After the disbanding of Acorn, an idea aired many times was the dream of getting RISC OS apps to run natively under Linux or other Unix-based operating systems. Peter Naulls contemplates the possibilities. Also, a large software corporation is exploring the possibility of using RISC OS in mobile appliances, a source has revealed. Yesterday, Drobe received videos and photos of the OS in action on mobile phone hardware, showing RISC OS booting up and running applications.
I’ve been wanting a port of risc os to like my psion 5mx.. having it on a phone would be awesome.
why cant people that do films of prototype stuff EVER hold the cam still? jeez.. really cool though
firefox on a phone 
and just because I like ranting..
I really wish someone could get risc os running on a psion netbook. that would be the ultimate portable risc machine. 64mb ram, 640x480x16bpp touch screen, pcmcia and cf… it perfect risc os laptop fodder..
I’d willingly pay a lot for that port
Err, I call April Fools on this
Posted 5 minutes past midnight in the UK, where Drobe is based.
Also, I have a horrible feeling that demo video was done using products from this company:
(they do a VNC client for Symbian. About the closest you’ll get to being able to easily fake a GUI on a cellphone without coding it yourself)
Now, does RISCOS have a VNC server? To capture the boot process, they could have been using one of the RealVNC “IP KVM’s” that capture everything though…
forgot about april fools
tsk tsk… and to think I went dumpster diving for a RiscPC because of you on BeShare… :-p (this post is completely off topic, so mod away)
heh, get on beshare
This makes me want to try to somehow put RISC OS on my Clie. It’s an ARM-based machine, so it would probably work, right? I could even use the CF slot for storage, since I’m sure Sony hasn’t (and won’t) release a MemStick driver for RISC OS.
Then again, if I fry my Clie, my wife will kill me; it was a Christmas present and she’s already told me that I’m not to even think about trying to run Linux or any other OS on it. She knows me all too well, it seems.
Don’t need to VNC the boot sequence, easy enough to fake with a few lines of code
Are there any VNC software for MS Smartphones??
The phone in the video is a Qtek 8080 / Orange SPV E200.
they released a disclaimer.. they werent using a video or vnc.. it was actual code used to reproduce the risc os look and all on the phone
pretty involved for a gag 
I’m trying to troll or anything, but who cares? RISC OS is an exreemly obscure OS, what software could there possibly be that needs to be run on Linux?
You say you’re not meaning to troll, but that’s exactly what you’ve ended up doing.
Perhaps rather than making unqualified assertions about RISC OS software you should consider why there has been a discussion of porting software to Linux if there was no value in doing so? Obviously someone does care.
Clearly people have reasons for using RISC OS software. This is demonstrated by the continued development of the operating system and its catalogue of software.
If we compare RISC OS to major operating systems, it is, indeed, obscure. But why is the relevant on a web site like Surely that is why you and I come here, to learn about systems other than MS Windows?