One of the longest running Eclipse projects, a fully-functioning IDE for Eclipse 3.1, has a new release out. The CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) Project just recently released 3.0, with a bunch of new improvements.
One of the longest running Eclipse projects, a fully-functioning IDE for Eclipse 3.1, has a new release out. The CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) Project just recently released 3.0, with a bunch of new improvements.
killer tools are coming out from eclipse lately compare to a year ago. clearly worth checking. my feeling is this is a result of competition, as in the new visual studio 2005 and netbeans 4.1 for starters.
This is a great news as CDT was lagging behind JDT on Eclipse. Refactoring is one of the top new features and is really a welcome addition, as well as the better control of environment variables!
With Eclipse 3.1 being much more “snappy” and being also multi-platform, Eclipse is now the IDE I use on both platforms.
I think the competition is now between Eclipse, Visual Studio and KDE, each having of course different pluses and minuses.
Some IDEs will probbaly disseapear or slowly die, such as Anjuta.
I don’t think this will kill most other free IDEs. Why? Well, for one no project dies just because there is another similar project (remember the BSD is dieing stuff?). Also, Anjuta is native to Gnome, no VM, no SWT, and you notice that in startup time and look (SWT isn’t all that native, ever taken a look at the MacOSX screenshots?).
Besides, Eclipse is somewhat anointing with its views, and plug-in, you have to watch your revisions, and even if you’ve got those straight you plug-ins don’t always work.
Official “CDT 3.0 – New and Noteworthy” page:…
Pascal developpement tools, for us, freepascal fans :-).
Alexander Dymo (the KDevelop lead hacker) has also been working on a KDE/Autotools mode for CDT as a Summer of Code project. His project finally remedies one of the worst defects of CDT: lack of autotools support.
Not that I’ll be switching from KDevelop to Eclipse myself for Krita hacking — I am using Eclipse all day long for my day job, when hacking for fun I want to see something different on my screen.
That’ll teach me to read comments before making my own.
It’s good that someone is addressing that issue.
nice to see the development of eclipse. I hope that eclipse becomes still a little bit faster in the future. I have 1,4 GHz and 512 MB RAM and eclipse isn´t really fast. I´ve tested other IDEs on Windows and Linux and they all are a little bit faster. But maybe Java becomes more performant in the future
But nevertheless: Great work!
try to run eclipse with the latest snapshots of mustang. I am doing this for several months now with no glitches whatsoever on WinXP.
Last time I checked they still didn’t have an autotools importer. Anybody know if they ever got one? Anjuta and Kdevelop have them.
But I wouldn’t be surprised if the parser is getting to be pretty top-notch. Of course the holy grail for C/C++ is VS.
“Of course the holy grail for C/C++ is VS…”
You must be kidding. Ever tried a decent source editor such as SourceInsight or SlickEdit?
Especially when it comes to C, support in VS, and Eclipse CDT in that matter, is way behind these two. I dare you to use VS for a large C project (tens of thousands of functions). You wouldn’t know what hit you.
You must be kidding. Ever tried a decent source editor such as SourceInsight or SlickEdit?
I’ve used slickedit off and on for years. It has vi keybindings – good. It has a horrible interface and looks like dogshit on Unix.
I dare you to use VS for a large C project (tens of thousands of functions). You wouldn’t know what hit you.
I’ve compiled some fairly large programs in VS and never had a problem.
Of course the problem with slickedit, sourceinsight, CDT and the others is that they’ll never be able to offer the level of integration that VS does. But on unix they are viable options.
I believe that you have missed my point. Nobody said anything about compiling large projects, but on browsing and editing. IDE’s such as VS and CDT tend to by C++ oriented and fail to give any reasonable navigation capabilities when it comes to C.
“Looks like dogshit” is not a very insightful remark. The question is: does it do its job? How fast can I understand the structure of the code and modify it?
IDE’s such as VS and CDT tend to by C++ oriented and fail to give any reasonable navigation capabilities when it comes to C.
VS parses C just as well as it does C++. Apparently, you haven’t used it much.
“Looks like dogshit” is not a very insightful remark. The question is: does it do its job?
Sorry, but we’re coming up on 2006 and it’s not too much to ask to have a certain amount of clarity in the fonts. slickedit doesn’t rely on a toolkit except for Xlib.
we have a million-line codebase, we use VS, it’s fine. the whole thing also cross-compiles under linux under GCC. ’nuff said. now, if you have a single *DLL* with tens of thousands of functions in it, you badly need to modularise your code!!
I’ve been using XEmacs as my C IDE for years and recently tried Eclipse. Even though my main box is a 2.8GHz P4 I found CDT incredibly slow when compared to XEmacs (who isn’t a speed devil itself). Does anybody actually use CDT? Eclipse looks like too focused on java to me. Does it have any read advantage?
If it is too slow,perhaps you should remove the java tools in case you don’t need them. That way you get more free memory, and less startup time. Another trick is to close projects that you are not working with.
What I like best about eclipse is the good integration with versioning tools like CVS, and Subversion (through the subclipes plugin).
You are rigth that so far the java tools are the most mature. This is no surprise as they have been around for the longest time. According to the CDT team their goal is to make these tools just as good as the java ones, and with this release things are starting to shape up.
Eclipse more and more stand out as the swiss army knife for developers that grew up in the GUI age. Just like Emacs was/is for people who started their carrear when CLI was state of the art. There are plugins for almost everything. You have Gmail clients, you have wikis,… and of course various languages. The quality varies, but is generally getting better and better.
To say that eclipse is only for java developers far from the truth. E.g. the pydev python plugin is very good. So does this new CDT version. My major problem with it is that it lacks support for autotools, but there seam to be a plugin for that too. Havn’t tested it yet though.
Good question. I hoped the new Eclipse+CDT would really improve the performance. Nothing like that. Take a look at code completion – for a simple Qt/KDE project, containing a dozen of files it takes a few seconds for code assistant to find completion; this ruins fast typing as Eclipse just freezes for a while. I’ve been using GVim with a few plugins for years and my conclusions are even its completion is relatively primitive, it still let you write faster than in Eclipse. I wish Eclipse was faster and snappier, as it’s concepts are very nice in general. But until it is unusable for C++ on my Athlon XP 1700+ (768MB RAM) I stick with (G)Vim…
On my laptop (P3, 1Gz, 768Mb), Eclipse 3.1 is as fast as VS on XP. On FC3, I sometimes saw some slowdowns although since Eclipse 3.1 that I Installed a month ago, I remember just one slowdown and it lasted maybe a second (I was surprised to see a slowdown again actually).
Overall I do not find Eclipse slow anymore. I use it for C++ development on a project with a few thousand C/C++ files.
I regret the fonts on Linux are a tad bigger than those on Windows, meaning I see a couple less lines of source on screen on Linux than on Windows.
I also used to have problems on Linux when accessing the source tree stored on Win32 (FAT) partition, but the problem also happens with other Java apps on Linux so it’s not Eclipse’ fault. Probably a bug either in the JVM or in the FAT driver.
Hope that helps.
Now that QT4 is out and available on windows, it might be nice to see some QT-specific integration in Eclipse. I’m not sure what all would be needed – maybe a QT project file manager and QMake launcher.
CDT (with Eclipse) is *excellent* for embedded systems development (as long as the GNU toolchain correctly supports your target, of course).
Most features I was waiting for (coloring of numbers, jump to definition, much improved toolchain support, better refactoring, etc.) are here!
Very good job from the QNX and IBM developers.
In most cases the trick is, to give it more ram…
a -vmargs-Xmx<fillinwhatyouwant> in the startup params can do wonders
That’s absolutely right. Mine are:
-Xrs -Xverify:none -Xms400m -Xmx512m -Xmn128m -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
Boudewijn: you’d better use KDevelop, it’s automake manager is a bit worse than eclipse’s one but it’s c++ parser is much faster.
On Qt support: I have preliminary version of Qt support, basically just Qt3/Qt4 qmake application wizards and qmake builder which just runs “qmake”, “make”. I’ll write QMake manager view later.