First Screenshots of gobeProductive 3 for Linux

We were the first to feature the world preview of gobeProductive 3 for Windows, the popular office suite, and now we have for you five brand new screenshots of the upcoming, GTK+ based, Linux version. Dig in for the goodies!The Linux version will be released under the Family license. This license allows users to install the office suite to all of their home computers, plus a PC at work! Pretty good deal for $75 USD. In fact, users who have already purchased the Windows version, will get for free the Linux version as well via a coupon.

Under Linux, as under Windows, you can save as PDF, load and save as Word & Excel, SYLK, HTML, tab, semi-colon and comma delimited, RTF etc. You can save images as gif, png, jpeg, gimp, xpm, tiff and other formats. Of course, one of the great advantages of gobeProductive 3 is its ability to use its own format, which allows to save spreadsheat, word processing, images and presentations under a single file format. In fact, this also gives the ability to easily integrate spreadsheets with images and text, all in a single document.

In my view, the best part of Gobe Productive is the vector manipulation part of the office suite. This was also the strong point of Claris Works as well (first created by the same people who today do gobeProductive, before Apple bought Claris and renamed the product to “AppleWorks”). With the many different shapes coming with the application, freeform tools, good font handling etc, it ranks GP3 as a very decent vector/flow chart application, possibly the only office suite that can do so many things with vectors.

The Linux version of Gobe Productive is still in early beta stages. We encountered a number of shortcomings, crashing and other bugs, but these are already known issues, ready to be bug bashed and ironed out by the friendly folks at Gobe before the final relese. Some of the features, mostly in the graphics and vector parts of the office suite, do not yet work, for example, transparency and alignment.

The installation of the suite went like a charm, it is text based, but very easy to use. In fact, installing the suite, took me something like 10 seconds (the whole suite is a lean 9 MB package)! Except from GTK+ 1.2, it requires the Mesa and libart_lgpl libraries to be installed. The libart_lgpl library comes with the package in case you don’t have it, but you would probably need to compile Mesa from source if you already do not have on your system (Mesa 4 users should create a symlink, linking to the above needed library).

Check out these five never-seen before screenshots, grabbed under the latest Gnome 2 beta on Red Hat 7.2.

Click for more - Spreadsheet


Click for more - HTML and Word processing

HTML and Word Processing

Click for more - Raster Images

Raster Images

Click for more - Vector Images

Vector Images

Click for more - Presentation



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