Nokia released today a number of updated development PDFs on their ‘S60 3rd Edition’ platform on top of Symbian OS v9.1: “S60 2nd/3rd Edition: Differences In Features“, “Introduction To The S60 Scalable UI“, “S60 Platform: Scalable UI Support“, “S60 Platform: Source And Binary Compatibility“, “S60 Platform: Avkon UI Resources“. Nokia also released a new web browser based on KHTML. Except the innovative zoomable interface, the browser also supports pop-up blocking, visual history, find-as-you-type, integrated RSS support, DHTML with AJAX support and Netscape-style plug-ins for Flash Lite, SVG-tiny and audio. The new web browser (check the flash demo) is available to all new Nokia phones using the ‘S60 3rd Edition’, like the impressive and newly announced N80.
Could I use that browser on my desktop ? Reminds me of konq-e
No. It’s for Symbian. The closest you can get for visual history is Omniweb for the Mac.
That browser is actually based on Webkit (of Apple’s Safari fame), that was based on KHTML originally. Credit where its due.
This is not entirely true. Nokia did use newer Konqueror components too, not just the WebKit.
“This is not entirely true. Nokia did use newer Konqueror components too, not just the WebKit. ”
Yes as you said it is based on Webkit and used some newer Konqueror components, so i think it would be nice to mention it in the news that Nokia browser is based on Webkit too. In your news we can read
“Nokia also released a new web browser based on KHTML.”
Which is not true isn’t it?
Which is not true isn’t it?
Alls I knows is that ain’t not bad!
And webcore IS based on KHTML…so? Although Apple states it, the “innovation” doesn’t come from Cupertino this time.
The battle is heating up! Go SVG!
As always the battle will be won by the part that will put on the “market” the better development tool…I mean, the better dev tool for lazy developers.
So, although I would like too to see SVG win, I think Flash will be the winner (moreover it has already got a strong brand name).
True, the only decent svgt development tools (with animation) I know of are Ikivo Animator (, and beatware mobile designer.
Hopefully better tools are coming though.
“And webcore IS based on KHTML…so? Although Apple states it, the “innovation” doesn’t come from Cupertino this time.”
You can not read or what? I know that….
Webkit is certainly based on KHTML, but Webcore is also more than a HTML or javascript engine.
WebKit is an application framework which allow third party developers to include much of Safari’s functionality in their own products with very little work. Thats the key…..which for sure has a lot to do with the Nokia choice to use it for their product.
WebKit includes two lower-level frameworks: WebCore, an HTML parser and renderer based on KHTML, and JavaScriptCore, a JavaScript engine based on KJS.
Also dont remember one thing, Webkit was based on KHTML, yes, but it evolved very much since Apple began to use KHTML, and now Webkit has in the other way gave a lot to KHTML and KHTML got a lot of work done by Apple.
It is not the question of which one is based on the other one, but rather of how both have evolved to contribute to the evolution of each other. And many people seem to forget that the work done on Webkit brings a lot to KHTML, thats not only the way KHTML→Webkit but also Webkit→KHTML. And again it fair to mention that Nokia use Webkit, because Nokia itself says so, they would not if they would only use KHTML, and again Webkit being a powerful framework to develop web based apps, i think that Nokia use it beacause of that.
Its a matter of saying the things correctly, not of talking about which one is the best or whatever….