Robert Szeleney emailed in to tell us about the new version of his PDF documentation for SkyOS: “This PDF File has a lot of information about SkyOS, it’s design,
applications and much more“.
Robert Szeleney emailed in to tell us about the new version of his PDF documentation for SkyOS: “This PDF File has a lot of information about SkyOS, it’s design,
applications and much more“.
subject says it all.
An os needs to be documented if ‘outsiders’ are to jump onboard easily. Not all the necessary tasks are fun, but documentation is a necessary task.
when I saw this news go a day without a single comment, I didn’t want the SkyOS team to think nobody cares 🙂
SkyOS looks nice but as long as its license is not compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines, I can’t see people jumping at a chance to work on it.
The amazing thing is that one guy has done so much. Its a nice contrast with the chap at Cosmoe who seems to promise the ultimate OS but never puts any code up for review.