Departing from its past practice of not providing ISO images for free download, SUSE has released a complete, bootable, and installable ISO image of SUSE LINUX 9.1 Personal.
Departing from its past practice of not providing ISO images for free download, SUSE has released a complete, bootable, and installable ISO image of SUSE LINUX 9.1 Personal.
Cool… I’m willing to bet it’s the exact same install you would get from installing via FTP. Atleast now I won’t have to mirror the whole repository if I do chose to install.
This is wise for Novell/SuSE. We can now expect a wider degree of community involvement in SuSE products. I hope this will translate into the eventual availability of [more] SuSE RPMs since YaST is now also GPLed. For those who thought that individuals would download the SuSE-Knoppix like ISO, burn it, just to have a feel and eventually buy are clearly wrong. Customers, like water simply move to the products with little labour dealing with. Wise move SuSE.
I’m willing to bet it’ll not be the exact same install you would get from installing via FTP. The FTP install is actually SUSE professional minus some commercial software.
I don’t see why there should be more Suse-*specific* RPMs since Yast is free..? If you are interested in incorporating Yast into distro XYZ, why does this result in more RPMs for SuSE? On the other hand, you don’t need Yast at all to install RPMs on SuSE…
However, this is a good move. Now we will finally see whether the moaning about SuSE will finally stop at large or whether this was never really an ISO-issue but more a matter of general dislike…
This is the Personal ISO, not an FTP install ISO! But afaik it’s possible to add the ftp installation repository to SUSE Personal’s YaST and upgrade this way to the (at least non-commercial parts of) SUSE Professional.
“ a Bootable, Installable..”, well, does it boot only to install?, or is it a live CD which also allows installation (Knoppix alike)?
at last!
> well, does it boot only to install?
> or is it a live CD which also allows installation (Knoppix alike)?
No. And the separate availabe SUSE 9.1 Live-CD doesn’t allow installation.
despite a long wait for my “pro” edition (manufacturing delays apparently), i finally got it and love it. now that this free personal edition in ISO format is available, i can evangelize more without having to explain FTP installs or paying for the boxed version. thanks suse!
Can these pakages be downloaded from the ftp site with yast, post-install ?
The only one unfair around seems to be you. Do the math: If you fancy downloading an entire distro, why are you happy to download 5 CDs of data in ISO form but unhappy to download it in FTP-directory form?! It’s pretty much the same, if you ask me.
Apart from that, you wouldn’t have KDE in its current shape + form without Suse on **any** distro. Unlike popular believe, KDE and other important contributions are not coded by teenage geeks in their spare time at wee hours, SuSE and others are paying loads of people for that and have been doing so for a long time. Knock it off…
Yes, also GNOME, Mozilla, …
now I can try the iso since the ftp install failed for me, before launching yast it told me “could not detect keyboard..” ?!
has anyone had the same problem… some kernel module I forgot? I’ve a ps/2 ms natural keyboard
Try installing with a different one (USB) and switch key boards after installation, it should be fine then…
Let’s try this iso, it’s the last time I’m going to try it, the official pro version as well as the downloadable install iso image failed to boot on my machine in all modes giving me only a black screen 🙁 (maybe has something to do with my radeon 9600 pro?)
This will not be a new fixed version, more the same as available in the stores for months.
I think this will make Suse/Novell Linux more widespread in the future!
good move by novell. im currently a windows user and have been interested in suse and considered buying the personal version until i noticed it didnt include the tools needed to compile from source (gcc etc). are these packages available anywhere else? if so ill give suse a spin
kad: you can download additional rpm-packages from ftp, e.g automake and gcc.
Is that possible with yast by adding an ftp-directory as source and then select the packages you want and yast resolves all dependences? I know, i’m probably asking too much, but i have a running (and paid) Suse 9.0 Prof here and I have actually no reason for upgrade, but i may give it a try if i can have everthing i have now…
You should be able to add a server in Yast as source… dependencies will be resolved as is with previous Suse versions. Since you install from FTP, it will get additional RPMs from there automatically, if neccessary.
Well, I don’t really download .iso’s for Linux anymore anyway, so I don’t really care– I find FTP installs to be easier; since you don’t have to download the stuff you don’t need
But, anyway, nice move by SUSE, since FTP install is not really an easy thing to do when you’re not so technical, which is, in the end, SUSE’s market.
I was happy readying the news but there is no personal iso for amd 64 on the ftps I’ve tried … like Mandrake !
Not really cool …
For those who want to install the ftp version, it is possible to build a bootable iso from the ftp tree. You can then burn a DVD and voila! No more network installations. I did this with 9.0 and 9.1.
In addition to the hint of Fredrik Edemar: You may even get a better grip on the development tools if you compile them from scratch, once you have initial binaries of them available. That will help when new versions of gcc & Co. get out, and you will typically want to have these when you compile a lot of software.
I hated doing FTP installs, they would take me two or three hours when it can be done in about 15 min tops.
No. You knock it off. When on CD I don’t have to download it all over again if I need to re-install. SuSE isn’t THE main player behind KDE. Besides I use Gnome so your logic really doesn’t mean beans to me. I used to buy and use SuSE all the time until they screwed me over on a CD that didn’t work. SuSE is a good distro, but whenever I needed to download a CD for whatever reason they were never available. This was unacceptable to me and unlike most other distro’s. I started using Redhat and Debian again. Maybe now I will check them out again.
I just downloaded the live-eval cd yesterday. I don’t remember seeing an install iso, but I can’t say I was looking for one either. But if that live-eval is any indication of whats to come, then its worth me downloading the install iso too. I was surprised they use KDE on it since they bought Ximian, which I thought was a gnome based company.
After using it for a few days, Suse/KDE is really messy, not ready for a home user..the Yast/Kcontrol thing doesn’t work well, they should’ve integrated it more. WHYYY didn’t they use Ximian Gnome..that has to be the best desktop implementation of linux I’ve seen. Too bad it only works on Gnome 2.2, heh.
1. you can find torrents for 9.1 at, you can’t sell any copy, but you can give it away.
2. i use apt-rpm and installing everything i like.
1. download
put this files in one folder, then open the konsoll and su to root, the rpm -Uvh *.rpm
save this file…
or overwrite it to the /etc/apt/source.list
if you are using the source.list.ftp that i did link too, then you get many things from suse.people and kerneloftheday and so on, apt-rpm dont import pgp keys that well, so edit file:/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/gpg-checker.conf or read the file and you find out that you most have RPM::GPG-Check no;
well, i start to like suse now.
After using it for a few days, Suse/KDE is really messy, not ready for a home user..the Yast/Kcontrol thing doesn’t work well, they should’ve integrated it more. WHYYY didn’t they use Ximian Gnome..that has to be the best desktop implementation of linux I’ve seen. Too bad it only works on Gnome 2.2, heh.
Are you a troll?
I use Suse for about 5 years and it has been ready for me as a home user since day one I use it.
There doesn’t exist a x86_64 version of SuSE 9.1 Personal.
> I just downloaded the live-eval cd yesterday. I don’t remember seeing an install iso
Its ftp directory date is two days old.
> I was surprised they use KDE on it since they bought Ximian, which I thought was a gnome based company.
Novell bought Ximian and SUSE, not SUSE Ximian (why should they!?).
Weird, I’m just running a 9.1 x86_64 FTP version !
What are the differences ?
> Weird, I’m just running a 9.1 x86_64 FTP version! What are the differences ?
The FTP version is a stripped-down Professional version.
Firstly, even though I deserverd it (didn’t back up my opinion), the ‘troll’ thing is old, drop it already. Comment constructively or don’t comment.
I don’t find KDE userfriendly, just as I’d think you would Gnome unfriendly (assuming you like KDE). So, I chop off points for that. Yast needs to reload everytime you click on a module in KControl, bad, and you need admin priv’s, it gets annoying when setting up stuff at first. The package manager..well it’s better than synaptic sure, but I don’t think highly of that
All in all I just don’t find Linux itself ready for me as a desktop/workstation, that’s all. I shouldn’t have said ‘home user’.
Plus it wouldn’t let me scroll with my mouse without changing my Xfree..Then again I used the FTP install which doesn’t use hardware detection (I’ve _heard_)
… updated KDE right now + it’s still alive afterwards…
Why do they make these things 701MB? When most CD’s are 700??? Its just annoying..
Don’t worry, it will fit your 700 MB medias
Depending on format, cd image files store additional information about CD structure no present in the final CD. When you try to burn it, it will probably take 700MB … it is not a Suse conspiration to create an unburnable CD!!
I haven’t D/l it, so not sure, you could even have a damaged file
That question was not entirely rhetoric, I thaught it could have been a troll post because it sounded quite a bit like “linux is bad, kde is bad, shitty Suse” to me, but I realize this was a misinterpretation of me. So, please, do not take offense on that…
Albeit that, I think my post was constructive, because to falsify the statement that something is not good enough for a specific use, it suffices to say, “I use it in that way, so it must be good enough.”.
Most “700 MB” CDs actually hold 702 MB of files. They actually store about 800 MB of data but the file system overhead drops it down to 702. You should be able to burn out an 800 MB iso image to an 80 minute CD.
I think it’s nice that suse is finally giving a downloadable iso. There was nothing unfair about not giving one since the GPL doesn’t require you to distribute for free, but rather just gives you that option. I’m not a KDE fan, but I’m going to try it out and see what suse is like. I’m betting it’s going to be like any other distro. Strong in some points, weak in others.
I just installed this over my Fedora Core 2 installation. For my needs anyway, this seems much better. KDE always felt like a hack to me on FC2, this feels much better. Props to SUSE and Novell.
The install looked pretty slick but certain things like the partioning manager were a little to confusing for me as well as the package selection stage manager. The install went fine but upon reboot when I had to set up a root password and do some other things the mouse ( MS Intellimouse Explorer ) went dead and my nic even though being detected could not download any updates or connect to the net it seems.
Not being daunted by this I proceeded on using the key board to hunt and peck through the selections and windows until that part was over with and I was left in front of a KDE login menu. I restarted the system using the keyboard and upon restarting the system the mouse was seemed to work okay but later on I discovered the the scroll function was still dead, never mind the two extra side buttons on the mouse as well. One good thing though was that my nic was working fine after the reboot and I could access the internet. I decided to see if Ximian had support for this version yet but it did not.
I also noticed that it did detect my two windows ntfs drives and allowed me read access to those drives. I tried playing xvid and divx movies but the default player Kaffine could not play them and when I exited the player it crashed or at least something in KDE crashed. I tried some mpeg movies and those seem to work fine and I did not see a crash when I closed Kaffine after playing mpeg movies. Over all Suse looks pretty slick since last I used it which was about 8.1 and it’s pretty snappy on this AMD XP 2500 machine running on Asus A7V8X board with 785 megs of 3200 DRR ram.
Unfortunately I still like Mandrake better though since it is working fine somewhat old but snappy spare 1 ghz P3 machine with 256 megs of memory. To be honest I haven’t given SuSE a full run either so I still need to play with it some more. What would really float my boat is if there were some URPMI type tool and other third party SUSE repositories I could access to give it functions that were not installed by default.
P.S. It did detect my Audigy 2 Sound Card and ATI 9700 Pro card but there was no ATI drivers to be installed from the CD so that only leaves me to playing around with ATI’s good aweful Linux drivers. Frankly that’s one of the reason why my main rig is not running Linux and why the spare rig which has a very nice Nvidia ( 5200 FX ) card has Linux on it which I access through a KVM switch.
I never cared for the live version CDs that you allowed us to download in the past, and face it installing from a FTP site is slow and not very reliable if you don’t have a good connection like most folks I know. I’m in the process of installing SuSE 9.1 Personal edition onto my Linux box now (going from a dual boot system with a test copy of Windows XP Professional which I use to run DVD Shrink to rip back-up copies of all of my DVDs so I can put em in the fire safe), and Fedora Core 2.
I’m hoping this will run well. I had been toying around with installing Xandros 2.0 OCD on it, and since I have a large 80 gig hard drive with tons of space left in addition to a having a scsi 18 gig hd, and 2 36 gig scsi drives in the system I may still install it too.
I didn’t care much for Mandrake 10.0 but I am not slamming it by any means as I don’t hate it, just didn’t like how they had it laid out. I may reinstall it also later on
When I read this post, I thought it was a new version of SuSE Personal 9.1 ISO Image. But to my disappointment, I’ve already knew this for ages. I even had it downloaded, which when I burn it into a disc and re-boot, the system simply can’t boot from the CD. So good luck for all of you . . . it will cost a few 10 or so hours for the job to be done (downloading)!
Did they solve the multi-boot issue about partitions resize ?
I heard rumors that 2.6 distros had some problems with disk geometry.
Could someone clarify that ?
I didn’t run into any problems but then again I moved everything off one drive unto another.
“When I read this post, I thought it was a new version of SuSE Personal 9.1 ISO Image. But to my disappointment, I’ve already knew this for ages. I even had it downloaded, which when I burn it into a disc and re-boot, the system simply can’t boot from the CD. So good luck for all of you . . . it will cost a few 10 or so hours for the job to be done (downloading)!”
works fine for me, I installed it last night. You might have one of those odd-ball CD drives that has problems booting off of a bootable CD. I know I have a 32X samsung that I used to have in one of my linux boxes, that drove me crazy with weird problems like this. It works fine except for this problem so I am hanging on to it as a spare. What you may want to do is make the boot floppy from the image on the CD and then try installing it.
either way, sorry to hear about you having problems with SuSE. Good luck on getting it installed.
RAM sticks come in many sizes : 8, …, 64, 128, 256, 512 MB or 1 GB. Any combination of these will always yield an even number. How does one arrive to a total of 785 MB, an odd number ? Just wondering 😉
I’ve found similiar info on a Fedora forum. Anyway installing Mandrake 10, FC-2 or SuSE 9.1 pro on my machines (always on dual boot) i’ve nevere encountered any kind of problem.
Bye !
Well to be honest, i was dissapointed with this suse free download. I installed it, very slick looking after a few changes that i made. Then i went to install some basics that i like. Sarting with Gimp 2.0 , no problem there. Then Gaim to chat – problems with dependecies. Nvidia drivers one click away? No such luck -read the install manual first. And fast booting? Alas, more like a snail. finally got the dependencies figured out – then it seems ssl is not activated or something.
i dont think an person new to linux will be very happy, to do all this manual installing to finally get an Desktop functioning, i think they wont even bother and format + repair the mbr to get windows back running.
Its really to bad, because linux does have it all, and when properly configured its very good, and the distro can be predifined a lot better then this. Sorry to be so negative about this one. Have any of you run into simulair problems?
happy linuxing
RE: My quick opinion
Sorry I miss typed it. Should read 768 megs.
The disk geometry problem has nothing to do with the kernel, but with GRUB. For some reason this keeps getting attributed to the kernel but if grub is setup correctly or if you are using lilo, you should not face any disk geometry problems.
“The disk geometry problem has nothing to do with the kernel, but with GRUB. For some reason this keeps getting attributed to the kernel but if grub is setup correctly or if you are using lilo, you should not face any disk geometry problems.”
mandrake had problems with lilo. so yes the kernel doesnt handle disk partitions any more. its the responsibility of the boot loader whether it was grub or lilo. the problem was in parted.
I installed the SuSE Personal CD from the free ISO and tried to compile software but there are no compilers installed.
I was thinking about buying SuSE too. Good thing I tried it first. I do not think that I want it anymore.
what packages is include with this iso?
after a day or so of running anything related to mozilla quits working. this same thing happened with professional for me.
the weird thing is that if you run the program from where it is installed instead of using the script it works.
annoyed me so badly, that I formatted the hard drive and I reinstalled Libranet 2.8.1 *warm fuzzy feeling returns…..*