Firefox 1.0.1 is a security update for the 27 million users who have already downloaded the free browser. The Mozilla Foundation encourages all users to download the update.
Firefox 1.0.1 is a security update for the 27 million users who have already downloaded the free browser. The Mozilla Foundation encourages all users to download the update.
Thanks Eugenia!!!
The about box need to be updated. It reads, “(C) 1998-2004 Contributors.” It may have some nice security updates, but it needs common sense updates too.
I just tried it going to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Check Now.
Anyone know if this feature is working in 1.0?
Not yet. They haven’t enabled it yet. See:
“we won’t be turning on the app update for at least a week. We metering things out so that we don’t kill our infrastructure and we’ve got an update bug from 1.0 that causes some nasty server load and we need to schedule around the time that load peaks.”
Not yet that I can see.
I downloaded it and installed it right over 1.0 though and that seems to have worked perfectly. I suspect the auto-update will follow shortly, perhaps tomorrow morning after the initial flurry of downloads and mirror updates die down.
I could sware that 1.01 is using less RAM…
Well we’ll see whats what after some heavy use. I hope it is a little better at staying trim then 1.0 though.
Seems like there are very few extensions for Firefox 1.0+. With so many millions of users, and nearly all ‘advanced’ users using Firefox, I would expect the amount of extensions to be much higher.
For the last few months, it seems like only 2 or 3 per month are released. I hope the rate picks up, I look forward to the interesting uses extensions bring…and since I can’t write code I’m left waiting
I really like Mozilla compared to firefox. Sorry but I can’t get my self excited about Firefox and Thunderbird being separate and not being able to have a component bar like Mozilla from where I can call up email, chat, composer etc.
“Seems like there are very few extensions for Firefox 1.0+.”
If you only look at the official Mozilla extension site perhaps, but there are unofficial ones with several times more. What Ive heard is that the official site is difficult for extension devs to use and keep up to date on their own, so many don’t bother. Ive also heard that this is being worked on.
Oh, and on the subject of memory use, I opened some 40-50 tabs or so of photography sites and got it up to 110MB ram used, then closed all the tabs but one and it imeadiatly went back down to 50MB (an improvment in and of itself). Even better, minimizing it trimed it down to a mere 15MB ram used right away. Every time. Looks like the memory leak(s) that caused occasional problems for heavy users may have been fixed! (Yay!)
Whooo… just tried it..
And those few popups that have started to appear because some web developers thought they found a way around firefox’s blocking…well… its fixed now soon after they started appearing.
That rocks, you wouldn’t see M$ fix something like that so fast!!
Technically, this time M$ fixed it in advance. They were reported as not susceptible to those pop-ups.
Ok…have they fixed the bug where you cannot download a file with an underscore in the name without it truncating? This has annoyed me for quite some time (even wrote a couple of bugzilla cases on it)
If you only look at the official Mozilla extension site perhaps, but there are unofficial ones with several times more.
Thank you, can you link me to some of your favorite ones?
I still get popups at (when you click one of the links on the page).
Of course, I get them in IE 6.0 XP SP2 as well.
For those who would like more extensions than Mozilla’s site provides, try:
i dont get popups at firefox alerts me to blocked popups, but thats it. perhaps its a windows issue?
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041209 Firefox/1.0 (Ubuntu) (Ubuntu package 1.0-2ubuntu4-warty99)
Thank you, can you link me to some of your favorite ones?
Heres the biggest I know:
There are also a ton of individual developer sites, some with extensions not listed in other places. A google search of “firefox extensions” and somthing having to do with whatever function you need ususally works well for me. I rarely fail to find what Im looking for.
They REALLY need to consolidate these extension to one particuar site.
As per this dev blog:
The tabs-not-releasing-memory bug has been fixed, but the target is for 1.1, not this 1.0.1. Did you check virtual memory?
Short question:
Anyone know under which CVS branch or tag one can grab firefox 1.1. I used to be quite familar with mozilla downloads through CVS time back when I still contributed to galeon and tested mozilla CVS but getting an updated firefox seems to be problematic due to no information. The mozilla site only speaks generally about howto aquire CVS mozilla but not getting deeper into explaining the tags and branches that got used for a certain version.
To answer my own question:
Though, would be nice if they’d updated it every now and then.
There was a discussion yesterday about wether the 25 million is an accurate number of FF users. well I think if FF would have made the corrections available through their update mechanisms first then they would get a very good statistics on the number of real users of their product.
Also they should stop label their product with 1.x. They can keep that to themselves for their projects but they will confuse their users. They should continue calling it firefox 1, till the next majour release.
I use FF my self both in windows and have installed it for a lot of people who run just windows and have no clue of what the difference is between firefox and IE and I think those are the people behind the 90% of IE.
It is for their sake I think the mozilla group should stick to FF 1. Even IE has 6.x version, but they hide it for their developers and for more techie people.
radial context / gestures done right (its context sensitive)…
having a look through the change logs of firefox on ubunutu hoary, it seems that the securtiy stuff has been backported in to 1.0 a few weeks ago.
many people (millions?) must be using ubuntu, debian, fedora etc and get all their updates through their package manager. these wont show on the mozilla’s stats
> many people (millions?) must be using ubuntu
Errmm…. Are you serious ? Any statistics or values that you can show us as prove ?
Actually the real tag is FIREFOX_1_0_1_RELEASE
Are you too stupid to read? He wrote that many people “must be using ubuntu, debian, fedora etc”. That’s not just Ubuntu, and it’s a very realistic number. And virtually any Linux distribution will update Firefox through the package manager, so it’s a very valid point.
> Also they should stop label their product with 1.x. They can
> keep that to themselves for their projects but they will
> confuse their users. They should continue calling it firefox
> 1, till the next majour release.
I don’t see how anyone could be confused here. Not like versioning number is new and unknown to the public. Every software uses version number to difference newer products. That’s an easy way to know if you’re up-to-date or not.
FYI, the mozilla homepage doesn’t even state the version number at all. Just a “Free download” link below the “Get Firefox” header.
Security flaws in Firefox? Need to download and install a new version?
What’s the point of switching to Firefox?
I hope they better test v1.1… Have to go back to 1.0 as 1.0.1 is crashing opening hotmail and some other radom (didn’t have time to test too much) sites…
This one performs good,regardles if ran under fvwm2,gnome-2.8.2,kde-3.4,fluxbox or xfce4.Keep up the good work guys!
It does. it will be enabled in a week. stop whining
… unlike my overnight build version that I am using currently (and shall continue to use until 1.1).
Other than that, well done Mozilla 🙂
It shouldn’t be necessary to download the whole binary (although the binary is not big compare with IE).
Hopefully this new version will get rid of the 100% CPU usage as well….
Hopefully this new version will get rid of the 100% CPU usage as well….
You’d better get rid of that old 80286.
there’s little of an OS to mozilla. well, less then emacs anyways
i’m i being too picky or is this becaming slashdot?
Firefox attempts to hijack your home page on the last screen of your installer. If you don’t untick the selection they change your home page! Someone call CNN, the NY Times, the BBC, this is world news! Pure evil!
Oh, I’m just kidding about it being evil. I guess lotsa people do it. Users need to read what they are doing when installing software is all.
Why is there no windows port of this neat browser. I am sure it’s not secure because there is no ’emphasis’ mentioned on their site but it is ver cool.
Make a windows port ! It would be GREAT for old puters.
Perhaps you saw the bug described here:
Time to Fork Firefox aka the new Google Browser
I am the only one to notice that Firefox has turned into the Google Browser? I have been a user of Firefox since it was called Phoenix (version 0.3) and have even contributed to the Firefox 1.0 launch with my name in the NYT, purchasing t-shirts, cd and book sets for friends and family. What happened? All of the sudden the default home page is a Firefox Start page on Google. Google is the default search in the search box (I know this has been there for the last couple of versions), and if you type a search term in the address bar the search takes place on Google.
Why has Google taken over features within Firefox? One of the reasons that I chose to use Firefox was the freedom from a single source (Microsoft) for the domination of features used in the browser for surfing the Internet. I know that Blake has gotten a job a Google but this is ridiculous. I have been able to remove these “Google” defaults by manually editing files and removing files after installing 1.0.1 but this is beyond the casual users expertise.
I want a open source Browser that is free of corporate domination, be that from Microsoft, Google, or any other corporate entity that is attempting to control the Internet.
Does this project need to fork to gain this independence?
Another article from The Register here which states they haven’t disabled IDNs, but instead display them in punycode as a tempoary workaround. I haven’t tested it yet to see which it is myself.
I went and read the documents that supposedly “solve” the problem with IDN.
In the JET article, it states this:
As discussed in the Introduction, substantially-unrestricted use of international (non-ASCII) characters in domain name labels may cause user confusion and invite various types of attacks. In particular, in the case of CJK languages, an attacker has an opportunity to divert or confuse users as a result of different characters (or, more specifically, assigned code points) with identical or similar semantics. These Guidelines provide a partial remedy for those risks by supplying a framework for prohibiting inappropriate characters from being registered at all and for permitting “variant” characters to be grouped together and reserved, so that they can only be registered in the DNS by the same owner.
Which is *exactly* what the Mozilla Foundation said in response to criticism that they disabled IDNs.
If people want to see full, unrestricted IDN back in Mozilla and Firefox, the best way is to put pressure on the world’s registrars and registries to fulfil their obligations to their customers – both domain owners and internet users – and commit to implementing the ICANN guidelines.
And then the two largest registrars from Europe and Asia got angry with Mozilla? When the recommended solution to this problem *needs* to be implemented on their side? The reason why Mozilla removed the support is because it is something that they can’t control, and must be enforced by the registrars. I don’t have any respect for any registrar, but this just shows me how petty they are.
“Security flaws in Firefox? Need to download and install a new version?
What’s the point of switching to Firefox?”
You don’t have to download an install a new version. Next week the auto-update feature will be enabled. It isn’t currently as they are trying to stage the updates in a manner that will keep the server load down. Part of that is making a fully updated installer available now. There are well over 25 million Firefox users – the last thing they wasnt to do is overwhelm their servers with a massive auto-update. Can you imagine 25+ million users all simulateously getting cued up for updating? I have heard that they are working to expand their network so more servers will be available in the future to help with updating so that the server load will not be an issue in the future. They just weren’t expecting the adoption of Firefox to be as rapid as it has been.
As far as the security issue is concerned, Firefox is generally more secure than IE. Security issues happen. That’s a reality when you interface one computer to another (the web for instance). The Mozilla team has a far better record of implementing security updates quickly then Microsoft has. For instance US-CERT has actually advised on several occassions switching to Firefox on the basis of security.
On top of that, Firefox is a very feature rich browser with the ability to be customized out any way you want (exstensions and themes as well as plug-ins). Tab browsing is a huge plus. Not to mention it actually renders things correctly as opposed to IE which has what is probably the worst rendering engine on the planet.
Boohoo. You have to switch your homepage. If you paid attention during the install you could have avoided the page it sets as the default.
As far as the Google search bar, it has been there since before Ben Goodgear went to Google. I wasn’t aware that Blake was at Google at all.
The default search has been google for quite sometime. I imagine it has more to do with the popularity of Google as a search engine then anything else.
Thanks Axord! That was it!
Hre’s a good website with bittorrent links:
You just have to UNCHECK the button not to use the custom Firefox Google page as the home page. What would be the point to start a fork for a default home page that you do not like ?
The Firefox project is an Open Source project, free of any monopoly. That doesn’t mean that they can’t have partners. This default home page is probably there as a special agreement between Google and Firefox because this is not just the regular US Google web site but a customized Firefox page for the Google engine.
I am not aware if the Mozilla Foundation get some money from Google for this but if it is the case that can only be good for the financing of a free open source browser trying to enter a field still dominated by a big monopolist (need to tell you who ?