Mozilla 1.7.10 (release notes), a security update to the Mozilla Application Suite, is now available for download. There was no Mozilla 1.7.9 release: it was cancelled after it was discovered that changes in the equivalent 1.0.5 releases of Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird caused some problems.
…I thought Mozilla was going to cancel the Mozilla Suite by now…but I’ve also heard from someone that the community around this software suite was going to rename it Seamonkey and continue development after Mozilla decides to go only with Firefox/Thunderbird/Sunbird. Anybody know what’s the real story?
Mozilla Foundation will not make new releases of the suite, but they will release maintenance release of the latest release: 1.7. 1.7.10 is one of the maintenance releases.
SeaMonkey is the project result of volunteers taking the code to make future releases of the Mozilla suite. They are not going to be official Mozilla Foundation releases, but Mozilla Foundation is providing the infrastructure (servers, bugzilla, etc) to help the volunteers.
Posting currently using Mozilla suite 1.7.10. I’ve used the suite since the .9x days… my transition to Firefox and Thunderbird is taking some time. However the suite continues development I will most likely prefer to use it rather than FF/TB.
This being said…. Firefox and Thunderbird are really softwares. I recommend them to any man, woman, or child that will listen.
I geuss you could say I’m grizzled… and a little stubborn.
… All good things, eh?
Got a good clue on Slashdot board on how to stop those popup ads . The reason FF can’t block them is that they aren’t popups !
You use ADBLOCK and block javascript/css/dhtml tags.
I used ‘dhtml’ and the hoverad link i posted stopped producing it.
I am not an expert on js/css/dhtml . I know of ‘divs’ also that might work.
The installer still, after several versions, leaves a lot to wish for… Billions of dialog windows that appear and disappear are an annoyance… one single window for everything should be enough…
Still bugs with print preview that’s been there for a very long time now (mouse pointer in page margin and scroll wheel is ineffective… move mouse pointer to the content of the page and it starts working again, and other issues)
Still steals image type associations like jpg, gif and png, despite updating from an old version where those were specifically UNCHECKED…
There are other issues that I just don’t remember exactly what they were about right now.
At least it looks like they finally resize the download dialog window properly after months and months of it being flawed.
Most, if not all, of the issues I have had, and still have, with mozilla are exactly the same, or worse, in firefox.
I suppose slow progress is better than no progress, but there are too many things that don’t work in a browser that have been around long enough to work out those issues by now… Except maybe the developers simply don’t care about these issues and just want to work on features that pretty much noone needs at all.
i dont think i have any of these issues….
Look here, for more information on the Seamonkey project:
Quick launch in Mozilla 1.7.10[1] is buggy. After a quick launch copy (^C and the context menu), space/up/down/pgup/pgdn and probably more stuff is broken. I don’t use any extensions. The regression is reproducible on different (Win2k) systems.
[1] Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050716
By not using javascript altogether,safer anyway.
I’m running slackware 10.1 with updates and recently upgraded to mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.7.10.tar.gz from When I switch between folders (mail or news) in the left-most vertical pane (using mouse or keyboard), the right panes (top showing list of messages, bottom showing selected message) don’t always switch/refresh. This never happened when using previous mozilla releases.
Other folks using WinXP have reported the same problem on usenet with this release.
I can confirm this annoying bug for FreeBSD. It makes Mozilla-Mail quite unusable. Switching to next folder with unread mails (with space bar) doesn’t work anymore, because the content of the message window is not refreshed.
Maybe they’re trying to force us to switch to thunderbird. 🙂
OSSコミュニティの「 6085;本病」
・本家原理主義。ਰ 5;本のユーザーコミ 517;ニティはあくまで&# 20124;流
・亜流故に妙に独೽ 8;主義
・コミュニティが࠳ 8;断されている
・開発コミュニテӝ 1;とユーザーコミュ 491;ティが悪い意味で&# 20998;断されている。
コミュニティとӗ 9;あまり関係なく、 491;人が本家にフィー&# 12489;バックするだけ。
悪くすればローӝ 9;ライズに特化した  068;織になるか、ユー&# 12470;ー間の交流会止ま り。
集団化すりゃいӓ 6;、という問題でも 394;いがコミュニティ&# 12391;しかできないこと を
日本のOSSコミュニ 2486;ィが提供できてい& #12427;か、というとそう ;いうわけでもないz 90;
・日本なんとか会(Ė 61;人組織)の排他性。&# 20013;間法人格などを取 得していても、
組織の運営実態Ӕ 4;イマイチ把握でき 394;い。ディスクロジ&# 12515;ーの欠如、
法人協賛会員へӗ 8;過度の財政的依存 289;役員選定基準の不&# 26126;確さなど
一見して誰のたә 7;の何の組織なのか 702;解不能。
しかも、コミュӡ 1;ティとの繋がりが 076;薄なので、情報を&# 27714;めにきたビジター は肩透かしを食らӓ 8;。
一方で恒常的なฐ 1;政問題を抱えてい 427;
・開発者やユーザӦ 0;は、似たようなコ 511;ュニティの間を渡&# 12426;歩くか、
現実的な成果をߍ 8;げるにはコミュニ 486;ィとは無関係に活&# 21205;せざるを得ない
・日本のOSSコミュニ 2486;ィにおけるアクタ& #12540;はコミュニティで ;はなく、キーパー| 77;ン的な個人
And you all thought you had problems…
At least you can post in english, unlike the guy above!
just for beeing the nerd I am, here is the babelfish version of that post (it’s not verbatim, had to make som hand tuning/editing before the xml-parser would swallow it):
“The Japanese illness” of OSS community birthplace principle principle. The Japanese user community to the last the individual principle community is divided strangely into follower & follower reason, the, in the sense that development community and the user community are bad dividing The て it is. The community regardless of excessively, the individual in the birthplace フィードバッ Just it does. If it makes bad, it becomes the organization which is specialized in localizing or, the n exchange program stopping between the user. The to group the り ゃ calling which is converted, that it is not the problem which is said, but g the Japanese OSS community being able to offer the fact that it does not come to be in only the community, With it is not such reason of h which is said. Japan somehow meeting (corporate body organization) exclusive characteristic. Intermediate corporate body case acquiring i, イマイチ it cannot grasp the management actual condition of organization. 如 The non- accuracy j ど of excessive public finance dependence and official lectotype to the corporate body approval member of ディスクロジャー doing at first glance, whether it is some organization because someone’s understanding failure. Furthermore, because the connection of the community is thin, information M is visitor receives the shoulder spacing to requiring. On the one hand, chronic public finance problem is held the, developer and the user to increase K and the realistic result which wander between the kind of community which is similar, life move to the irrelevance with the community the ざ In the you do not obtain, Japanese OSS community アクタ? コミュニ? . So not to be, the キーパーソン individual
By not using javascript altogether,safer anyway.
Yeah, and you could probably make your web surfing faster by disabling images completely. That shouldn’t inconvenience anyone either, right?