The first commercial Apple Macintosh computers running on Intel processors may be released a bit earlier than expected, believes UBS Investment Research analyst Ben Reitzes. He claims that Apple will have new products and content to announced at the Macworld Expo scheduled for early January and notes that Intel is expected to unveil its dual-core Yonah processor for mobiles also early next year.
The sooner the better. I am darn interested in seeing the options I have when the Macs get launched finally so I can supplement my existing Windows XP setup.
Why was this voted down?
I have been holding off buying a Mac Mini just for this single reason.. I want a mac mini with Intel Processor.. and hopefully with enough graphics power to support core image..
Perfectly reasonable comments. Why is this one and the one above it marked down? This is what he wants, why he’s been holding off. I mean, not very thought provoking, but not stupid or insulting.
Yup, as I wrote in my blog a month ago, it makes sense. We will have Intel Macs by Macworld, this coming January.
The big issue with them releasing Intel based Macs in January is that they really need to have some 3rd Party software ready at the same time.
<em>Yup, as I wrote in my blog a month ago, it makes sense.</em>
who cares about your blog, how many times do you want repeat this. thousands of people have blogged about macs and thousands have been accurate, you don’t see them publishing “you see, you see, i’m right” at every opportunity. Give it a break already.
I can’t wait for my tri-boot OSX – Windows – Suse powerbook 😀
This looks like a fine setup (as log as it has enough storage) – I want a intel-mac too
This was voted down too?
Who’s doing this?
Today there’s been more people voting down legit comments than normal and then voting up troll posts, the same happened just minutes ago in the KDE article that’s up two from this one on the main page.
I really hope whoever maintains the site does something to fix this, I strongly believe that some people have multiple accounts and are using those to abuse the voting system.
Well if this is the case then the manufacturing of these systems should be happening now. I doubt those involved in making the new intel macs can keep quiet on it.
>>I doubt those involved in making the new intel macs can keep quiet on it.
Those involved in making the Mac mini, the new iMac and the iPod nano managed to kee quiet about it.
hopefully now that ppc is out from under the grip of apple it will take off… unfortunatly this also means the one real reason i wanted a mac no longer exhists.
who in their right mind would WANT an intel based mac? go buy a dell…
>>who in their right mind would WANT an intel based mac? go buy a dell…
Compare this
to this
Any questions?
Yeah. Where’s TV-Out on miniMac?
>>Yeah. Where’s TV-Out on miniMac?
Why do people keep harping on this? The Mac mini has DVI out! Don’t most high-end TVs have DVI in? Don’t DVI to S-Video adapters exist? What exactly are you bitching about when you ask for TV-out? Analog RCA outputs? It’s 2005. Join us.
Here, I found this in two seconds using Google. Anybody who wants to connect their Mac mini to their TV can spend a whopping $19 and then shut the f–k up.…
You have to ask: how much, what spec?
I believe I already answered this.
>>who in their right mind would WANT an intel based mac? go buy a dell…
Compare this
to this
Any questions?
– Yes, her hands ARE Prettier.
yes, How much is the monitor included in the Dell?
And I prefer this dell:…
Sorry for my bad English.
Now that PowerPC is out from “under the grip of Apple”, it’ll go back to exactly where it was before. You’ll see them in the embedded space (including consoles), and in IBM’s POWER-based servers. Without Apple, there is no longer a market for PowerPC on the desktop.
“Without Apple, there is no longer a market for PowerPC on the desktop.”
Yet another perfectly reasonable comment marked down to -3. He may be wrong, but there is nothing deserving down rating in what he says.
And in fact, the evidence is in his favour. There are lots of linux distros that run well on PPC. If the demand is there, why is no-one making PPC machines at competitive prices? If they can, that is. If you look at the total costs of doing it, main boards, supporting the cards and so on, I suspect they cannot do it.
This is why he is probably right: PPC will retreat to the embedded market. But, you could always do a startup, and really prove him wrong! Money….mouth….
“Yet another perfectly reasonable comment marked down to -3.”
Agreed, this is a real epidemic today.
Those of us that care about our average ratings might want to start posting anonymously until the site admin(s) does something about this.
Is anyone interested in complaning en masse to whoever is in charge here until this problem gets fixed. So far there has been no word from anyone that’s staff here as to whether this problem is being addressed? I’ve already complained once about this kind of thing, I think there needs to be several complaints before someting will get done.
A Mac capable of also booting windows when needed is a dream come true for many people. Yesssssss!
You may be even able to use Windows without dual-booting. Yonah should support hardware virtualization (aka Vanderpool in Intel processors) which should allow you to run Windows inside your Mac OS.
I really want to believe they will be out in January, but the voice in my head is saying don’t get my hopes up. Januaury seems just a bit too soon. My feelings will be neutral until Macworld.
Not until there’s plenty of software. A year is *barely* enough time for the transition.
Apple is almost certainly rolling out prorotypes right now — and I’m sure it runs great — but I’d be very surprised if they actually begin selling any before june, because June is when they TOLD the software devs they’d be delivering.
It will have have been more like about half a year really. That being said, from what I’ve heard most major companies are already mostly done. Some smaller devs may end up having to wait until they have their own IntelliMacs to test on as not everyone can afford a test machine.
With the exclusion of the major players (like Adobe), there are 3rd applications that have already been compiled for both PowerPC and x86. To see this, from OS X 10.4.3, “Get Info” on any application, and then choose “More info”. There, it should list the “Architecture[s]” that the application has been compiled for. Although the majority of my apps state PowerPC, there are a couple (BBEdit, CuberDuck) that show PowerPC, x86.
With the exclusion of the major players (like Adobe), there are 3rd applications that have already been compiled for both PowerPC and x86. To see this, from OS X 10.4.3, “Get Info” on any application, and then choose “More info”. There, it should list the “Architecture[s]” that the application has been compiled for. Although the majority of my apps state PowerPC, there are a couple (BBEdit, CuberDuck) that show PowerPC, x86.
– FileMaker Pro 8, isn’t ready yet.
Just PowerPC.
You can buy a small adapter for the mini’s DVI port to get TV-Out. I intend to make a mini into a gaming station later on via this.
so small slow an not upgradable is in now huh??
i cant wait for the intel macs to come out cuz then im sure there will be a ton of peeple wanting to offload there ppc mac stuff for dirt cheep.
The Mac mini and iBook make the most sense for the early release. For most of the consumer uses targeted by them, they use Apple’s own software(iTunes, Safari, iPhoto, etc), which are either native, or will be native by launch, and don’t really have to worry about big applications being ready.
Will be a 64bit dual core x86 Mac (possibly multiple dual core CPUs) with shared L2 cache and the latest Instruction set trimmings booting Windows and OSX. As soon as a Conroe or Morem based mac is available and I have the cash I’m making my purchase.
why release in early jan. after the xmas season? the first quarter of the year is a bad time to release expensive new products. make it the second quarter of the year after people have paid off their xmas bills.
On the other hand, it could be a good “testing” period…see how things go with the early adopters.
“I can’t wait for my tri-boot OSX – Windows – Suse powerbook :-D”
I don’t need “bluescreen” on my future “Apple iBook Intel Inside” (my heart cries blood!!! T_T) and if I’ll need *nix/X11 I’ll install X11 for Mac OS X. I don’t need Windows or Linux and I’ll not need these in future.
Do you need a personal computer? Buy a Mac and use Mac OS X.
Do you need a game machine? Buy a console.
Do you need a personal computer? Buy a Mac and use Mac OS X.
Do you need a game machine? Buy a console.
Do you want loads of (free)(yet legal) games? Live with Windows.
Buy AAPL, nothing but upside with all the products coming out next year. The “switchers” will flock to x86 Apple products, since dual booting to Windows is an option when needed.
Yes dummy, the computing world is just waiting for a new overpriced x86 OEM to flock to.
Go right ahead and load up on AAPL, it has reached its peak on the iPod growth and is starting to fall back to a reasonable valuation. The smart people who rode the stock up on the iPod growth need someone to sell to.
The demons of redmond are waiting for this moment,
for the moment Apple comes to x86,
so they can market their software,
on yet another platform
“Fresh souls” one of the demons will howl to another
“Yes, and some old ones who knew our ways”
Both nod to each other while wiping each other’s ass with a stack of crisp twenties.
“Now they will all fall in line” muses the first
“And they will forget about the penguin”
The two demons chuckle as the first tosses a chair to keep the fires of hell burning.
I’m confused.
Oher than Access and FrontPage what applications that MS makes large dollar amounts from are not already available on the Mac?
Are you suggesting that this is an opportunity for them to sell Windows to run on MacTel machines? I think if people are going to install Windows on their shiny new Intel Macs it will be from disks they already own rather than brand new copies. I won’t even SUGGEST that people might install illicit copies.
Well, they can offer “amnesty” to all those illicit copy users and get $20 for each illegal copy – multiplied by how many illegal copy users out there? – Big Bucks!
Now to mention that MS has site license agreements which now just cover x86 dell, hp, compaq etc hardware. Image if they charged *more* for a site license if the site has x86 macs which could run windows — just a thought
I’m not sure about it, whatever MS promised before. Why would Ms do Office for mac if the user can log into to XP (Vista) and pay for it too?
That’s great news, it’s good to see someone who’s obviously making reasonable time predictions about their upcoming products. And now they may even beat the time they promised, it’s like … anti-vaporware
I can see the newsgroup post now:
Microsoft Windows Defender (formally AntiSpyware), just wiped out my OS X Partition could you help me fix it.
Many thanks
very cool, no reason not to release earily.
…that they will be here for January. But didn’t Intel say that Yonah won’t even be ready until then, at least? So if that is the case, they cannot be building Mactel mini’s with Yonahs… I’ll wait, if this all comes to pass, until April, when I think they will really be released.
But if they come in January, I am selling my dogs and cat and parrots (I’ll keep the wife and kids) and buying one!
” I so badly want to believe…”
What a loser.
Yohah is garbage. If it even makes it out the door next year…
That’s a nice thing to say about someone. I can see commenting about the chip, but don’t attack a person for what they say.
a friend downloaded the os x for x86 via torrent and it works great with his homebrew computer – apple could first introduce osx first through apple certified computers and then give microsoft a run for their money by delivering an os x for all x86 computers after a few years of developement. either way I’m definately going to get a powerbook when they come out
From a developer point of view, launching an Intel Mac Mini six months before the others Macs would be nice : only companies and rich people can afford the $999 Transition Kit. The Mac Mini is the cheapest Mac, many 3rd-party developers could get it, and that would make a nice userbase already – this way everything would be ready and well tested when the *Books are introduced. Would make the Mini buyers feel like guinea pigs though.
Does this mean I’ll be able to pick up a cheap PPC mac now?
What a f-ing joke. And f off and die to all the Intel/Windows scum posting in this thread. And f off and die Jobs you imbecile. Your inability to deal as a grown-up with your chip supplier has killed the best computing platform ever.
So long OS X, it was so good while it lasted.
better take your pills, you are acting strange again. Do you hear the voices again?
I have put off buying a new machine in anticipation of dual booting Windows and OSX on the same box. If Apple releases a x86 laptop with a decent graphics chip at MacWorld in January, they can expect to have my monetary support. It would also be the first Mac I’ve ever purchased …
re: graphics chip. I am with you on that! Is the problem that a lot of the better chips simply run too hot to cram into the mini or a laptop? If that is the case, will they EVER be able to upgrade the graphics without implementing some sort of special cooling?
Thank you for whoever modded down “Anonymous”. Not sure why people feel the need to do more than comment about the presented article or information contained therein.
People, if you disagree with something someone comments on ABOUT THE ARTICLE then voice your opinion. Provide REASONS for your disagreement.
Comments like “That’s stupid!” “Yonah is a joke!” are useless and meaningless. Further, attacking the writer of a comment is neither polite nor necessary, nor is it supported by the rules of this news board.
Sorry for my “rant”. I am probably guilty of this at times as well, but at least I generally recognize it and try to rectify it.