Microsoft plans a Dec. 1 release for the latest version of its server software that aims to give companies more secure instant messaging and other corporate communications tools.The standard version of Microsoft’s Live Communications Server 2005 will start at around $750, said Taylor Collyer, senior director of product management, about the same as the previous version. An enterprise edition, which can be coupled with other servers to allow for many more users, will start at $3,000. Microsoft also released on Tuesday a preview version of new tools intended to make it easier for companies to create custom Web applications.
Microsoft’s Live Communications Server 2005 will start at around $750, said Taylor Collyer, senior director of product management, about the same as the previous version. An enterprise edition, which can be coupled with other servers to allow for many more users, will start at $3,000.
That’s just too much for people to understand. The days when you can charge a great deal more for features, where it isn’t apparent to anyone why they aren’t in the cheaper version, are going very fast.
What does Microsoft’s Live Communications Server 2005 offer that isn’t already being provided…
Specifically, the tools and commercial services listed here;
What does Microsoft’s Live Communications Server 2005 offer that hasn’t already been provided for a few years by Jabber Inc.?
Specifically, the tools and commercial services listed here;
I was wondering that too.
Probably because any client would be able to implement Jabber support, whereas they can easily provide security through obscurity in their own protocol as well as having an instant monopoly on the client.
Well, perhaps because to get information about jabber you have to register?!
I click the “Jabber Messenger” link hoping to find out more, and get the following response:
Log-in Required
Welcome! Please log-in below in order to download information. By logging-in, you’ll be able to download the information you requested and be given future access to the other Jabber, Inc. resources on this site.
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If you are not registered with Jabber, Inc. and would like to view certain content please complete the log-in form.
Now, I realise MS are pushing their “closed” server at a price, but at least the marketing information about it is “open”.
There are better alternatives than jabber as well. SILC has been around for while and is a very secure method of communcating. It uses irc like functionlity in usability, but the network protocol is heavily encrypted by various methods. Check it out:
There are clients available for Windows. The server app can run on resource (and cash strapped) strapped systems very well on a *nix OS.
Dude. What kind of site did you visit? Maybe you should actually check before spreading FUD…
Just to have a stupid server for IMs!!!!!!!
Look at, for example, Novell’s offerings. They have server side IM (that will be expanded next version). They have iFolder that crosses boundaries with sharepoint (with their next version of GW) and does a lot that SP doesn’t. Etc.
Guess what? All of it comes with GW. One license. Microsoft really does cost a lot, they just license so much.