“Availability of Over 1 Million Lines of Source Code for FreeBSD and Windows Underscores Microsoft’s Commitment to Open Standards, Academia and Developers,” the press release reads. Microsoft today announced the availability of source code for its Shared Source CLI implementation. The Shared Source CLI source code implements the ECMA Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and C# standards.
And where are the open-source bashers? Is this a taste of things to come? Someone may have started feeling the heat!
m$0k, i’ll take back part of what i said. eugenia’s not a full time fudder.
but i’m sticking to my story about those softwar gangsters in redmoaned being nothing but shyterious gottiesque slimebawl liesense peddling hostage takers.
how much does IT cost?
see also: http://www.trustworthycomputing.com>in
I think .NET classes for FreeBSD are still in the pipeline. A guy at Microsoft said that would be out in late Spring.
I wish they’d stop changing acronyms! As far as I’m concerned CLI is Command Line Interface.
I wonder what “exciting new features” of XP make this not work for Windows 2000, if that’s even the case.
– chrish
So is FreeBSD the official, Microsoft approved open source system?
Kinda sounds like an endorsement to me…..
"So is FreeBSD the official, Microsoft approved open source system?"
Yes it is, becuase it does not use the GPL.
Microsoft prefers the BSD license, so FreeBSD was the chosen open source system.
“So is FreeBSD the official, Microsoft approved open source system?”
A license endorsement maybe. Definitely not a technical endorsement.
Last time I heared, hotmail was still running on FreeBSD, no? Anyways, its not like the BSDs are widely deployed, so what has MS got to loose?
"A license endorsement maybe. Definitely not a technical endorsement."
FreeBSD is still the driving force behind Hotmail.
They have Windows 2000 machines on the front side, but it’s still FreeBSD on the back end.
Don’t forget that MS took the FreeBSD tcp/ip stack way back in win95 and has been using it ever since. Between that, Hotmail, the BSD license, and pretending to still be afraid of the government this doesn’t come as any suprise to me.
If you every want to work for a company or open source project doing something similar to CLI, DO NOT LOOK AT MICROSOFT’S SHARED SOURCE!
The GPL is accussed of being viral, but shared source is the most viral. The GPL only infects your software. At least you may freely distribute your source code.
Shared source infects your mind. If you look at the source code for the class libraries of .NET, you cannot work for Xiniam or dotGNU. Microsoft can say, “this project member has had access to all our code and we see 90% similarity (duh, it is reversed) in your project. You cannot distribute your project without a license from us.”
It is the standard policy of the Java GCJ compiler project to not allow any developer who has looked at Sun’s Java shared source.
Just a warning
oh were is my grammar checking/mind reading browser?
It’s rather funny how they claim that this runs on XP and FreeBSD. If this is shared source, then running on FreeBSD means that it is almost guaranteed to compile and run on any POSIX system. Unless MS made use of some FreeBSD-only features (doubtful, since it runs on XP as well), this headline might as well read “Microsoft Releases Shared Source CLI and C# for XP & Linux.” Ah, marketing drones. Got to love them…
It’s pretty funny, Microsoft releasing a .tgz. Open standards finally? It’s also ironic, given the definate dig at GNU with the whole FreeBSD bit, that tgz implies tarred and gziped, and gzip is GPL’ed software
“And where are the open-source bashers? Is this a taste of things to come? Someone may have started feeling the heat!”
Don’t kid yourself. This is Microsoft’s version of a divide and conquor strategy. Basically, what they are trying to do is splinter the open source movement. Why support FreeBSD? Simple: FreeBSD is less of a threat to them than Linux is. But make no mistake. This is in no way a signal that Microsoft is embracing open source for competition reasons or otherwise.
Well we all know MS are evil, but imn only proposing this as an idea.
This could wel be part of MS’s embrace extend exterminate…
They make this fancy new system availible to all OS’s all the opensource dev’s say wow, this is great lets ushe it. Ms then kills off the opensource version somehow. Now left with a lot of .net stuff that will only run on windows, so all the devs now switch to the windows platform, or at great expense start from scratch.
They are many things wrong with this idea, but it wouldn’t suprise me if this was at least part of the plan (maybe they will just slightly cripple the free one, to encourage people to move to the windows platform). Plus it gets them off the hook a little with the DOJ and the public who are gullible and think a few lines of source code suddenyly make up for stagnating and killing the non windows industry
This wouldn’t be the first time MS has appeared to be nice only so they could ruthlessly extend their monopoly.
Anyone remember a certain browser being given away for free?
Sorry for the typos/sentaces which make no sense what so ever
damn essays being due on last day before holidays..!@#!
Sun and Java are obviously in for serious competition.
Both Platforms will survive and thrive, which is good for the industry. If Microsoft opens up this environment and various implementations beat Java performance then Sun Java will get a run for it’s money.
One thing is clear Microsoft wants Java dead, they want “Sun Down”, they will even join the open source movement if that’s what it takes.
I say bring it on!
The day I see Microsoft announce Microsoft Office for the .net framework, thus, a truely multiplatform Office Suite, then I will be impressed, otherwise, this act is mearly paying lip service to the nay-sayers of the tech world.
Also, when they release IE, OE and Mediaplayer for the dotnet frame work, then I will be really be impressed.
Matthew Gardiner
Yeah basically since they can implement features present in
*BSD in their system (which is what a lot of other systems have done
including Linux). That wouldn’t be so bad if it wern’t for
the fact that they “break”/hijack everything they get their
grubby paws on. See their Keberos (MS-Keberos) implementation if
you need an example.
Just more confusion as usual. Does anyone know if a way has
been worked out to make MS-Kerberos compatable with Keberos?
“This wouldn’t be the first time MS has appeared to be nice only so they could ruthlessly extend their monopoly.
Anyone remember a certain browser being given away for free?”
Yea, guess what its still free and its arguably the best browser on the market. So how dare they make a great product and continue to give it away years after they had a stranglehold (face it, they never will charge for it, because if they were now would be the time to do it).
It would have to be be pretty cheap otherwise everyone would
switch over to Opera 🙂
I think they released it for freebsd because they just want to jump ahead of Java. Java works only under linux emulation in freebsd and by making a native C# runtime, they want to “win-over” the BSD-ers to Java. They realized that the GNU-ers will never agree, and they will use Mono or .GNU
it is just another score to MS against Sun
"Java works only under linux emulation in freebsd "
An official native FreeBSD version of java is in the works. It was supposed to be included in FreeBSD 4.5, but got held up.
>but got held up
exactly! it looks like ms has better timing here. they jumped in first and they hope to get more attention IMO
Presumably this wouldn’t take a lot of effort to port to Mac OS X?
Andrew McDermottPresumably this wouldn’t take a lot of effort to port to Mac OS X?
My thoughts exactly…
My guess is that they developed the thing on BSD.
It might be in their best interests to have at least another platform on which it actually compiles 🙂
Microsoft isn’t trying to get people to use .Net for REAL development on FreeBSD. This shared source release is only for educational use, you can’t use it for commercial purposes.
There’s java.. and Python of course! Anyone noticed that its capabilities and ease of use might be just what your dotnetter or coffecuppie is realy looking for… just a thought.