“Progression Desktop allows you to transfer files and settings from Windows desktops to Linux desktops in an automated fashion. Desktop “personalities” and data are quickly moved across operating systems and applications to ensure a seamless transition to Linux. Progression Desktop moves critical data, application settings, network shares, desktop settings, directory structures and more in a predictable and repeatable fashion. Migrate Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express to Novell Evolution, KMail, Mozilla or Thunderbird, Microsoft Internet Explorer to Mozilla, Firefox or Konqueror, Microsoft Office to OpenOffice.org and more.”
Well, this is a good way to reduce heavy work to migrate all data and settings from Windows to Linux. But there’s a problem, this should be OpenSource, otherwise people will continue to use Windows…
Just my 2 cents.
The price is low enough to not be an issue, if you aren’t a cheapskate. If you’re so insistent that it needs to be open source, write all the utilities to do what’s done yourself!
An OpenSource implementation of these ideas would be nice, of course, and might be “more successful” for some definitions of “successful”, but I think they’re providing a useful tool for a reasonable price, and wouldn’t be surprised if they turn a nice profit with it.
And that’s just great for them, great for their customers, and great for people who need even more examples of how OpenSource is not ‘anti-competitive’ but instead opens up business opportunities
$10, not too bad. The “regular” $30 is a bit steep, but $10-$20 isn’t too bad at all.
Seems to be a great product, it has quite a range of target applications.
This should really help in desktop migrations, even for home user.
If you have to do this all manually, it takes a lot of time you can spend on more important tasks
I found this awhile ago, http://openmoveover.sourceforge.net/
I think it just about does the same sorta migration.
Did you have a look at the screenshots. It seems to me that all it does is copy files over from predefined user folder in Windows.
This one shows it best:
It’s funny how the Linux crowd have such blinkers. How many times have they complained about how converting to Microsoft applications is a one way street? Notice how Chicken Little they are when it comes to converting from Linux to Windows. It’s just another example of how their crusade to change the world is running into the beach of reality.
I don’t like Microsoft. I hate their historical business practices and the fact that they continue to pull the same stunts with a different dressing. I hate the fact that their applications and API’s don’t follow documented and open standards. I hate the fact that they’re charging monopoly prices when a more realistic retail price is 20% of current prices.
Linux and open source is just as bad, but in different ways, if you want to take a negative line on it. Wndows is just as good as Linux, but in different ways, if you want to take a positive line on it. What really bugs me is how the zealots on both sides troll every second topic into the ground. Why does everything have to become this versus that debate? Fun it may be. Smart it ain’t.
The big difference is that Linux and open source is fun. Windows isn’t…
Sorry couldn’t resist
Just tried it. Although it does work to move settings, from what I gathered in my reading the program would migrate contacts and email from Outlook and such. It does not do that. All it migrates is SETTINGS, which are the least amount of time to move from one to the other. They mention 7 hours per computer for a manual move. That would be if you have to convert all the outlook mail to Evolution readable format. This transfers your bookmarks, desktop background, email account settings, etc. The mail still needs to be manually converted and moved, as do the contacts and such. If you had hundreds of migrations it MAY be worth the $10, otherwise is a waste of money. So it remains a long drawn out process to convert to Outlook to Evolution. It is quicker using Thunderbird actually, since Thunderbird will convert all the mail from Outlook, but then you still have to export your contacts. This is not the solution it appears to claim.
Hi Eric-
Sorry to hear that you had some problems with Progression Desktop. It indeed is designed to move your outlook mail to Evolution and handle all of the conversion of the data. The same for contacts, calendar entries, and tasks.
We look forward to working with you to ensure that Progression Desktop performs the way you are expecting it to.
Best regards,
Mike Sheffey
It’s been a while since my last disection, so let’s see
what information we can get out of this posting.
Let’s start with the subject material:
“Progression Desktop allows you to transfer files and settings from Windows desktops to Linux desktops in an automated fashion.
Now on to the analysis of this strange posting:
It’s funny how the Linux crowd have such blinkers.
??? Huh? Which Linux “crowd” are you talking about?
What does this have to do with anything?
How many times have they complained about how converting to Microsoft applications is a one way street?
Who is “they”? And yes, when you’re dealing with
proprietary non-fully documenteded formats it _is_
kind of hard to read/write such formats.
By the way, what does converting _to_ Microsoft
applications has to do with converting _from_
Microsoft applications?
Notice how Chicken Little they are when it comes to converting from Linux to Windows.
You still seem to be off-topic. What is this Chicken Little that you are talking about?
It’s just another example of how their crusade to change the world is running into the beach of reality.
Crusade? Interesting choice of inflamatory word
there. What do you mean by the beach of
reality? Do you mean “they” (who “they” are)
are doing so well, that they can relax and
spend a day on the beach and have a good time?
I don’t like Microsoft. I hate their historical business practices and the fact that they continue to pull the same stunts with a different dressing. I hate the fact that their applications and API’s don’t follow documented and open standards. I hate the fact that they’re charging monopoly prices when a more realistic retail price is 20% of current prices.
What does this have to do with the article?
How is it relevant?
Linux and open source is just as bad, but in different ways, if you want to take a negative line on it.
Do you mean open source developers have bad historical
business practices? That they don’t document their
APIs? That they don’t follow _open_ standards?
That they charge monopoly prices? I’m trying
to make sense of the “but in different ways”.
Could you give us some specific examples
that do not involved simple preferences, i.e.,
give us examples that can be quantitatively measured
for performance?
Wndows is just as good as Linux, but in different ways, if you want to take a positive line on it.
Do you mean in the way that they provide their
source code in a permissible license that allows
redistribution or the ability to modify the source
code? Do you mean that they publish their
data formats without restricting developers on
what licenses they may or may not use for their software? Maybe you could again also
give us some specific examples which can be quantitatively measured? You gave some examples
of how Microsoft is bad (although you could have gone
into some details on your examples).
And by the way, what does this have to do with the
topic again?
What really bugs me is how the zealots on both sides troll every second topic into the ground.
What does this have to do with the topic?
What sides are you talking about?
What zealots are you talking about?
Do you _know_ what a zealot is?
Why does everything have to become this versus that debate? Fun it may be. Smart it ain’t.
I think this sentence is the clincher for me
that your trolling. After analyzing your post
this sentence looks like a jab at people who
haven’t analyzed your posting in much detail.
You’re posting looks like a classic evil clown
–Johnny doesn’t like Trolls
In my first post I said the documents were misleading…not entirely true I have learned. The problem mentioned in that post occurred on MY setup, which is unique. I have multiple email profiles set, so in that case scenario it does NOT work. However, if you only have one email profile set in your Outlook, the email WILL get transferred, and flawlessly at that. As well the support is phenomenal, as can be noted by the fact that they replied to my posting here, as well as sent me an email. I can definitely recommend the product, just be aware if you have nmlokre then ONE Outlook profile, there will be a problem with email. All other settings, bookmarks, desktop wallpaper, documents, etc migrated with no issues. Just wanted to correct my post since the issue is related to my setup, and not the product.