“The MirOS Project is proud to announce the immediate release of MirOS XP, consisting of MirOS BSD #8 and the MirPorts Framework. This release is the first in the MIRBSD_8 branch and still highly experimental in some parts, especially ports, but has been throughoutly tested and deemed stable.” You can download this Net/OpenBSD-based operating system here. Note: Don’t mention the war!
Now BSD people can stop complaining about Linux distributions since they have as many BSD “flavors” with many other proprietary bases to boot
I have to disagree if you count up the number of True BSD Flavours there are only really 6:
Darwin (although many will no class this as a BSD)
PC-BSD and DesktopBSD are both 100% compatible with FreeBSD so arent really flavours as they have not diverged from their parent base, and NetBSD-Office is not a Flavour either as it is still compatible with NetBSD.
And proprietary bases? what proprietary bases? FreeBSD is completely open source, as is NetBSD… never looked into OpenBSD so that maybe partially closed / closed source, Darwin is completely Open source, in the end its the developers choices, as is permitted under the BSD license.
You’re really not qualified to talk if you don’t know anything, you realise this, right?
OpenBSD is the completely open source BSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD are completely fine with using binaries that the developers cannot touch – have you been living under a rock then?
DragonFlyBSD’s policy is that binries are acceptable if there is no alternative.
Darwin isn’t under the BSD licence and doesn’t use a BSD kernel, so it really cannot be construed as a BSD.
Mir OS is a disgusting little mess made by some delusional little nutter with no skill, based on OpenBSD, it’s a combination of the mess from ekkoBSD and MicroBSD as well as random other bits from NetBSD. It’s not even worth looking at it’s so screwy.
NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFlyBSD are the 4 BSDs.
Isn’t there any good security ideas for OpenBSD from the ekko/Micro/Mir staff?
Anyone know if OpenBSD is likely to get DragonFly-style light weight kernel threading or Solaris dtrace and ZFS?
>Isn’t there any good security ideas for
>OpenBSD from the ekko/Micro/Mir staff?
EkkoBSD and MicroBSD are dead. MirBSD gets its security from OpenBSD and NetBSD.
>Anyone know if OpenBSD is likely to get
>DragonFly-style light weight kernel threading
>or Solaris dtrace and ZFS?
If you want this, then send unified diffs to the openbsd-tech mailing list. I think you don’t realise how much work this would be; this is not something that can be done by a few developpers in their spare time.
You might try financing the OpenBSD project to get this done, you know… just hire some ZFS and dTrace developpers from Sun and hire Matthew Dillon somehow.. prepare to spend big bucks though…
Nothing comes out of Mir, it is a tiny pinhole of suck that if it had some people really working on it could be called a black hole of suck, but is too small for it.
Nothing from CDDL sources will ever touch OpenBSD’s base – period. You’d need to write BSD licenced code for that. Some day, if DragonFly’s plan works out well, OpenBSD may adopt something similar – right now the biggest thing with OpenBSD is rthreads.
Darwin uses the XNU kernel which is a derivative of Mach which in turn is a Derivative of the BSD kernel
This is such a great product, the MirOS BSD is the best BSD derivate I’ve ever used!
The OS doesn’t have much to offer that the other BSD systems don’t already have, including a reputation. But I guess if it has a use for someone, it isn’t useless.
But I guess if it has a use for someone, it isn’t useless.
George ? Is that you ?
Which is it? Experimental or stable? Sigh..
Well, it’s a stable release, but
there are still some rough edges which
work, but with which I am not content.
(Call me a perfectionist, yeah. Sometimes
I am, sometimes not. We just needed to get
this release out of the doors.)
As for the wording… these people smoking
weed here at 22C3 are probably enriching
the air, thus getting me confused…
Browser: Lynx/2.8.6dev.16-MirOS (compatible; MSIE 6.0; UNIX) libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7g
“As for the wording… these people smoking
weed here at 22C3 are probably enriching
the air, thus getting me confused…”
Marijuana is just nature’s way of saying “Hi(gh)!”
A friend with weed, is a friend indeed.
Just repacking our work in Open/Net and calling it something good…
Even their website is pure crap.
They fully comply with the license. What they do with the code is their own business. They keep tracking the OpenBSD and NetBSD trees, simply providing an alternate distribution that meets their needs and taste.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Forkinga project is not stealing. If you don’t want your project to get forked then don’t release it under a free license!
I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it. Wait, I’ll do the funny walk. ( http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/5958/Fawlty_Towers_Don_t_Mentio… )
Does osnews.com get paid for flame wars? Why mention “Note: Don’t mention the war!” at all?
This site is going down the tubes…
Isn’t it funny? MIR means WORLD,UNIVERSE in rusian and PEACE in bulgarian. Why might someone mention “war” when Mir is such a beautiful word in some languages?!
MIR in russian also means Peace fyi.
In russian it has a very broad meaning, it means World, Earth, Universe, Peace.(it even can be used as an apology).
EDIT: Corrected some typos
Edited 2005-12-30 09:27
MIR means WORLD,UNIVERSE in rusian and PEACE in bulgarian.
It also means PEACE in Russian, besides World.. It is the samee root (Word root)
MIR = Free Software
MIR =/= Windows
Does osnews.com get paid for flame wars? Why mention “Note: Don’t mention the war!” at all?
Check the link in my earlier post to get the reference. It’s instantly recognisable to lovers of fine English humour.
Because Tom Howeldra (sorry if I mispelled) switched on his nuts mode when someone mentioned that the new FreeBSD logo is not appropriate for news items related to other BSDs. The generic logo is more informative and correct.
He disagreed, and instead of saying, well, yeah, my mistake and change the freaking icon, he spent a lot of time flaming people, finally switching to his “screw you, I’m right, but here you go if you insist” mode. Since then, he never forgets to mention the “war”, not realizing that it is him who made such an issue out of a simple remark. He is the type of person who thinks that he cannot do wrong, cannot make even a simple mistake, and is capable of spending 10x more energy on defending his position (no matter how weak it is) instead of just solving the problems or admitting that he made a simple mistake. And as you see, he is still at it, while everyone else forgot about it. I wonder how many times he is going to mention this “war”. Actually, if you think of it, how delusional must someone be to perceive a minor correction a “war” (against him or what? it was a freaking icon for god’s sake).
Damn people, lighten up. It’s a joke, using John Cleese’s Fawlty Towers.
Not my problem Americans can’t appreciate European humour
Q: What does MirOS mean?
A: Mir is an ancient Russian word meaning “peace to others”.
Browser: Mozilla/4.1 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Symbian OS; Series 60;452) Opera 6.20 [en]
“I have to disagree if you count up the number of True BSD Flavours there are only really 6”
6 and rising. We don’t need 6 flavours of an OS anyway. With ports and the capabilities of Unix I believe that BSD should just be distributed with a core and tools to make it easy to customise.
this site used to be cool, to many idiot slashdotters have made thier way over and ruined this site. Digg is better.
I’m watching people slandering the
MirOS Project with interest.
This means they’re not only noticing
us, but also, they’re seeing us as a
threat to them. Their popularity, user
base, or maybe their ego? They have to
admit they were wrong at times when
rejecting patches, maybe.
So long, and thanks for all the slander.
Thorsten Glaser
Head Developer – MirOS Project
Browser: Lynx/2.8.6dev.16-MirOS (compatible; MSIE 6.0; UNIX) libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7g
I’ve been watching with interest off an on since the end of the ekko days. I sincerely hope the MirOS website has a documentation overhaul especially for us English-only types. I have to wonder why the big wiki link at
http://mirbsd.mirsolutions.de/?docs goes to a blank page showing only https://thor.66h.42h.de:444/wiki.cgi? in plain text. “Why MirBSD” (using the “highly deprecated” name) is only in German. Are you and Benny Siegert currently the only active devs?
The About page is kinda buried in the FAQ and still says MirLinux is “due not earlier (but most likely much later) than summer of 2005”
Though I guess it is not really buried because the last 3 points of the 5-point FAQ (“Installation”, “Administration” and “Ports & Packages”) link to nothing:(
Edited 2006-01-03 18:25
The wiki’s MirNews hasn’t been updated for almost a year. Did MirOS start because Theo didn’t “see the point” with your NetBSD wtf(6) acronym translator?
The information you dug out is all correct.
I also hope for an overhaul of the website
but it’s kind of difficult. One part of me
wants to throw the content we already have
away and rewrite it (the design will stay,
though), the other doesn’t want to get rid
of existing information…
Look, we (two, yes) are developers and (in
addition to that) students of unrelated (a
chemistry and a not-so-much-CS) stuff.
We just don’t have an idea how the website
should look like.
The Wiki has been given up long ago, since
basically nobody contributed to it. It has
just not been totally disabled because few
pages are still useful. (On the other hand
it might be better to have no info at hand
than outdated…)
Browser: Lynx/2.8.6dev.16-MirOS (compatible; MSIE 6.0; UNIX) libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7g