Dusty-Computing is now open! A collaboration between TipMonkies.com, OSNews.com and Expert-Zone.com, Dusty-Computing aims to become the biggest archive of old and/or exotic computer systems (BeBox, NeXT, SPARC, SGI, Altos etc) on the Net. In order to achieve that goal, we need your help. Use our form to describe your hardware, its modifications, condition, software, how you acquired it, etc. After you have submitted your piece of history, feel free to talk & discuss on the forums. Finally, the site features a mobile-friendly design for those of you on the go, so check it out with your Newton or your Cassiopeia.
Neat site and neat idea!
Thanks! We’re all having a good time working on this and hope everyone enjoys it. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
I fail to see the point of this site. I browsed the posted example entries and still don’t get it. I wish you good look anyway. I suppose that one can find passengers for every possible train…
I’ve submitted my beloved purple semi-slab (its taller than the average slab, unfortunately). Will enter my Sun sometimes…
the point is to provide an online DB and well un-official record of “Exotic” systems, and to help people locate weird and wonderful machines they have wanted to own but could never find, things like bebox’s, etc
I have a couple more systems that I’ll submit later. I want to post pics with the descriptions. Any way my current descriptions can be edited later on with images added?
I have a couple more systems that I’ll submit later. I want to post pics with the descriptions. Any way my current descriptions can be edited later on with images added?
Sure, just drop us an email, and we’ll add your picture to your item.
Yeah, I want to throw up an image of my Indy when its running again…
> Any way my current descriptions can be edited
>later on with images added?
No, the site is anonymous, so no registration exists for these. If changes must be made, email the dusty-crew and they will have to edit the database.
Oh ok. I’ll do that. thanks for the info.
I have about 5 old machines that i could put up there, but i’m not entering my details over and over again.
Also, I made some errors in my description, and would like to change the picture at some point – I think it’s a bit pointless to put up such a minimally functional site – any bulletin board e.g. phpBB would work better in terms of functionality than the current approach.
>but i’m not entering my details over and over again.
If you are using Firefox or Safari they are able to “remember” your info on the same form so there is no need for re-entering.
>and would like to change the picture at some point –
Feel free to re-write the site using a registration system, we will replace the existing one.
What can Dusty Computing achieve more than any of these? Expecially the first two??
why not hook up with one of the estabilished computer museums (for example, old-computers.com) and expand, reinforce and revitalize it?
The sites you are reffering to are listing old hardware (one entry per model), but NOT individuals own that hardware and detailing its condition etc. That’s the difference between these and D-C. D-C is something between eBay (without selling anything) and these sites you are linking. It fills up a small niche, no, it ain’t gonna bring down Slashdot.
does a 486sx count as exotic? lol jk
1. We haven’t thought about it.
2. We don’t know if they care about this idea.
3. We want our own site to have full control.
I have a couple old COLECO ADAM computers…along with an Atari attachment console….. would that count? =)
if its hard to come by now, or was / is considered exotic, then it counts
i think i’ll put my 400 cpu itanium system on there…
I love computer nostalgia, exotic hardware and case modding, but there are no pictures on that site
Someone needs to fix that site so you can read about the computers and their history, and see some pictures of them.
Yes, on each category page, e.g. http://www.dusty-computing.com/browse.php?kind=Newton you could add a paragraph with an image aligned right or left with the info about the particular hardware. I will leave that to the guys to do so though as it’s a cherry on the cake.
Sweet, start adding pictures people 🙂
BTW. I had no idea the Apple Newton was so big, see what you can learn from the pictures alone.
I just posted my I2 on there, but apparently the picture failed to transfer, i got a timeout each time i tried (10.3, safari), i’ll mail it to you folks later.
very nice idea, i like it.
– Kevin
In the unlikely case you still check this forum: old-computers.com is exactly like that. Individuals (collectors) list their machines with descriptions.
As you can see, they sport 355 collectors, and each lists about 30 computers in average. I don’t think it will be easy to compete with that.
They are not competing! It does not matter if another website does more or less the same thing.
Helf my friend, it does matter: I have already listed over 40 vintage computers on old-computers.com. I really don’t feel like doing the same thing again. Therefore, the sites are competing, and that is, competing for my attention. Except, old-computers.com has a huge head-start, it has a “museum” section, a lively forum, and all those collectors that will continue adding new computers to the listing.
That’s why I say it would be better spent effort to expand old-computers.com in some way, rather than stretching the “market”. There is no profit in this, only fun for the collectors and rubberneckers. Why not have all the stuff in one place, to facilitate the rubbernecking?
yeah, guess you have a point. Has the forums livened up? Last time I was there there was very little posting.
Hmmm.. well, you got me there. There are discussions on specific comps, but you are right, not so much in the forums as in the museum item talkback sections. Still, there’s quite a bit of chatter going on.
If any of you BeBox owners out there haven’t already added your details to the BeBox Registry, please take a couple of minutes to do so 🙂
It’s essentially a BeBox-specific version of the Dusty-Computing submission system. It has been on the web for about 2 and a half years and has details on just shy of 100 BeBoxen.
I can see 3 BeBoxes currently listed on Dusty-Computing that may not be already listed in the BeBox Registry. So if you’re reading this thread and own a BeBox, check that yours is counted!
http://obsolyte.com has something similar