The OpenBSD project is currently having what is called a “Hackathon”, that is, as many coders as possible, get together for a little more than a week and hack, drink beer, hang around etc. This year, it all happens in Theo deRaadt’s hometown, in Calgary, Canada. The slogan of this hackathon is: “Shut up and hack!” Check out pictures of the event, and see the (always growing) number of CVS commits here. The event is terminating late next week.
I take it this is to find/fix bugs/security flaws…
This is why OpenBSD is the most secure OS and on of the most pleasant Unix operating systems to work on.
Counting from mailing list post from OpenBSD and NetBSD flamewar, I’m guessing Theo picked the slogan.
Sorry i couldnt leave it at that
I mean just look at them
with their cool OpenSSH shirts and stuff LOL
What’s wrong with the shirts? The presentation is what’s disgusting!
I used to wear an OpenBSD shirt at meetings to parody the network guys, who had a bunch of free shirts from various vendors. They spent millions on stuff that didn’t work, and I crafted solutions that did work, often times using free software like OpenBSD. I was probably one of three people who got the irony, which is sad. But it’s funny too.
Calgary is the best city on earth, and the best place for a hack a thon
Calgary is the best city on earth, and the best place for a hack a thon
Translated, that means “it’s too cold to go outside, and all the pretty girls left town.”