The company on Thursday issued a statement saying, “Sun is considering open sourcing Java Enterprise System, but no final decision has been made.” A Sun representative attributed the statement to Stephen Borcich, executive director of Sun’s Java Enterprise System, and offered no other details.
Then someone with a brain can fix the total POS known as “deploytool”.
Yes Sun, we can see you.
So Sun will open source everything except Java? What universe does this make sense in?
Java open source is the Only chance for Sun to beat M$ an his .Net.
A lot of new developers will choose Java NOT .Net .
Sun Java in Linux By default
Lets see, the Sun server is based on Tomcat.
So… Tomcat is now open source?
Just think if Sun open sources Java… then there will actually be totally rocking Java implementations for each native platform instead of this “one size fits none” approach.
Sun continues to be absolutely retarded in not open sourcing Java. Their entire exec staff deserves a long spanking.
A spanking for the exec staff? I think they will enjoy that too much, besides they’ve been getting spanked by M$ since .NET started and they were running around like chickens without a head untill someone told them they need a faster java vm.
Java is pretty fast… it’s all the rubbish layers in their APIs and bad implementations that make it slower than .NET in many areas… They should atleast opensource the run-time so it can be fixed and optimized at a faster pace.
Sun also needs to start supporting Eclipse because that rubbish they call netbeans is a #$@!$.
It almost like they want Mono to start taking hold in the linux market before they open source java… how stupid… once mono 1.0 spreads the right hackers will get involved and it will get even better so even if sun opens java then well too late the right guys are already busy…. gaahh this gives me a headach.
Sun promising to open source software is like Microsoft promising to fix security issues.
That I plan on doing something tomorrow, what it is cannot be revealed at this time. Well then…until tomorrow…
Open Office.
Just open source the damn thing. Stop dicking around, BSD the whole bloody lot, scrape out the legacy crap, and fix the problems. Backwards compatibility? screw it, fix the damn problems, then atlest if ther is some pain, it will be NOW rather than in 18 months time when .NET has a market share of 60-70% and McNealy is moaning because was too stupid to pull finger and do something.
agree entirely. timing is of the essense if java is to outflank .net. and no, this is not a technical question, its a mrketing and market share question.
Since when can Tomcat run EJBs?
“Based on” is incorrect wording. Is JBoss based on Tomcat? No, but both utilize Tomcat (or in JBoss case, “can” utilize Tomcat).
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For some reason you have modified the wording from “considering” to “promising”. You wouldn’t happen to be Jayson Blair, would you?