Boo is a new object oriented .NET language, heavily inspired by Python’s syntax, that supports static typing for speed and duck typing for dynamic late-binding, python-style coding; there is full type-inference and closure supoprt, also.Boo 0.5 has been released amd you can download here, or check the release notes here. The new release sports many bugfixes and heralds the arrival of the SharpDevelop plugin “BooBinding” (courteousy of Daniel Grunwald) complete with code completion, code outlining, and a C# to Boo code conversion function. Also included is a stable interactive interpreter and a lightweight “Boo Explorer” for people who do not need the advanced functionality of SharpDevelop.
Elsewhere, Nemerle looks good too.
Is “C” really a great name to begin with? “I’m a _C_ programmer” (compare with “I’m an A student”) 🙂
Is there one? I might play with it if such a thing exists. Groovy and JRuby require Java and I prefer something that comes with official Debian (like Mono).
Did I scare you?
How does this compare to IronPython? What are the advantages of using one over the other?
Uh, one is still being worked on? The IronPython mailing list is dead and its developer hasn’t been seen for months. ;( Boo had an SVN check-in just this morning, though. =D
Although, I would have to say that after using Boo for awhile that it “integrates” very nicely with .NET. Timespan literals, for instance, use the .NET TimeSpan class, so you can drop’em where-ever a method takes a TimeSpan literal. Boo Lists implement the IList interface, so they can be used anywhere that takes an ICollection or an IList… closures are sweet and functions are apparently first class methods so you can pass’em around as pointers. Some good stuff, but its only my opinion.
I think its very nice compared with IronPython, as bugfixes are accepted regularily.
Oh, and its a great way to freak people out when they ask what language you’re using.
“Why, I’m using… *screams* BOO!”
I’m told Ruby has a Ruby-like syntax. 😉
Just what the world needs – yet another programming language. What does this one have that the other 9,000 don’t?
The good thing about more programming languages is you can get a job easy.
There are only so many SNOBOL programmers out there -_-
I heard a rumor that the developer of IronPython now works at Microsoft … is this true?
Yup, the main developer behind Ironpython (Jim) was hired by MS awhile ago.
*cough* Development stagnated at about the same time…
Come on…
“I’m a Boo programmer!”
How can you expect something serious with a name like that?
Hell, I’ve been asking the same thing about the ‘Ubuntu’ Linux distro for months. These people must be smoking some serious herb then they come up with names like that.
Ubuntu means “humanity” in an African language. It’s a big world out there.
At least getters and setters definition is improved compared to Python where you have to write something like x = property(getter_method, setter_method, …) near end of the class definition.
Of course it’s pity that programming world gets fragmented with all these new languages. Microsoft claims that Linux is too fragmented with all the distributions and choices but it seems that .Net is following Linux in this issue.
Ubuntu means “humanity” in an African language. It’s a big world out there.
I’m positive ‘Boo!’ means ‘humanity’ in one of the 6K languages out there.
>Hell, I’ve been asking the same thing about the ‘Ubuntu’ Linux distro for months. These people must be smoking some serious herb then they come up with names like that.
Hehe! He said “herb”!
Guess who will be one of the keynote speakers at PyCon 2005 ?
Guess who will be one of the keynote speakers at PyCon 2005 ?