After about a year of development, the MATE Desktop team have finally released MATE 1.24. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen. This release contains plenty of new features, bug-fixes, and general improvements.
That’s an impressive list. I prefer Cinnamon and GNOME 3 (after lots of tweaking!) over MATE, but I’m glad MATE exists as a no-nonsense, relatively conservative continuation of GNOME 2.
When I have call for a “Linux Refurbishment”, which usually entails re-tasking old Windows hardware or MS users to an application specific Linux base, I use Linux Mint Mate. It’s such a minimal transition, that I find even users resistant to change can quickly pickup the gist! I realise they are not au fais with Linux, but I find in particular a little Gnome 2 bling mixed with the required functionality gets them across the line. Oddly, even an older distros with Compiz cubes is quite useful as part of a bait and switch strategy, give them their precious!
So I’m not beyond installing and configuring a full desktop to act as the “user lure” when all I really need is the basic command shell!
I’m not brave enough to trial Wayfire yet, any advice would be welcome.
Yes, I know extravagance, it’s Linux heresy!
Nice post visit ->