Bringing an old Laptop back to Life – The experiment

Thinking of changing an old laptop’s OS from Windows to Linux? Don’t do it until you read this. The benefits, the pains, the arguments, and the results. It’s possible, but will everybody like it? Read on to find out. My take: For such an old laptop the article describes, either DamnSmallLinux or Windows98SE/ME or FreeBSD with IceWM or BeOS 5.03 are the best bets. Anything with modern UIs would crawl. I am using Gnome/XFce with ArchLinux on my Sony Vaio 333 Mhz PII-mobile with 128 MBs of RAM (almost twice as fast as the laptop in question) and it’s already not as spiffy as Win98SE is on the same laptop. I also have to live with compromises (not loading most services etc).


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