe that a critical Microsoft flaw would be reported as “Microsoft Releases Patch for ‘Critical’ Flaw” — even Microsoft doesn’t report on its own flaws that way.