When Google unveiled its instant messaging client yesterday, there was only one problem: Google Talk requires a Gmail account, which has been invitation-only since its beta debut in 2004. This changed on Thursday, however, as Google opened Gmail to anyone in the United States with a mobile phone. Other countries will follow.
Or you could just create a Google Account[1] and get Gmail with no cellular phone necessary…
1: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount
“Or you could just create a Google Account[1] and get Gmail with no cellular phone necessary…”
Mod parent down.
“You cannot log into Gmail using your Google Account username and password.
Gmail is in a limited test period and is only available to a small number of people who are helping test and improve the service before it is made more widely available.”
The initial services available with your Google account are:
* Google Alerts – Receive news and search results via email
* Froogle Shopping List – Shop smarter with wishlists of your favorite products
* Gmail – A Google approach to email
* Google Groups – Create mailing lists and discussion groups
* Personalized Search – Get the search results most relevant to you
* Google in Your Language – Volunteer to translate Google’s services into various languages
* Google Answers – Ask a question, set a price, get an answer
* Google Web APIs – A tool for software developers to query Google automatically
“The initial services available with your Google account are:
* Google Alerts – Receive news and search results via email
* Froogle Shopping List – Shop smarter with wishlists of your favorite products
* Gmail – A Google approach to email
* Google Groups – Create mailing lists and discussion groups
* Personalized Search – Get the search results most relevant to you
* Google in Your Language – Volunteer to translate Google’s services into various languages
* Google Answers – Ask a question, set a price, get an answer
* Google Web APIs – A tool for software developers to query Google automatically”
OK if you don’t belive me, here is a screenshot.
When did you create your account? The old google accounts -couldn’t- use Gmail. Anyhow, if you want a Gmail invite, I have 48 left.
“When did you create your account? The old google accounts -couldn’t- use Gmail.”
About 5 hours ago.
“Anyhow, if you want a Gmail invite, I have 48 left.
Yes please!
phantomamd [AT] hotmail.com
No, you cannot get gmail by just opening google account.
just have checked it myself.
mod parent down.
I have no intention of ever owning a cell phone so this is no good to me. The idea of locking out spammers though is good but there has to be other ways of doing this.
And what is up with this betaNews website, besides the story there are buttons everywhere to infect w2k with adware. Pause over the “update” button.
“Your Windows 2000 may need a tune up.
Difficulty level: Easy (Just 1 step to tune up)
Time required: 2 Minutes”
I just visited with my Mac, and it showed Mac tune up software, maybe it just inserts the OS name into the description… or maybe it is actual optimisation software.
Same here – on Linux it says:
Your Linux may need a tune up.
Difficulty level: Easy (Just 1 step to tune up)
Time required: 2 Minutes
“Your Linux may need a tune up.
Difficulty level: Easy (Just 1 step to tune up)
Time required: 2 Minutes”
Heh, I’ve soon this one too! I even checked the link out and all they got there was a Windoze program =^.^= I have no idea what’s the point behind advertising a Windoze app as a Linux app =P
There is 1 update available for your computer
Your Linux may need a tune up.
Click “Start” to recommend improvements.
Lol, and another:
PC Performance Wizard for Linux
Latest Update: Thu, Aug 25, 105 11:14 PM (ready for download)
Click “Start” to tune up your PC.
“Maybe it’s actual optimization software”? You haven’t been using the Internet for long, have you?
How about they do a user agent check and change the text to match the user agent of your browser os. I bet it you changed your user agent to be a different os it would show that name.
No need to bet, its confirmed. The page calls a Javasript file which basically writes to the page and includes the following javascript.
document.write (‘var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
document.write (‘var OS,browser,total,thestring;
document.write (‘if (!OS)
document.write (‘{
document.write (‘ if (checkIt(‘);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘linux’);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘)) OS = “Linux”;
document.write (‘ else if (checkIt(‘);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘x11’);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘)) OS = “Unix”;
document.write (‘ else if (checkIt(‘);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘mac’);
document.write (“‘”);
document.write (‘)) OS = “Mac”;
document.write (‘ else if ((checkIt(‘);
Getting an invite is absolutely no problem. Every current user has an almost unlimited amount of invites for some months now.
Yeah, I have 50, already sent ones out to everyone.
heh change your os in your user agent to tune up
Your tune up may need a tune up.
Difficulty level: Easy (Just 1 step to tune up)
Time required: 2 Minutes
Heh, I’ve soon this one too!
LOLOLOL!!! OMFG, “Windoze”!!! HAHAHAHA!!! LOLOLOL!!1!! OMFG, R0XX0RZ!!! HAHAHHA!!! j00 rul3Z!!!! LOLOLOL!!1!
Are there any Linux users left out there that are not 11 years old? Somewhere? Maybe?
I’m 15, why do you ask?
Are there any Linux users left out there that are not 11 years old? Somewhere? Maybe?
Maybe on some other website, definately not on this one. Well…occasionally you get one with some level of intelligence. (I use Linux exclusively, but I don’t act like a 3 year old, so I don’t consider myself to be part of the same crowd).
Personally, I just laugh when people use words like M$ or Microsloth or <insert favourite lame MS joke here>. I think the problem is people don’t realize how foolish they look when using words like this.
The day Linus, RMS, ESR et al start acting like 3 year olds and using words like M$ is the day I believe your comment. Until then, I stand by my position that OSNews is a magnet for 11 year old Linux fanboys.
And before people start flaming me, I use Linux exclusively and support it. I just don’t support childish people tarnishing its reputation by being immature.
Maybe on some other website, definately not on this one. Well…occasionally you get one with some level of intelligence. (I use Linux exclusively, but I don’t act like a 3 year old, so I don’t consider myself to be part of the same crowd).
Personally, I just laugh when people use words like M$ or Microsloth or <insert favourite lame MS joke here>. I think the problem is people don’t realize how foolish they look when using words like this.
The day Linus, RMS, ESR et al start acting like 3 year olds and using words like M$ is the day I believe your comment. Until then, I stand by my position that OSNews is a magnet for 11 year old Linux fanboys.
And before people start flaming me, I use Linux exclusively and support it. I just don’t support childish people tarnishing its reputation by being immature.
In response to my own comment (lol), I’ll just point out that I think the same thing about people using words like Linsux or posting troll comments like BSD is dead on forums. People are too dumb to realize that it makes them look worse than it does the technology they are attacking….or else they do realize and post from anonymous accounts.
Actually, I’m 22 years old…But what does that have anything to do with anything? I personally hate Windoze, and “Windoze” is just one of the words I use for it. Another favorite saying is “Wintoosa”, such as I call Linux “Linuski” or “Linukka”. It shouldn’t really bother you. Besides, your own posting tells more about you than anyone else. Learn to write proper arguments and perhaps some english grammar while you’re at it.
I think there is a rather BIG difference between “open to the public” and “available for people living in the US, owning a cell phone, and willing to give the cell phone data away”.
Can you talk to people on other jabber servers, such as Jabber.org? I look forward to more people using Jabber, and my jabber.org buddy list to grow (and the AIM buddylist to shrink).
No you can’t. Last time I’ve checked, they had disabled the server-to-server communication.
Lets just hope they’ll open up the service later on.
Here come the cows and pigs!
Let’s hope this 2GB+ free service continues to last now that the mindless unwashed massess sit down to rest their weary wide walrus asses at the computers they know nothing about.
I also have opted out of having a cell phone — no need as I work from home and have a land line 2 feet from my keyboard.
If anyone wants to invite me, my email is [email protected]
Isn’t anyone concerned with the fact that Google probably has the most complete database of almost every internet citizens life?
I mean imagine having access to the complete search engine history (and with google bar, the complete surf history) of a person, crossreferenced with all his/her personal mail and entire contact network.
The only thing missing is GoogleMoney and you’ll be able to entierly map a person.
Imagine FBI and CIA just dropping their databases, why bother, google has it all…
I don’t think Google plans to do anything evil with its information. I suspect they’ll use it to build up a profile of each user, so they can return more accurate search results. As its advertising all works through its search capabilities, this will allow it to do a better job of targetting advertisments at users. This advantage should see them hold onto their current position as lead Internet advertiser.
Of course, this relies on users using Google for almost everything. This is why it seems to be setting itself up as a voluntary web-proxy. You’ve got Google home leveraging RSS feeds to give you your own custom webpage, the GDS sidebar keeping you up-to-date with your news-feeds (perhaps a later version will use the setup from your Google Home for its “Web-clips”), Google Talks takes care of IM, Maps takes care of travelling, Froogle shopping, and then Google Search for the rest of your internet needs.
This is what makes up the “Google Browser”. It’s not a normal web-browser, it’s a collection of desktop and online tools that you use every time you visit the web. Basically Google relegates the Web-browser to the side-lines, and ensures that you use Google tools to find the content you’re looking for. The web-browser is just an enabling technology to let you view the content Google (indirectly) provides.
There is a major problem though, particularly for people living outside the United States. Google’s servers can be examined by agents of the US. I think they can even examine the data without allowing Google to notify its users. For citizens of other countries, which have far stricter data-protection laws, using Google tools involves waiving certain rights you have at home (although after the London and Madrid attacks, and the assasination in the Netherlands, many European governments are diluting these rights). This is the risk with using Google tools.
Personally, I’m an Irish citizen, and I don’t like trusting my data to US companies (which has sold or lost personal data with an alarmingly cavalier attitude), but for basic personal stuff, I like Google.
So now they are asking for phone number. What is next? Social security number?
The “Inbox” link doesn’t work, the Gmail logo in the tray popup too. It’s not possible to sent email even by clickind Gmail logo in my contacts list…..
How to fix that ? Or maybe this is because of beta state …
… is watching.
I think of the CEO saying that they want to be the “google who knows you better.”
first, they do the invitation scam which allows them to web who you know.
then, they keep all of the emails you ever send
Now, they have your cell number.
I’m not wearing a tin hat here, but it is not hard to see how they are trying to connect the dots…
Let’s see I have a gmail account, great they can know about my vacations plans and golf tournament too.
i don’t give out my cell number anyway.
third I don’t do or say anything on the Net that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. It still doesn’t stop trouble but sure puts a damper on it.
Why is it only a GMail account????
Every single email company out there could let robots read your emails.
The only way to beat that is to run your own mail server, but if anyone wanted to they could easily intercept it – especcially the likes of the CIA – with the technology they have why would you be worried about what you do online….
i just opened a google account and yes, i have gmail with it. I don’t know what you’re all saying about google not letting gmail with a google account, i mean, i’ve just done it and i’m on google talk also.
have you actually tried to use gmail, or, like previous poster just saw it in the list of services and jumped to conclusions ?
here is quote from google about google account:
2. Does creating a Google Account give me a Gmail account?
[i]Unfortunately not. Gmail is currently in a limited release, so you need to get invited by another Gmail user in order to sign up. If you’re interested in Gmail, you may want to check the About Gmail page periodically for updates. If, on the other hand, you already have a Gmail account, you can use your Gmail username and password to sign in to your Google Account<i/>
jump to conclusions? I’m on google talk, and when i click inbox it takes me to my gmail. i also go to gmail.com and login from there and see my inbox and all that. i’ve sent a few mails already.
still that means you do smthing other than just opening new google account using outside email… just checked it again 5 min ago, to be sure…
maybe you had gmail previously.
maybe its google talk. btw google talk is not part of new google account services by itself…
maybe google treats your ip differently from mine.
anyway: new ggogle account does NOT give you gmail automatically. something else is in play.
Sorry, but that takes a lot of charme of the service.
I just like the gmail web interface for reading mailinglists. I didn’t find any better interface yet.
“Google Opens Security Issues to Public”
MS no. 2 coming to a web browser near you soon!
Gmail + IE + connection to internet = security nightmare!
sound good now?
if you don’t believe, just wait and see.