The 5.0.59 version of Linspire was released in March of 2005. A new version 5.0.347 is now available for immediate download. This version does not add any new major functionality, as this is mainly a bug fix release that resolves some problems with the previous release. The Insiders are still beta testing new versions of Linspire that contain new drivers, new features, etc.
Lol !! I kept on wondering for a minute how on earth is 5.0.347 greater than 5.0.59 (0.347 < 0.59).
It was only afterwards I realized that 347 must be some kind of build number which is greater than 59 :-P.
It seems its time to go to bed after long day 🙂
Tejas Kokje
cause it is not decimal math, like you said 0.347 < 0.59, cause if you look, there is no 5.0.347 math number, is:
5 = 5
0 = 0
347 > 59
It’s the one thing about Free-Software/hacker versioning that is counter-intuitive. Unless you’re you’re familiar with it, good luck in understanding it.
I’ve always liked the versioning we use on Unisys our mainframes:
1st full version release: 1R0
1st revision of 1R0: 1R1
1st beta of 1R2: 1R2B1
2nd beta of 1R2: 1R2B2
2nd revision of 1R0: 1R2
3rd revision of 1R0: 1R3
4th revision of 1R0: 1R4
1st local mod to 1R4: 1R4A
2nd local mod to 1R4: 1R4B
2nd full version release: 2R0
1st revision of : 2R1
The OS we’re running is EXEC 47R2A, which is the “A” local modification of standard release 47 Revision 2.
Do you have a R2D2?
Awesome. Minor updates to a crappy commerical linux distro. Some news is new, some is everyday crap.
With previous releases of Linspire, updates were quite frequent. Now it has taken 8 months just for a bug fix release. I badly need a new kernel, new drivers and so on to have my sound and video cards supported, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Oh well, Linspire is just one of *many* dozens of distros I have tried but I don’t normally use.
don’t be so overly negative. linspire might not fit your and mine preferences, but it is a perfect distribution for many. and altough it is priced high, linspire contributes lots of resources back to the community. so show some respect!
i DO agree that it is not really usefull to post info about such a minor update to not-an-even-top-3 distribution, tough.
“i DO agree that it is not really usefull to post info about such a minor update to not-an-even-top-3 distribution, tough.”
This is what is usually called a, “Maintenance Release.”
In my opinion, matters such as this are perfectly fine for mention on OSNews.
While Linspire isn’t my OS of choice, it’s good to see them moving forward.
It is not all that expensive to be honest.
The OS itself is often offered for free download and CNR starts from about $20 a year.
well, if every mantainance release of every distribution as big or bigger as linspire is announced, we’d be unable to read anything here… suse comes with a new development alpha every day, and most other distro’s do similair things.
suse development and code is open, whereas linspire’s is not. only “insiders” get access to more frequent linspire updates. besides, it’s not like they’re reporting an “insider” update, and it’s not as though someone wrote a five page review detailing the differences between the first release and this maintenance release.
a small blurb about a maintenace release to a recognizable distro that hasn’t happened for eight months seems perfectly acceptable to me. They’re not talking about a maintenance release to “tinysofa” os. linspire is actually used by some geeks as a playground os that they can recommend to technically-challenged friends or family. so, it could be useful to some people that don’t actually use the distro on a daily basis to know that they could get an updated version.
if it’s not news to you, or it isn’t important to you, ignore the damn thing. no one is forcing you to read every single thing posted to OSN.
Edited 2005-11-11 15:50
I agree that this should be reported. The news isn’t the update, as it is minor, but that _finally_ an update has been released after so many months. I was starting to wonder, so it is a relief to me that an update has come out. It is also a relief that there are more significant changes in the pipeline being tested by the insiders. ‘Nuff said.
With it’s ~100 employees, Linspire is currently doing localized versions of the OS, while at the same time preparing the enterprise OS for insiders beta release. The enterprise version will be REALLY interesting with it’s very handy and unique management system based around CNR… more about that later this year (hopefully).
Also Linspire is nowadays supporting and co-developing, in addition to gaim,, Nvu, Lsongs, Lphoto, the instant messenger Kopete. Considering Linspires current merge of IM and SIP with it’s phonegaim, it’s not hard to speculate in logic additions to Kopete by Linspire.
On another note Michael Robertson (the man behind Linspire), is preparing a new project for us with his iTunes-like business The project name is Oboe, and it seems MR has managed to hire some really interesting, and young, engineers for it: