The January edition of the Syllable Development Newsletter is now available, covering news from the project in the first month of 2005. Major topics: CD-writing support, new network driver, kernel plans, Glibc updates and much more.
The January edition of the Syllable Development Newsletter is now available, covering news from the project in the first month of 2005. Major topics: CD-writing support, new network driver, kernel plans, Glibc updates and much more.
But I think they should try to be a bit more innovative to be honest. I hope they reconsider about their GUI and go their own way. It doesn’t look very unique or different.
Anwyay, everything has it’s time and it’s just nice to see alternatives… let’s hope they keep progressing…
I’m interested; what is it about the Syllable GUI that you feel we should reconsider? As far as I am aware we have made no announcements or plans for the Syllable GUI other than to stabalise the API and re-work the look of the widgets at some point in the future. I’m pretty certain we are going our own way, and fairly quickly while we’re at it.
Still, innovation takes time and Syllable is not attempting to be a bleeding edge technology testbed. We’re just trying to build a decent Free desktop OS, which happens to have some nice features and clean API’s.
I hope you really port some gtk and good gtk based apps like gaim and abiword as intermediate solutions till you get your own stuff up and running
Yeah, that has been discussed a lot. The general feeling, though, is that GTK app ports will just turn Syllable into another Linux distro or BSD — it won’t help with the integration and efficiency that makes the OS so promising.
While they’d give the project a quick boost, they’d devalue the native APIs and toolkit. Things are getting there; native apps such as the web browser, media player, email client and editor/IDE are coming along spiffingly!
Great work Vanders, keep the updates comming
. Unlike some people may (still?) think, I like Syllable and am just as amazed at its progress as I am with SkyOS’ progress.
Keep it up!
Any news on PPP/PPPoE support yet? This is the only thing that, for me, prevents Syllable occupying a partition permanently.
I think that everyone is not seeing the big picture here… the Operating System is at an early stage right now. Right now we are just trying to stabilize the GUI. That is our main goal. Once we have a stable API we will start innovating more.
PPP support is planned for the 0.6 series, which will (hopefully) begin this year once a few other bits-n-bobs have been sorted out.
I remember telling Vanders a while ago to fully appreciate Syllable and its short comings, he needed to make it his everyday OS (which he hadn’t done). Its good to see he’s following through on his promise to do so and correct some of the everyday short comings. Good work!
Syllable is just awesome. I’m really glad this project exists and I think it’s going to be huge once the API stabilizes and then, after that, the GUI gets polished up.
I like the fact that the GUI *isn’t* polished at this point. It’s important for any new users to see the GUI appearance as a reflection of how well the innards of the OS are developed (I think there was a JoelOnSoftware article on that very topic a while ago…). It’s much better than having a nearly perfect GUI that leads you to believe everything is production-ready, only to be disappointed when some things still don’t work.
Also, regarding GTK+ apps, I think the Syllable folks are correct: create a nice elegant development platform for the early adopters to use (this would include a stable API, a recent version of the GNU toolchain, good docs, … [wish]Python bindings to the API[/wish]
and the apps will come.