Intel, AMD, IBM and all other chipmakers are doomed. In any case, that’s the case if you were to believe the claims made by the Atom Chip Corporation, “which maintains it will show off a 2TB diskless notebook based on a 6.8GHz ‘quantum-optical’ microprocessor at next January’s Consumer Electronics Show.” Pictures of the notebook and various parts are available. Whether these claims hold truth is of course under debate, “but Gendlin (creator) has his patent – and more pending, apparently – and so we look forward to seeing Atom Chip’s kit in the flesh at CES.”
Is that some kind of April Fool’s joke?
I have abosultely no idea. Normally I don’t post rumours as newsitems, but this one was too tempting to let pass by.
The guy has his patents and all, which seems he is indeed onto something. He has his booth at the CES– also an indication he has at least something to show.
Time will tell.
“The guy has his patents and all, which seems he is indeed onto something.”
don’t you mean “on something”?
That is exactly the same thing that crossed my mind.
“We’re unsure as to how we should take the claims of Atom Chip Corporation […]”
As an obvious joke…
What’s the purpose of the two lenses? Light effects?
I’m in no way an expert in quantum opticals but the whole thing really looks like something you build with some junk and superglue (the other photos on the website too)
maybe i should ask my friend in quantum optics what he thinks of this. having seen research stuff at a top university in the world for optics i can safely say this is a big steaming pile of horse crap. and that it runs windows? please…
you cannot build a functioning quantum computer using current technology and you most certainly CANNOT build one into a laptop.
patents mean nothing. the theory of a quantum computer is real and anyone with the money to spare could apply for a patent based on this technology.
They never said it was a quantum computer – only the memory was accessed using quantum optical effects (probably via quantum entanglement).
Quantum computers are a long long away due to the stability of quantum effects which are notoriously unstable and very short lived (cf ion traps where the slightest thermal energy can kill them) although optical ones are more resilient.
To get a non-trivial optical quantum computer would require major advances (quantum leaps!) in non-linear optics in order to build reliable quantum logic gates.
So, they can build quantum computer and cannot afford to pay a decent webdesigner ?
What gives it away is the clock speed,
way too slow..
“What gives it away is the clock speed,
way too slow..”
Actually, it’s my understanding that for “linear” functions (most of what a computer does, basic math & hardware controll), quantum computing would be pressed to keep up with a top line pentium. It’s the “non-linear” math (“take this huge number, see if it factors into any large prime numbers”) that quantum computing’s “wooga-wooga” properties come in and it becomes blazingly fast. Quantum computing can “test” numerous values simultaneously, so it’s ideal for situations where you have to use trial and error in a brute force attempt. For math that doesn’t require this, like balancing a spreadsheet (the computer doesn’t have to guess the sum of a column by brue force, it just adds them), you’re down to base clockspeed, and you loose all benefits.
Mike K.
The NvIOpRAM [ATA IDE] products have the selling price of $2.50 per 1GB.
NvIOpSRAM [144-pin SODIMM] products have the selling price of $4.50 per 1GB.
NvIOpSRAM [200-pin SODIMM] products have the selling price of $6.00 per 1GB.
And it even cleans your windows!
But honestly, he must have access to the Windows-source code, too. How could it otherwise support the new technology???
BTW, what’s Windows XP Version 2002??
I believe Windows XP Version 2002 is XP with Service Pack 2 … at least that is what mine reports itself as.
He has access to CTRL-ALT-PrtScrn and Paint by the looks of it.
is the original version, without the service packs.
Windows XP Version 2002 is Windows XP from the NT 5.1 codebase (with or without service packs)
Windows XP Version 2003 (ia64 only) is Windows XP from the NT 5.2 codebase (aka: Server 2003)
Windows XP x64 Edition Version 2003 (emt64/amd64 only) is also Windows XP from the NT 5.2 codebase, starting in SP1 or later.
If you look at the pictures you see it’s using Windows XP 32-bits so it’s impossible it would support 1TB of RAM
— “If you look at the pictures you see it’s using Windows XP 32-bits so it’s impossible it would support 1TB of RAM”
Er… yeah. That too.
Quite right, 32bit processors can address 4GB of RAM. Another thing, doesn’t Windows XP support a maximum of 48bit HDD memory addressing? 48bit would be 256TB but I would highly doubt XP would display it as 2TB, it would most likely display 1024GB. Another thing, P4-M 1.7GHz processors, huh? So it’s PC2100 RAM. PC2100 read/writes at 2GB/s, maximum. It would take 8-10 minutes to fill the memory. Wouldn’t that be deathly slow? Then, “Non-Volatile Quantum RAM / STORAGE”. So it’s flash memory? And that’s somehow faster than whatever’s achievable now in S-ATA or is that also deathly slow? If all of this were possible you would need a processor that fast just to keep up with a 1.7GHz …
With PAE Intel 32bit processor can address 64GB.
With PAE Intel 32bit processor can address 64GB.
But PAE is not turned on in their screenshot, Windows displays the text “Physical Address Extension” under the OEM info on machines where it is.
Would windows even use the TB unit for RAM??? Seems unlikly.
errr some tab in one of the windows screenshots is in russian or something
i doubt this is normal in a US XP version
must be a hoax.
The photo on is abelled “CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW, Las Vegas, January 2006”.
Well, I think it’s a load of crap, but what they are trying to tell you is that they are scheduled to be there. Follow the links.
Is is a coincidence that the screen shots of WinXP
looks faked? (Especially the 6.8 GHz line…)
A three pin memory?! Come on! You need at least two
more pins for addressing and data.
Have they made their CPU magically x86 compatible or
have they had Microsoft port Windows to it? All the
I/O, RAM protocols, disk interface as well? I think
Some way they have invented things in a number of areas:
1. A fantastic CPU (for which there are not specs)
2. Fantastic RAM.
3. Fantastic harddisk compatible solid state device.
4. Voice recognition.
5. Battery revolution (3 hours powering 4 P4Ms, come on!)
Most small start-ups focus on a single invention,
but these guys are active all over the place and
have already prototypes, ported operating systems,
industrial components, good-looking laptop.
Come on! They need several thousands of man-
years to accomplish this and thus a super tanker
full of money.
They haven’t exactly spent that money on web design.
so windows has a non hard drive version?
Looking at the pictures on the page reveals that this is quite obviously made-up.
They remove the cover of the chip, and there are two optical lenses inside of it. Why on earth would anyone put lenses on the inside of a computer under a little metal case?
And we’re supposed to believe that they use a 3/32″ headphone jack to connect memory? Riiight…
On the off chance that this system does exist, the specs posted seem to imply that it is nothing but 4 1.7GHz Pentium 4 Ms.
I’m not certain, but the person behind this might be a guy that about 6 years ago tried to pull off a scam where he got people to believe that his company had reverse-engineered an alien device, he dubbed the transcapacitor. He made similar claims as to the huge amount of memory storage (1 TB back then too!), and totally obscene processor rates in the 10’s of Teraherz (sic!).
The guy’s name was Jack Shulman, and ran American Computer Corp. out of New Jersey. It turned out that the company had just a single employee – him.
I agree. If there is a little chance that this device will become reality, it will be a 4xP4 @ 1,7 GHz machine.
BTW: 1,7 GHz x 4 = 6,8 GHz(!)
This page is hilarious:
I particularly like the “decoder/transceiver for USB port” at the bottom right of that page.
I think this is just a scam. As for the patents, as far as I’m concerned, they don’t mean anything. We live in a world where the software industry routinely have patents for obvious stuff that are accepted.
I find this very interesting.Maybe the scientist is onto something.Some scientists even mention him in correlation with a theorem from the past.
Practicing Quantum Mechanics in the Present Progressive Mode: A Clock-Time Complex:
the quantum-optical memory devices based on thick films with optical read-write.
… Its underlying principle is the “Gendlin” effect, ie, a three-layer ……
While all this doesn’t say to much it’s possible that a real genius has discovered something and now after 10 years implemented.
Not so hard to test the note-book on the coming electronics show now is it?
It’s my understanding that NTFS only supports hard drive partitions up to 167GB… and a screenshot on AtomChip’s site shows a 2TB partition.
My 300GB drives are formatted as a single primary NTFS partition, so it appears to be possible to at least have drives that large. People with TB RAID arrays also probably would claim that NTFS supports larger partitions than 167GB. At least nowadays.
i’ve got a 1TB NTFS partition here. LaCie Bigger Disk.
<img src=”“></img>
Correction: Max volume size for NTFS partitions is 2TB.
While I believe the reality of Atom Corp.’s technology is no bigger than an actual atom, NTFS does indeed support very large volume sizes. Take a look:…
Theoretically, it can support ~256TB with a cluster size of 64KB. Using a more common cluster size of 4KB gives you a max volume size of ~16TB. However, the maximum size of a regular partition stored in a MBR is 2TB. So volumes > 2TB will only be found as “dynamic drives” (RAID, etc).
NTFS can handle 2TB
May be the page was setup to spread some trojans or exploit known or unknow browser bugs. Someone should take a look on that …
The “CES 2006” labelled image is CES 2006 in name only, the image itself is called ces2004-floor.jpeg.jpg.
The system properties image seems to be in order. With regards to the RAM issue, according to… XP64 still only supports 16Gb of real RAM, this machine has 1TB – way more (whether it actually works is another matter). Because the processor choice is between either their custom chip or four P4 M’s, my guess is this is a 32-bit platform – assuming this is for real, anyway.
The drive properties image is interesting. All the tabs that should be there are present, my guess is that the Cyrillic tab is some kind of addin, a’la Norton Utilities or similar. IMHO, if this were a fake shot, they would have taken the time to remove this.
Chances are this is for real: like Thom says, the guy has his patent and his floorspace, something must be afoot…
Hahahahha! Good laugh for the day. Thanks! Nothing is real about that website. Nothing. I fully expect that some guy / few guys is going to exceed the ability of every electronics giant in the world combined, in several areas at once.
Just based alone on the POOR poor quality website. Irregardless of “Genuis” the amount spent to get to this point would number in the billions. Note, his “fancy chips” all use standard every day form factor. HOW CONVIENENT!
It’s “regardless,” not “irregardless.” It’s “genius” and not “genuis.” Genius.
You know Einstein could not tie his shows nor was he good at spelling but he is the worlds more revered Genius. One should not judge.
If I had a patent and floorspace at a show and claim I invented a time travel machine, would you believe me too?
Come on, it is obviously a joke…
This is old, and it’s a scam.
*sniff*…..hmmmm smells like most saucy,well-fried and
most transparent hoax there is 😉
It doesn’t need to be fake. I’m hoping it’s not. Think of how revolutionary this is? Breakthroughs have never moved in a linear path but in starts and jerks. This would at least break the tyranny at intel. I look forward to seeing his booth,in person, at the ces in L.V. this coming year.
yes, give it a chance….
So if they were there in 2004, showing off their great invention, and most computers still run on x86 processors…what does that imply?
Anybody noticed how in the C: Properties pic on the capacity line ‘TB’ is not aligned correctly with ‘2,00’?
..and it looks like they’ve got a lot of suckers. Check out their CES entries:
I like how the price went from $5 to $5000.
So if they were there in 2004, showing off their great invention, and most computers still run on x86 processors…what does that imply?
The lobby has tightly protected the status quo?Who knows.
Would you think the oil lobby is fond of a real practical gasoline alternative which is ready to be implemented now?Is the arms industry happy with total world peace?
Who knows?
I hold it with Occam’s Razor[1]…which in this situation would imply that if something that revolutionary is not reported widely…its bogus…
The other explanation that an evil lobby is trying to surpress this technology…It is just not the simpler explanation…
[1] one version:
“When deciding between two models which make equivalent predictions, choose the simpler one”
My question is, if this is a hoax, why would they go through all this effort? I mean even getting a booth/stand at CES? I’m very skeptical and see it as a joke, and would definitely follow behind those with the “I must see it to believe it” attitude.
The optical lens on top of the closed chip is pretty damn hilarious though….
This shows it all. Take a look at the computer screen shot only (it’s a larger image than in the page) and see that the numbers are doctored with an image processing tool because they are not aligned properly.
What a moron whoever put up this garbage….
They won an award last year at CES for their Laptop without a harddrve…
Look at the picure above and take a look and the AtomChip image, it obviously doesn’t match with the rest of the “system windows”
it doesn’t matter because you are able to change that logo with any image you have.
(windows calls it OEM Info and any info there is writable)
Plus the 6.0 does not align with the GHz which reveals the fake.
The two tubes labeled optic fibers sure look like heat piping to me. They are way too thick for typical fiber optics. Also who would use a modified stero mini-plug for high speed data. Not exactly a precision part for optical coupling. And it often fails as a good audio connector.
The processor guts look like bits pried out of an old CD-ROM drive. x,x
Because we all know CES is the logical place to unveil a quantum computer.
Seriously people … quantum computing won’t be here for quite some time and neither will 1TB of RAM.
My best guess would be that this site is used to lure folks into “Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud” type scams:
Dear sir,
We have this new tech, we only need $10.000 to complete it.
The sad part it that it has/will probably worked.
On the contrary, I think it is an anti-nigerian scam website (like The idea is to try to get nigerian scammers to buy one of those ‘super’ computers and make him/her pay the (high) shipping fees (UPS, FedEx, etc.) in advance and ship them tons of garbage, while having a good laugh at the same time.
> NvIOpSRAM [200-pin SODIMM] products have the
> selling price of $6.00 per 1GB.
… So 1TB of memory alone would cost $6000 (Nice 🙂
… Imagine the price of the CPU …
I like the CDRROM optics that is super glued on the top of the chip.
This guy is a mental giant……
I also noticed on some of the screenshots that areas around some of the text is a different color than the rest of the dialog, a sure sign of tampering.
I feel sorry for those poor idiots who put their money into the guy’s pockets. The penalties for this types of scams should be much higher and should be much better enforced.
I hope it has a BitBoys video processor!
– chrish
“hope it has a BitBoys video processor!”
… connected through 3-pin audio connector to 256Gb of quantum-optical vram.
Do they accept preorders? i’ll surely buy one =)
This is a spoof to demonstrate how easily fooled CES and the USPO is with flashy words like “quantum” and “optical”.
For some values that have been altered there is a comma instead of a decimal point, however for others there is a decimal point. Windows would probably not be inconsistent like this, if I were running it right now I could check.
That’s true.
If you change your regional settings to have “decimal symbol” set to “comma” instead of “dot” you will get an inconsistent result…
On my system I get “1.99 GHz, 1,00 GB of RAM” with the comma and “1.99 GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM” with the dot.
i think he is a snake oil salesman
he has not published in any peer reviewed journals…
I’m guessing somewhere around 1.21 jiggawatts of power.
I call bull-crap on this. If this actually existed wouldn’t someone like Microsoft or IBM or Sony be all over this?
Why, the only way to generate 1.21 jiggawatts of power is a lightning strike!
My other thought was, a jiggawhat? jiggawho?
Thanks for the great video clip link
, I’m still laughing my @$$ off. If that doesn’t discredit their product, I don’t know what would.
aha.. aha… aha… Sorry, having trouble catching my breath from laughing! It’s priceless for its total cheesiness and sheer effrontery. I’ve gone from an initial naive credulity (Wow! That sounds cool) through increasing skepticism (hmmm… I don’t think so) to waiting for the other shoe to drop and I see or read something so outrageous that it’s clear this is a put on. The video may qualify, but alternatively, it’s all part of a scam.
Besides, I want to know how they solved the tachyon queueing problem. 😉
The system properties photo is fake. Windows does not display the CPU speed with commas like 6,80 GHZ. It uses a period like 6.80 GHZ. CHeck the photo and then check your own system properties. This is a clear typo in the photo edit they made.
Regional settings can change this. However the use of a comma for CPU speed and a period for Memory is inconsistant. Either both would use commas or both would use periods.
I believe a number of european countries use commas and periods in this alternate manner.
Either both would use commas or both would use periods.
You would think so. But with the Swedish settings in XP the CPU speed is written with a period and the amount of RAM is written with a comma. So I assume that only the RAM amount is actually affected by regional settings.
But it’s still mixed up in that screenshot.
People, they use commas instaed of periods in other languages guys. Everywhere in europe its like that.
so 3,000 is 3.000 according to european standards.
and $3.50 is $3,50.
just because something is different doesnt mean its immediately BS.
Just an FYI, continue posting
ok, so the quantum cpu thing seems pretty fake but what about the option to run 4 pentium M 1.7ghz cpu’s on a laptop….. HEHEHE
Have you ever seen a quad cpu motherboard….. they really can’t make them small and the power consumption would be insane, not to mention the entire inner workings of the laptop would have to be changed. (although it would be cool)
I would prefer to see a quad dual core opteron laptop better lol.
abondon all hole, ye who believes that.
Look at his screen capture for the disk capacity.
He uses commas instead of XP’s normal periods. ( 2,00 TB versus 2.00 TB ). The red AtomChip logo on the System Properties page is an obvious paste job. All the information on the chips/storage looked like they were pasted on as well. The whole thing is worse than the CherryOS scam.
Not that I do not think this is a hoax but in alot of the world they use , in place of .
So in the EU something that cost 3.34 would be written 3,34.
While I hope this is not a hoax (which would be cool if it wasn’t, even if this laptop will cost $1M), I think some people need to be clued in.
1) Some countries don’t use periods like the US. They use commas. Change your regional settings in Windows to Russian to see.
2) “Windows XP Version 2002” is the correct name of the OS. If you’re too lazy to look at your own system properties to see it’s the same thing I’m sure some of you are running you’re an idiot.
That is all.
Regional settings doesn’t seem to matter for the frequency in System Properties. I have two copies of Windows XP Professional (1x EN, 1x FR) with French settings and the GHz rating is always shown with a period.
I understand what you are talking about but if the locale is set for comma instead of the decimal dot then it must be consistent.
In the screen shot the 6,80 GHz is next to 1.0 TB
Got it?
It is known that FAT32 partition can only allocate 2 GB of capacity, so it demostrates that
is a hoax.
It’s a hoax, but you’re wrong about FAT32.
FAT32 drives can be much larger than 2 GB (I have a 56 GB FAT32 partition – with files just below the 4 GB limit). However – files on FAT32 drives cannot be larger than 4 GB. For that you’ll need NTFS (in Windows) or in other OS’es a native fs.
2 GB limit is something you find in FAT16.
But still… that atom-stuff is a hoax… but a funny one
kristian AT herkild DOT dk
wtf are you talking about? Ive made fat32 partitions several times that were 30gig… You must be refuring to fat16.. either that or you have no clue what your talking about.
wtf are you talking about? Ive made fat32 partitions several times that were 30gig… You must be refuring to fat16.. either that or you have no clue what your talking about.
That’s exactly what I wrote, dumbass :p
It was the guy before me, who claimes that FAT32 couldn’t handle more than 2 GB. RTFP before you write!
Your wrong on that. Entirely.
I have used FAT32 to address 12 GB Flash cards. The upper limit is much higher than that.
Another thing … isn’t the title bar a little off in this image? –
It looks rather odd, that the X and the ? are somewhat large, non?
Just a thought whilst I’m laughing my arse off here.
~D. Kennedy
Come on, the telltale signs give it away…FAKE FAKE FAKE!
I can’t believe there is actual discussion about this? Did you look at the pictures??
-Is that a mound or red play dough holding on the “optical fiber”? What will he make ketchup out of for his McDonalds playset?
-Is the optical lens in the “NvIOpRAM 8GB” a red LED? What will he do his case mods with?
-Is that rubber tubing with copper fittings as “optical fiber”? Are his fish getting oxygen?
-The “transciever” looks like clear lego, hub caps, perhaps parts of a water bong and/or crack pipe. His roommates gonna be pissed when he wants to get blitzed and build legos!
So really all this site is good for is making fun of this debunked company. The posts that actually support this hooey are most likey the perp himself.
Did anyone catch the “investor relations contact” on CES’s website?
Whats that i hear? Sounds like an optical usb hub cap transmodulator coupler breaking exploding into vapor.
I am reminded of another scam that really did take investors $, and fooled members of the DOD and Nasa, not so far from quantum ohsyics too,
A 1 Luke xxxx an unqulified fellow at technician grade with interests in Microwaves and power line communications had a legit company in Houston IIRC that promised GBits of broadband to every home connected to the US power grid.
It was based on the simple idea that all power cables carrying AC power have some sort of surrounding Microwave “Halo” which could act as a wave guide for a microwave beam. Very startrek, it took a year before all the hype was revealed to be nothing more than a technician way out of his depth.
He really did have quite a few investors and partners who had a hard time explaining why it was taking so long to develop.
I’m no patent lawyer, but is it possible that this guy is trying to steal a patent?
My menial understanding of patent law is that it’s first come first serve (thanks to recent changes in the US), so this guy files a patent on a technology that is unpatented, even though every knows about it, and then fakes an implementation as is required to get the patent.
Any lawyers out there want to comment?
I am not a lawyer (IANAL) but I fully agree with what you just said. I was about to say the same thing! (hope it’s not patented)
To fool CES? To generate ad-revenue by getting a site on slashdot? Why make such an obvious and stupid hoax. They might as well include the cold fusion graphics card cooling unit and their Cronoflux array.
Let’s say that it’s all top drawer hunky dory guy with a fab in his basement.
He’s been scheming on this thing (when he’s not putting time on cold fusion or zero point energy) for years and finally had his breakthrough.
Why in the WORLD would you sell this thing as a consumer laptop? Of all the cutthroat low margin markets, consumer laptops are a lousy place to introduce new tech.
Rather, he should be selling rights to IBM, or some other large firm, selling large processing machines to the NSA, etc. Large organizations where CPU horsepower is constantly being exhausted WILL PAY a LARGE premium for extra horsepower. That’s where the money is, particularly for a small manufacturer.
Not comsumer grade laptops.
Geez..for a supra-genius, guy seems to be off a bit.
check out the link below.…
The article was dated back to Oct 27, 1997, when Shimon Gendlin, a russian scientist, demonstrated 128MB magnetic memory device. emigrated From the foundation of his doctorates in Nuclear Physics and Computer Science (Physical Electronics) from universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia, Dr. Gendlin emigrated to Israel in 1990 and began work at Kappa Numerics. Dr. Prinz said Russian academe and industry kept up magnetic memory research long after the U.S., and in fact much of the world’s expertise came from there. The guy is now the president of atomchip. some excerpt from the article follows. you need to make your own judgement though, or better, everything will be clear by Jan/06 CES show, won’t it?
“Nevertheless, U.S. patent numbers 5,673,220 (issued Sept. 1997), 5,602,791 (issued Feb. 1997) and 5,390,142 (issued May 1995)–all three entitled “Memory Material and Method for its Manufacture”–list Shimon Gendlin of Jerusalem, Israel, as their inventor and Kappa Numerics of Guiderland, and New York, N.Y., as their holding “agents.” (It should be noted that all three are accessible on the Web server that IBM maintains.) From his testimony and a glimpse of the injunction paperwork, Dr. Gendlin was not in Kappa’s employ when any of the patents were issued, but perhaps when they were filed.
Once he demonstrated the 128MB device, Dr. Gendlin discussed the far-reaching implications like 200GB diskless hard drives, 128MB of non-volatile memory embedded in logic processors, and super-resolution holographs that can be focused off this material.”
… that some poor old fart that thinks he knows a little bit about computers will invest his retirement money in this load of crap.
That’s obviously the goal of this little web site.
A bunch of people in bunny suits, standing around a whiteboard, below an air conditioner, with plastic lawn furnature to boot:
Look at System Properties screenshot. It’s text “6,80 Ghz, 1.00” is on a slightly lighter gray background than other text.
If you have an LCD screen, try viewing it from different angle, it’s hard to see, but it exsists. Actually, you can see box shape as it was cut&pasted from paintbrush (I suppose)
For people who can’t see it, I played with curves in Photoshop so the difference is more visible. Look at it here:
Hard JPEG compression causes artifacts around text, but lighter background box is visible looking not too close to the screen.
God, i made much better fakes with paintbrush when I was 12! At least, I managed to matched background colors perfectly.
Look at System Properties screenshot. It’s text “6,80 Ghz, 1.00” is on a slightly lighter gray background than other text.
If you have an LCD screen, try viewing it from different angle, it’s hard to see, but it exsists. Actually, you can see box shape as it was cut&pasted from paintbrush (I suppose)
For people who can’t see it, I played with curves in Photoshop so the difference is more visible. Look at it here:
Hard JPEG compression causes artifacts around text, but lighter background box is visible looking not too close to the screen.
God, i made much better fakes with paintbrush when I was 12! At least, I managed to match background colors perfectly.
Yup, clear and obvious ! The processor speed given @ 6,80GHz shows that the ‘6,80G’ string is a fake, and the whole string just below too
Toooooo saaaaad they had to trick things this way to make profit on their stock exchange price, hopefully increased by this ‘unbelievable’ news.
Obviously a hoax, if not for all the other technical reasons at least because they would allegedly have a multi-billion dollar product and can’t afford to hire a web designer.
Check out their keywords meta tag: I love it:
<META NAME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=” Science & Technology News Your Keyword 3 Your Keyword 4 Your Keyword 5 Your Keyword 6 Your Keyword 7 Your Keyword 8 Your Keyword 9 Your Keyword 10 Your Keyword 11 Your Keyword 12 Your Keyword 13 Your Keyword 14 Your Keyword 15 Your Keyword 16 Your Keyword 17 Your Keyword 18 Your Keyword 19 Your Keyword 20″>
Is there any FreeBSD support for the new Hardware jet? =)
A patent was granted.…
Also there’s another “ultra-portable” notebook for next CES.…
This sounds like some radical change from today’s hardware. Unbelievable? maybe. But how many people in this world actually understand “Theory of Relativity”?
If it turns out to be a real thing, all the chip firms will have a big trouble. Who knows?
Given a patent for the wheel was granted in Australia [1], I wouldn’t exactly say that a patent validates an invention automatically. I’d rather doubt and wait for a independant confirmation that prove their claims than being a fish and being deceived.
patents only say you are rich.
there’re even patents lying around for perpetual motion machines, try to buy that!
I’ve seen several revisions of the system in various stages of development but was unable to say anything due to a NDA. The latest revision (close to the one to be shown at CES) had almost all of the bugs worked out of it.
The system is x86 compatible, but only 32-bit. They had some secret help from Microsoft to tweak Windows so it will work. They’re currently working on a custom BSD based kernel to support the primary OS. I’ve heard the marketing reps say they’re counting on people to write new software compatible with the system. They’re figuring that since this machine is such a breakthrough that the rest of the tech world will jump on board.
No final word on pricing, but it won’t be cheap. It’s obviously not aimed at home users and they’re hoping that industires that need that much power will be willing to pay for it.
A gaming version of the system is due out in the third quarter of next year.
To have an NDA, would imply having a lawyer. This website cant even afford a graphic designer
Sure. Even your post sounds fictional to me. Maybe they have been secretly working with SCO to take over the computing world too? If it was remotely true then presenting the world with all these amazing goodies at once is a big mistake. Kind of like Intel releasing a 1000Mhz CPU in 1994 just because they can. This company is lineing itself up to be copied and forgotten except for maybe showing in some court notices trying to sue IBM etc. Hahaha sure.
The article is lame/funny you are just lame. Give it a rest.
Did you just say that it wasn’t aimed at consumers and then IMMEDIATLY say that a gaming version was due out next year? And to restate what someone mentioned earlier, if you are aiming this technology at companies/governments, why the heck put it into a laptop?
Just made my day.
i don’t know for sure, but i don’t think microsoft approves of this, and i think it may even be ‘illegal’ based on terms of use for windows xp
‘System Compliance: Two Operating Systems with Voice Command (Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional and Linux’
hopefully, based on all our feedback this guy will be able to put up a more convincing website
I go out of my way to submit stories from actual reputable news sources (eg. BBC) only to find that they’re ignored in favour of ‘opinial’ (sic) pieces (aka. rants linked from blogs), lkml posts about features that may be in a Linux kernel that may or may not arrive in about a month, and now hoaxes reported as fact. What gives ?
Not that this story isn’t a good laugh though. Any site that can pass off common audio jacks ( ) as high-tech equipment is alright by me 🙂
For those of you still unsure if this is a hoax, here’s what a 5 second google search turned up :
– An *actual* university lab performing experiments into ‘atomic chips’, using quantum effects and light (don’t get it myself – never was any good at physics.) ; Introduction to the atom chip :
– more evidence of fakery : (scroll down to ‘Not quite up to John Titor standard’ )
Wow, man, that Ram they show there is *THE EXACT PINCOUNT* of the ram in laptop! Isn’t that amazing when new technology decideds to use the same layout of the old stuff? I mean, I love how my P4 fits into the same socket of my Pentium Pro….
…Yeah, thought so. I wonder if these guys are related to the ones behind CherryOS? Atleast CherryOS was believeable (on the surface). They knew how to steal Open Source projects, and write nice VB code. These guys need to google for photoshop tutorials.
P.S. To the guys doing this, I’m do part time consulting in believeable hoazes like this. I’m good at photoshop, and I’m a former physics major, so I know enough to know wha most people won’t pick up. Enough to trick investors, atleast. If ou ar interested, join #atomchip on, and we’ll talk.
This is just total Busibodi talk.
its 1.7Ghzx4 <> 6.8Ghz. With Windows? Comon!
Optical Connections? Usless.
OK… Alright Suppose that The two metal tubes ARE optical pipes. Where THEY GOING TO GO? To the Video? Woudlnt you WANT THEM TO GO FROM PROCESSOR TO RAM?
Oh… this machine doesnt work that way…its uses Histeronics and Dew-Wakka-Dew. Who is the idiot that thinks that If he patened it, that he WOUDLNT PROVIDE A STRUCTURE DIAGRAM?
( This is the perfect exucse to tout the Image Magnifcation properties of FireFox TYVM! )
Mr Wiley E Coyote Super Genius.
Not that I believe the claims on the site, but the picture wasn’t pointing at the two metal tubes, it was pointing at a thin black wire looking deal that ran across the metal tubes.
Clearly the metal tubes are a heatpipe connecting to an auxillary heatsink.
i really with this was realy. but its a shame it is most likely a pile of crap…..
Regardless of whether or not European countries use commas where the United States uses periods, isn’t it odd that the processor speed is given with a comma, while the memory is given with a period?
And yes, I can see the slight discoloration of the Atomchip logo on my monitor. If it was more pronounced I’d believe it. If it was less pronounced I’d also be more likely to believe it. As it is…
If only open source eyeballs would be that sharp with the code we would find all the bugs in no time and have the best OS in the world!
1)I never knew you could format your RAM as an NTFS harddisk.
2)How does the sticker “designed for Windows XP” come on a product that is not released and not tested by WHQL.
3)”AtomChip® Quantum® II processor
6.8GHz with 256MB on-board memory.”What does this mean exactly? A CPU does not registers in bits but in MegaBytes?? (this is hilarious)
4)”Temperature Operating: -50+125Cº ” This is awesome or in other words hilarious. We all know the maximum temperature for our CPUs is 85ºC. Even if this is a next gen PC it cant just survive at 125ºC.
This all implies all of this is a crap.
This is a good example of what not to do with Photoshop. Seriously, looking at it, I realized that while they get n A for effort, they get a C in Photoshop. View the this [1] in a webbrowser, on a laptop with a decent LCD. Tilt it back anf forth, looking at the processor speed, and ram. Do you see it? Yup, a characteristic box where someone deleted the existing specs, and replaced it with a *closely* matching color. I believe they then opened the picture in paint, and saved it as a jpg, so as to get the low quality look. Pretty simple, and it fools anyone who doesn’t know what to look for. However, if they’d been smart, they would have used the clone tool, so it alteast semi-matched the background. Doing that, and a little smudging, and they would have had a *much* more believeable pic. Sorry, I consider myself a Photoshop snob. *Shrugs* I wish hoax website creators would take a few night classes in photo manipulation, or something. *sigh*
P.S. If I get bored tommarrow, I’ll post a link to a picture that I photoshop claiming a speed of 3.14THz, and -1^(1/2)ExoBytes of HD space. Or Maybe, I’ll do a ’42’ theme. I dunno.
its not 6,8Ghz, it should be 6.8Ghz
Domain Name:
created on………..Sun, Aug 25, 2002
Expires on………..Fri, Aug 25, 2006
Admin Contact:
Shimon Gendlin
21 Reed Lane
Westbury, NY 11590
and here is a quick blurb about him notice the date.
Electronic News Electronic News; 10/27/1997; Morrison, Gale
New York–A Russian emigre scientist brought a 128MB magnetic memory device to Electronic News’ editorial office here last week, demonstrated the leapfrogging non-volatile memory storing files via his Toshiba laptop, and with his interpreter described the billion-dollar possibilities from this and other prototypes he has developed.…
The complete article is at:…
Some quotes:
Strangely, U.S. researches into magnetic memory have never heard of Shimon Gendlin, or Kappa Numerics, the Israeli R&D house for whom he worked. But, the fact that he, using technology that Kappa claims it owns, fabricated a 128MB non-volatile part and is ready to sell these and more in OEM quantities for about $1,000 per Gigabyte drew near-gasps and several incredulous statements.
The president of flash memory lead player SanDisk was aghast, and skeptical. Eli Harari likened this to “someone telling you he can fly at one and a half times the speed of light.” Dr. Daughton said, “God, I’d be surprised . . . That sounds about five years ahead of where anybody is right now.”
More? Here you go…
“Here again, Dr. Gendlin’s testimony takes another turn. He said Kappa Numerics sells its work exclusively to Intel.
In fact, Dr. Gendlin told EN, that not only was he the researcher behind Intel’s new “StrataFlash” two-bit per cell memories because he worked on that at Kappa, but that in 1993 he showed Intel worldwide manufacturing VP Mike Splinter his work on Quantum and “Intel wanted it.”
Through a spokesman, Intel Israel head of operations Dov Froman said he had not heard of Kappa Numerics and Mr. Splinter said Intel has “no relationship” with the company. Beyond that, the spokesman said, Intel did not “see the value in getting involved” with Dr. Gendlin’s testimony.”
Sounds rather doubious I must say…
…..he runs an OEM version of Windows XP which means it was bought off a place like TigerDirect etc. and it is NOT an altered copy of Windows XP nor does it have a Physical Address Extension.
Just for general education
That’s how commas/periods are used in Germany:
5000 = 5.000
5/1000 = 0,005
Just for general education
That’s how commas/periods are used in Germany:
5000 = 5.000 (you don’t have to write a period but you may in order to increase readability)
5/1000 = 0,005
I just clicked the submit button *one* time!
Does osnews have some sort of auto-submit after a certain time? Feel free to delete the second version of ‘commas in Germany’ 😉
I really hope this time you will only see one version of this post
In the article I linked to a litte further up, I just saw this little nugget:
“The applications in display, of which he says he has prototypes, could mean notebook flat panels with 240,000 pixels per square millimeter and, even wilder, holographic, 3-D images created by bouncing polarized light off the material.”
240,000 pixels per square millimeter?
Wow…I gotta have that *g*
(By the way that was in 1997…where is my 12443 dpi Display I ask?)
Where is that really hard evidence, benchmark results?
I needed to call this “bullshit”.
It’s quite funny how many people are trying to give serious explanations why this is a hoax.
It is so damn obvious that it hurts.
But their website is funny to read, someone got lots of free time
This is teh most Supersonic Elektronik Atomic Chip of The W0rlD!!! Long live, Atomic Chip!!!
Read the whole description. These people obveously have no clue, at all, what they are talking about. This seriously reaks of “person trying to look smart without actually knowing anything”.
Strongbad: Hey, he fixed it! That Bubs is a computer genius man. Let’s do a dance for the computer genius man!
Just because it’s called ‘Quantum’ doesn’t imply a quantum computer (using quibits). Like like a notebook with 4 conventional Intel CPUs + a holographic memory.
Could be legit, but I’ll delay judgement until I see one or a review from a reputable source.
All you have to do is observe one tiny detail the part of the label on one of the memory chips where it says Quantum with the little TM. Last time i checked Maxtor owns the Quantum Trademark due to the purchase of Quantum the disk manufacturer.
As said on the previous page of comments, this is quite obviously a hoax, the website’s rubbish, there are no real figures or examples of it working and even the pictures look faked.
What gets me though is some of the comments about the technical side of things.
The Hard-drive is stated at 1TB, according to Microsoft FAT32 supports up to 8TB:;EN-US;q314463
The image says it’s formatted at NTFS though, so what’s the point in arguing about FAT32? NTFS incidently can support over 1TB too, 2TB according to these people:
The 3-pin memory… it’s not 3 pin, it’s optical, hence the lens at the end of the jack, like a SoundBlaster/MiniDisc optical lead. The pins are to provide power to the unit.
Anyway, these points are moot, the claims are obviously a pile of bull.
That goes especially for Thom Holwerda for posting this spoof. Could you not read between lines at the subtle humour the creators have poked at you? They are killing themselves laughing that any reputable news org has picked up their story. I was expecting the likes of CNN to be duped on this one….but it readily appears you are even dumber than they are.
Well done sir!
or maybe he thought you needed a laugh? Personally I think it’s fun watching people peel apart each and every claim.
umm . . .first the lens seems to be mounted in the wrong direction(talk about 100% data loss!)
Second, The chip may perform faster . . . but it still uses metal based electionics to communicate with the outside, effectively halting any performance gains.
This looks like a hoax to me. . .even the screenshot is blurry.
Look at the pictures – a regular stereo jack is used to housa a revolutionary RAM ??? This is just a big joke – not to mention that optical quantium computing could only be spossible in near zero kelvin environments. hahaha:)
But hey – the got traffic to their web site
just link to to the slashdot news database.
thats all you do anyway
Well Its hard to believe theres 1Tb of ram on the computer windows can support a 2Tb partition. I’ve seen such partitions personally. Still You cant deny that they have a registerd booth at CES time will only tell if they actually have something to show
You people keep talking about this
Saying that the image is a different color than the box WELL DUH!!!! I can make a logo BLACK and put it in that box you just have to locate the orriginal img file and exchange it with your logo!!!! Some computers say DELL some say HP All that is very easily changed so what if the guy who made it didnt match the grey in the window THAT MEANS NOTHING!!!!!! Its just a jpg file reference its not pasted in there like you guys say!
Well, it’s more than likely a hoax, but what I wonder is what they’ll be showing at CES? Also, what is the patent for anyways? I’d like to see what they’re going to display, or if they’re just making the hoax more sweet than it is. Maybe they have something that could prove some concepts of something like this, even if it isn’t to those specifications. I mean, the idea is sort of neat… remove the hard drive, change how and what it’s written to, and so on. Even if it can’t be done at this point, it’s a neat idea.
The pictures are fun too sort of.
If you think the pictures are fun, check out their demonstration video of their revolutionary solar chip:
We should ask for a laptop to review.