I never used to see the value in an OSS Java implementation until I tried running Java on PPC Linux. The only people who release a JVM for PPC Linux are IBM and while their JVM is good at number crunching, Swing performance leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe I’m just spoiled by Swing on OS X 🙂
That said, this release looks good. The new Graphics2D class implemented based on Cairo is something I’m keen on testing. Quote from the article:
Included, but not activated by default in this release is a Graphics2D
implementation based on the Cairo Graphics framework
Classpath is getting better and better with each release. I wonder how much we´ll have to wait to run Netbeans on a free vm. That would be extra nice.
With stories like this “Sun revokes FreeBSD’s Java Licens” I’m quite nervous about Java. Never trust Sun (or anyone else)! I’ll give it a shot as I’m constantly have rms on my shoulder whispering into my ear “You destroy everything.” when I code in Suns Java.
Apparently SUN made a short announcement that they had not revoked FreeBSD’s license and that both FreeBSD and Sun believe that Java 5 will be available on FreeBSD.
Blackdown’s 1.3.1 is appalling. It doesn’t even ship with a JIT. If you thought Java was slow, wait till you try running Blackdown’s JVM for PPC Linux. Like you said, I’m actually surprised that Blackdown hasn’t ported the 1.4.x series to PPC Linux, but then again, Blackdown doesn’t seem to be as active as it used to be.
@Dalibor Topic
Like I said before, I’m not too bothered with CORBA I’m more keen on Swing though, and this release looks promising.
I never used to see the value in an OSS Java implementation until I tried running Java on PPC Linux. The only people who release a JVM for PPC Linux are IBM and while their JVM is good at number crunching, Swing performance leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe I’m just spoiled by Swing on OS X 🙂
That said, this release looks good. The new Graphics2D class implemented based on Cairo is something I’m keen on testing. Quote from the article:
Included, but not activated by default in this release is a Graphics2D
implementation based on the Cairo Graphics framework
(http://www.cairographics.org/). Enabling this makes programs like
JFreeChart work on GNU Classpath based runtimes. Note that this release
needs a cairo CVS build.
Compatibility between Classpath and the official JDK 1.4 isn’t too shabby either. http://www.kaffe.org/~stuart/japi/htmlout/h-jdk14-classpath.html They’ve got about 75% conformance, with most of the missing bits due to CORBA I’m not interested in anyway.
Keep up the good work.
Classpath is getting better and better with each release. I wonder how much we´ll have to wait to run Netbeans on a free vm. That would be extra nice.
With stories like this “Sun revokes FreeBSD’s Java Licens” I’m quite nervous about Java. Never trust Sun (or anyone else)! I’ll give it a shot as I’m constantly have rms on my shoulder whispering into my ear “You destroy everything.” when I code in Suns Java.
Apparently SUN made a short announcement that they had not revoked FreeBSD’s license and that both FreeBSD and Sun believe that Java 5 will be available on FreeBSD.
“With stories like this “Sun revokes FreeBSD’s Java Licens” I’m quite nervous about Java.”
You are aware that that story has been thoroughly and soundly dubunked, right? Both in the OSNews comments and at Slashdot.
You are aware that that story has been thoroughly and soundly dubunked, right?”
not it has not. freebsd foundation still hasnt recieved any formal communication..
That’s strange… I’m surprised that Blackdown hasn’t come to the rescue there. Esp. since they ported 1.3.1 to PPC Linux (among other versions).
I wonder why they haven’t brought 1.4.x?
For CORBA, there is JacORB. [1] That adds about 10%
dalibor topic
[1] http://www.jacorb.org
Blackdown’s 1.3.1 is appalling. It doesn’t even ship with a JIT. If you thought Java was slow, wait till you try running Blackdown’s JVM for PPC Linux. Like you said, I’m actually surprised that Blackdown hasn’t ported the 1.4.x series to PPC Linux, but then again, Blackdown doesn’t seem to be as active as it used to be.
@Dalibor Topic
Like I said before, I’m not too bothered with CORBA
I’m more keen on Swing though, and this release looks promising.